
joined 1 year ago

hey y'all, i have my bottom surgery consult on tuesday, for metoidioplasty, specifically. at the moment, i'm not interested in pursuing phalloplasty, although i'm not taking it off the table entirely, it's for a later time

the doctor i will be consulting with is dr jonathan keith in new jersey

i wanted to give y'all the opportunity to post any questions you might have about it. i might be able to answer myself, but if not, i will try to ask the doctor as well

for full context, i don't expect to schedule the surgery coming out of this appointment.

  • i am going to ask about the potential of HGH treatment to improve bottom growth, as one clinic in south korea is pursuing (
  • i also plan to ask about options for reduction of the labia majora, because that's a big concern i have with my body, specifically
  • additionally, i will ask about how a theoretical phalloplasty following metoidioplasty would work
  • finally, i will also ask about urethral lengthening without vaginoplasty (my preferred option), although i expect the doc will confirm what the research says about the heightened risk of urethral fistula post surgery. i'm also not sure that it's something i'd want, as i think my typical ejaculation volume would be... inconvenient for sex, to say the least

also on my list, but not strictly about the surgery, is asking about the anatomy of the arterial structures that feed the clitoral cavernosum bodies (i know their penial analogues and can find decent diagrams, but finding the equivalent clitoral diagrams is challenging)

i will write a follow up post with this information, as well as my general experience at the appointment, after it happens on tuesday (probably wed or thurs)

[–] 1 points 5 days ago

i was househunting for a while recently and i felt the same way about sending out viewing requests. i was wondering how many these people were getting from spam to begin with, and now ai generated. it didn't help that the messages were nearly identical despite handwriting them all... i really should have just made a template lmao

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

having a type is not the same thing, the essence of fetishizing is objectifying a body type without the consent or consideration of the person who owns the body

e.g. "it would be a shame to waste those great tits of yours" is a fetishization because it's only taking into account the viewer's perspective, not the owner's. a lot of trans men feel really dysphoric about having breasts and, quite frankly, it is only their business if they get top surgery or not. if they ask for your opinion, you can give it, but it should probably emphasize their happiness anyways because they're the ones who have to live in their body, at the end of the day

basically, as long as you treat the person you're seeing with respect and consideration for their happiness, you don't really need to worry about it

[–] 13 points 1 week ago

ayyy it's about time we got fetishized too (this is a sarcastic comment)

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

not that we should be equivocating meth and adhd meds in the adhd community 😭

but otherwise yea, very good point being made. i didn't realize that was a criteria

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)
[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

you're correct that the term normally used is "drop out". i think this article may be using "stop out" to specifically refer to people who merely did not enroll in a new semester (vs. people who e.g. failed out, or were otherwise forcibly removed from the school), but i wasn't able to conclude this 100% from my reading

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

huh, interesting. i mean that's awful for you and i'm sorry you have to deal with that, but it is interesting there's a place where that's the case

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

i can understand the second part of your statement, but the first part confuses me. are you saying that you'll be harassed more in public for being gender conforming vs e.g. wearing a dress? or do you mean something else?

[–] 0 points 1 month ago (1 children)

cw: targeted towards trans femmes :')


i got top surgery (double mastectomy) like 3.5 years ago now. i stuck to massaging my scars because i didn't actually want to reduce the appearance of my scars (idk why i was worried about this, they're fucking massive LOL). i was more concerned with blood flow / nerve functionality than appearance

however, that was 3.5 years ago and, due to some unrelated scarring (i scar like a mfer (i keloid a lot)), i got recommended to get some silicone tape, so i was like, what the hell, i'll put it on my top scars too

i also got nipple grafts, so i've been putting it on the edges of my nipples as well (i've noticed they're scarred quite badly on the outside)

note that my skin seems to be allergic to the glue in standard adhesives, so i've actually been using silicone gel, just applied topically twice a day, instead of silicone tape / strips (i'm also using a lot, so it would be a lot of tape to put on / take off / clean every day... the gel you just wash off)

it's a really good excuse to be shirtless more often during the day, and the results have been pretty promising thus far, 2 weeks in. my scars already feel a lot softer. i think the gel has also been helping things get cleaned out... my scars have been a little prickly and itchy, which is generally a good sign for that happening. so you might consider it for helping restore your blood flow / nerve functionality as well

also cool that it's still working after this many years... i guess 3.5 years is a lot to some people, but not a lot in the absolute scale of things

just something for y'all to think about. i've heard it does help reduce the appearance of scars, if that's something you want (i think they look badass, so i'm tryina show em off)

for the science of how this works, from what i've found, we can consistently reproduce the effects of softening / reducing scars, but we have no actual idea how it works LOL. so that's kind of interesting

have you gotten top surgery? what kind, and did / do you use silicone for treating the scars? if you haven't gotten top surgery, is this something you'd want to do?

(additional note: i'm not sure how long you need to wait after getting top surgery to apply the silicone tape/gel, but i would check w/ your doc and wait till they're fully healed at the very least)

[–] 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)

i don't know how to embed pictures but hopefully this works ^^; i've been seeing this one around lately and i think it's very funny


when it gets difficult to get gel out of the pump, i was tossing the bottle. but because of laziness, i left an old bottle for a day, and i noticed that it actually can generate enough pressure to pump more testosterone since i had left it alone for that long

so if you keep your low bottles of testosterone gel, you can get one pump out of them per day for longer than you might think they're empty, and extend the lifespan of your testosterone gel for a little while

*dependent on if your testosterone gel bottles work the same as mine

obligatory reminder that gel is just as good as injected :)

[–] 1 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (2 children)

incidentally, this applies for trans men who are straight but play with trans women as well

so really it's a universal thing for trans mascs, not just those of us who are gay or bi

[–] 1 points 5 months ago

yeah. rich. short for eldrich.

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