
joined 1 year ago
[–] 6 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Not disagreeing with your general point, but music production in Linux is not "stuck on LMMS". Reaper runs natively, and there is plenty more.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The headline is inaccurate; what's being referred to is this part of a statement from NaNoWriMo on the use of AI:

We also want to be clear in our belief that the categorical condemnation of Artificial Intelligence has classist and ableist undertones, and that questions around the use of AI tie to questions around privilege (source)

That's plenty bad enough, no need to embellish it.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

It seems to me the term "tech bro" has always had emphasis on the "bro", as in the type of toxic masculinity that made Gamergate blow up. I have always preferred the term "geek" for myself; now doubly so for its gender neutrality.

[–] 27 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Although safety is certainly a legitimate issue, I can almost guarantee that car manufacturers will use that as an excuse to kill this form of competition -- yet another way in which capitalism is dooming our species to extinction.

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

This is an informative chart that definitely contributes to the discussion. Without any clue where it comes from, though, I have no way to gauge its credibility.

[–] 33 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

For people asking what this is about, I didn't look at the NYT because of the paywall, but here's an article that's very similar in tone from NPR.

Although they do state

The dozen Harris statements lacking in context are far less in comparison to 162 misstatements, exaggerations and outright lies that NPR found from Trump’s hour-long news conference Aug. 8.

the following items are really nit-picky. It's laid out as a list of misleading statements, but reading the details of each makes me think "ok, so basically true, then".

[–] -4 points 2 weeks ago

It's kind of a shame that Jonathan Mann got wrapped up in all this NFT grift. Many of his songs are quite catchy, I recommend checking him out on YouTube if you haven't already.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Young people need to get enthusiastic to vote; and Hillary didn't do that for them. Hillary didn't do that for me-- because she's best buds with Jamie Dimon and his ilk, and would only be joining a picket line when hell froze over-- but I still got out and made the only realistic vote against Trump because I'm a grownup.

It's different this time because Democrats are finally being convincing that they're not aligned with the billionaires, and because we've seen what a Trump presidency was actually like now. I think that will get more of the youth vote (with lots of GOTV effort, of course).

[–] 10 points 2 weeks ago

The coroner could rule on whether a death is suspicious or not. Like if a brown person dies in custody, the coroner may or may not chock it up to "natural causes" depending on their political leanings.

This is just wild conjecture on my part -- I don't think I get to vote for coroner locally -- but I could definitely see that happening.

[–] 240 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

... and his past cases need to be reviewed. Is someone serving 10x the usual jail sentence for some infraction because of this judge? Probably.

[–] -2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Did you read the piece? Although they claimed they were chastising him for "hypocrisy", they never pointed out that cross-dressing is, in fact, ok -- and the salacious way they treated it made it clear that the author thought him cross-dressing was scandalous.

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