
joined 1 year ago
[–] 38 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

The cat's out of the bag unfortunately. I can download stable or unstable diffusion on my home PC and make it generate all kinds of stuff. It's open source so you can't really stop that knowledge from spreading.

You can however recognize that the majority of people won't do that, and write rules around software that is delivered as a service or for a fee. That would stop 90% of it.

So while regulating GenAI is possible, it's not full fix. GenAI is kind of still the risk.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

I mean, yes? I'm obviously using VLANs here. I'm not running a separate switch and AP for each network...

[–] 44 points 1 month ago (2 children)

All I want is higher resiliency SD cards. It must be a technology limitation with being unable to fit a good controller in there or something because I would gladly sacrifice speed and capacity for something reliable in a lot of my applications.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

There's a whole documentary on this. Check out American Factory (2019). It goes over the same issues outlined here.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

The distain for people isn't the reason, it's the side effect. The goal is profit, profit above all else. The problem the US (and most everyone) has is it's very hard to put the cat back in the bag.

After WW2 many countries were decemated and people banded together to help each other. This became the basis for social healthcare. They didn't have huge corporate interests to fight against as so much was already dismantled.

The US however came out on top with healthy industry so there was no "start from scratch" point. Because of this any attempt at socializing healthcare comes at the cost of destroying the profits of all the companies that have been built on the back of the current system. Capitalism is built on investment and investors do NOT like losing profits. Therefore maintaining the status quo so that investments remain stable is priority #1.

The sad truth is that things have to get bad, really bad, before people consider a complete reboot. Up until recently it's only been really bad for the poor, now the shrinking middle class is starting to feel it. Eventually it will become to much to bear, but until then there's still more sweet profit in the next quarter.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I have a trusted network, an IoT network (where the CC would go), and a guest network.

I know most people aren't going to have the time or knowledge set up network segmentation, but it's still good practice.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

We'd need a suitably powerful APU upgrade in order to make running a 1080p screen viable. Most of the reason the Steam Deck performs as well as it does is because games are only rendering at 720p.

My wishlist for a Deck V2 would be a

  • Higher res screen (if it makes sense as I mentioned above)
  • Higher refresh with VRR (partially handled by thr OLED 90hz but no VRR)
  • Second USB-C port supporting USB4
  • Fingerprint reader
  • QoL improvements like smaller bezel, modern wireless chipset, etc.

AND a Steam Controller v2 as a companion with the exact same buttons/sticks/touchpads as the Deck.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Love my Bolt. Naturally it was discontinued :)

[–] 6 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I love that THE_PACK memes are leaking into Lemmy. WE MADE IT BOIS!!!

[–] 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

It's a very slippery slope. Clearly land/business owners, race, gender, etc are not the way.

Political fluency? A test to see if you've been following current events and can answer basic questions? The positives would be a more informed pool of electorates, but it would also substantially diminish the amount of voters, exclude those that have grievances but don't have time for politics, and the questions could be manipulated by the current government to exclude voters likely to vote for the opposition.

I also don't know what the answer is. I'm leaning towards this being a symptom of dysfunction rather than something that needs an easy workaround. If we can actually tackle poverty and bring education up people will be much more likely to vote rationally, but I don't know how we get there WITH thr current system we have.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

I'm in the same boat as you. Don't like where Windows is going so I'm going to try to switch before 11 gets forced on me.

I've got Fedora KDE Spin on a mini PC that I am trying to use as a workstation while my main Win10 PC handles gaming. I have a Steam Deck so I know I can do a large majority of my games on Linux, but I'll probably have to figure out a dual boot or virtualized thing of some sort for the titles that don't.

I've got a few years to figure it out before Win10 stops getting security updates.

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