
joined 1 year ago
[–] 6 points 1 day ago

space might not cool it down because the only real way for it to lose the heat would be blackbody radiation. by now it's probably cooled off but without any atmosphere or other materials to cool it off, it probably stayed hot for a while

[–] 2 points 3 days ago

I loved Capaldi. Hes my favorite Doctor. I missed the premier of the Chibnall era so I was just gonna wait until the entire season released so I could binge it, but then I heard the reviews and stopped watching for a few years. I need to return to it now though.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago

I'm unsure personally, but a lot of the blame definitely falls at the feet of Chibnall. I hope that when i watch the newer stuff I'll be more impressed.

[–] 9 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (4 children)

I grew up watching New Who. I never got into Classic Who. Part of it is just that you love the characters and eventually learn to accept that the universe is big and wacky shit happens. The Doctor usually has an idea of whats going on, and that's all you really need. Imo the audience is like an auxiliary companion; we're along for the ride and learning wtf is going on just like whoever's with the Doctor. Our minds can't always comprehend what's going on, but thats okay. We'll figure out a way through and sometimes even save the day ourselves. And at the end of it all we might be a little closer to the Doctor than a normal person, and we can use that to save the world when the Doctor is off saving another one.

ETA: Also the Doctor is a wonderful character. I love everything except the Chibnall era because no one there understood the Doctor. I really really wish we had someone else as the first female doctor because I think it could've been great but instead we got someone who gave more ammunition to the sexists. The Doctor's character has so much depth and mystery and demonstrates an ideal of humanity in the same way Star Trek does. I think one of the best examples of this is in the 50th anniversary special with the Doctor's monologue at the end with the two boxes. I'm paraphrasing, but, "at the end of the day all wars end with what people should've done from the beginning: talk. If people just sat down and talked it out all could be resolved without a single drop of blood. The war you fight will only invite someone to fight another war against you." I'm horribly butchering it but it's a really beautiful speech. It's not a perfect response to all injustice but nothing ever will be. Eventually we just have to stop and move forward if we ever want to see a brighter future.

[–] 3 points 4 days ago

Well they all live at different depths and do occasionally fight/ally when they're at the same depth...

[–] 1 points 5 days ago

I've spoken with a colleague who's more experienced with physical networking (my work is mostly cloud based) and it seems the issue is that i have a dumb switch in-between my server and my managed router/switch so nothing is crossing VLANs properly. We figured this out because I did a packet capture on my network and did two DNS queries, one from my machine on my VPN network to the DNS server and one from the docker container to the DNS server. Both sent the same query except my machine got a response and the container did not. I am a bit skeptical that it's purely a VLAN issue, but this DNS server hasn't had any other issues with other subnets that aren't dealing with VLANs so when you've eliminated the impossible all that remains is the improbable.


So this is an interesting one I can't figure out myself. I have Proxmox on a PowerEdge R730 with 5 NICs (4 + management). The management interface is doing its own thing so don't worry about that. Currently I have all 4 other interfaces bonded and bridged to a single IP. This IP is for my internal network (, VLAN 1). This has been working great. I have no issues with any containers on this network. One of those containers happens to be one of two FreeIPA replicas, the other living in the cloud. I have had no issues using DNS or anything else for FreeIPA from this internal network nor from my cloud network or VPN networks.

Now, I finally have some stuff I want to toss in my DMZ network (, VLAN 5) and so I'll just use my nice R730 to do so, right? Nope! I can get internet, I can even use the DNS server normally, but the second I go near my FreeIPA domains it all falls apart. For instance, I can get the records for example.local just fine, but the second i request ipa.example.local or ds.ipa.example.local, i get EDE 22: No Reachable Authority. This is despite the server that's being requested from being the authority for this zone. I can query the same internal DNS server from either the same internal network or a different network and it works handy dandy, but not from the R730 on another network. I can't even see the NS glue records on my public DNS root server.

I'm honestly not sure why everything except these FreeIPA domains works. Yes, I have the firewall open for it and I have added a trusted_networks ACL to Bind and allowed queries, recursion, and query_cache for this ACL. The fact it only breaks on these FreeIPA subdomains makes me think it's a forwarding issue, but shouldn't it see the NS records and keep going? It can ping all the addresses that might come up from DNS, it's showing the same SOA when I query the root domain, it just refuses to work from my IPA domains. Can someone provide any insight on this please, I'm sick and tired of trying to debug it.

[–] 14 points 1 week ago (3 children)

trauma and ptsd cannot be used interchangeably at all. PTSD is a specific mental condition documented in the DSM-5 and recognized by doctors that have multiple variations and nuances that must be taken into account. Trauma is an overarching term to describe experiences that have had a significant and profound impact on someone's mental state and health. I'm not usually a crazy stickler for word usage but this is just horribly imprecise language. You can have trauma without having PTSD. They are not the same thing and should not be treated as such.

[–] -2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. From the sea to the river, Palestine will live forever.


Basically title. If I make a quick wash isopropyl alcohol (QWISO) solution, would a vacuum extraction have a meaningful effect on the resulting concentrate? I'm doubt it would have a meaningful impact in terms of flavor and terpene content, but I can see it producing an interesting consistency. The only way I could see it affecting flavor would be if the low pressure caused some volatiles to change, but I kinda doubt that. For the vacuum extraction I would probably just put it in a vacuum chamber.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

So I have two sites: my home network and my cloud VPSs. I have setup a FreeIPA domain that I would like to use for all my machines, local and remote. While I wait for Linode/Akamai to add their new VPC feature, I want to create Wireguard tunnels from each VPS to my home network with my UDMP as the router. I tried to set it up through the UI, however I can't ping to/from the server wireguard interface when connected. So I tried to set it up with wg-quick but alas that isn't working either. I have the firewall port for wireguard open with both Internet In and Internet Local. I'm not even trying to get LAN access yet because I can't even ping over the tunnel. This has seriously frustrated me and I need to see if I'm just majorly fucking up or if I'm sane afterall and the UDMP just isn't good for Wireguard.

Server conf:

Address =
ListenPort = 51820
PrivateKey = [server private key]

PublicKey = [client public key]
AllowedIps =

Client conf:

Address =
PrivateKey = [client private key]

PublicKey = [server public key]
Endpoint = [server hostname]:51820
AllowedIPs =

I had PostUp and PostDown rules set, but they didn't seem to make a difference. It seems they're mostly for configuring routing with iptables. Can I please get a sanity check here?

Edit: It was dns. It's always dns. Apparently the UDM Pro doesn't like IPv6 for Wireguard (and supposedly a lot) and the domain name I was using for my home network was double stack. I tested against it's current IP address and when that worked I made a subdomain that was IPv4 only and it's working great now.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

I can understand Linus getting frustrated at people who consistently push him (i e. Lennart) and I agree that there's a reason he's stayed at the helm of kernel maintenance and development all this time; however, that doesn't denigrate that this is an unacceptable way to treat someone which Linus himself acknowledges! If this were about ReiserFS going into the kernel, I would understand that. But a poorly made commit should not be met with this vitriol. I'm not saying there shouldn't be consequences for poor work, but this is not it.

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