
joined 9 months ago

Liest sich ja alles gut und so, aber ein funktionierendes Schienennetz wäre mir im ersten Schritt schon genug. Ich glaube nicht, dass es bei der Bahn an der Technologie scheitert - die Ursachen dafür sehe ich eher auf einer viel fundamentaleren Ebene (Politik, Struktur, Privatisierung, etc.).

Do yourself a favor and do not use the latest tag. Always use the tag for the explicit version you want. Makes things a lot more stable.

You also mentioned that jellyfin prompted you with the installation wizard after the update. It seems like you fixed your problem but for the next time: this is not expected behaviour. A short downtime right after the new container started is normal but afterwards the server should run normally with the same configuration as before.

Regardless, though, my network setup usually consists of Factory Default Settings -> Assign a Static IP -> Configure port-based VLANs. It's not particularly advanced. Most likely I wouldn't even need to use anything other than the web-based management interface.

That's pretty much what I'm doing with my Mikrotik switches too and I never had to touch the cli.

[–] 30 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Never thought I'd agree with Goldman Sachs.

Musk wrote that X "has no choice but to file suit against the perpetrators and collaborators" behind an advertiser boycott on his platform.

So he's going to sue himself then?

If somebody is going to try to blackmail me with advertising, blackmail me with money, go fuck yourself. Go fuck yourself. Is that clear? I hope it is.

Elon Musk, 2023

I guess it was pretty clear. What a clown.

[–] 18 points 2 months ago (2 children)

800 Leute zur Infoveranstaltung eingeladen und nur 50 kommen. Was für ein Armutszeugnis.

[–] 88 points 3 months ago (1 children)

They're saying that the proposed gender change (in the docs) will most likely not be accepted. That's still bullshit, but to insinuate transphobia based on this comment alone goes too far IMHO.

I'm currently having a good experience with MikroTik. I think their products provide a good combination of features and pricing. There are a "CRS317-1G-16S+" and a "CSS326-24G-2S+RM" in my rack and I have my eyes on the "CSS610-8P-2S+IN" as a efficient little POE switch.

I haven't used Ubiquity, so I can't compare these two brands.

For APs I'm currently using TP Link Omada with a selfhosted Omada Controller and for Routing, DNS, Firewall and stuff I use OPNsense.

[–] 0 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Uhhh so I copied the part from their website that tries to answer your question and now my clipboard seems to include an invisible link to some scummy sounding website. So either I have to nuke my smartphone (and another system I tested this on) or this just got a whole lot sketchier.

That organization is FUTO, founded in 2021 by 18-year Silicon Valley veteran, programmer/founder of Yahoo! Games, and WhatsApp seed investor Eron Wolf.

Through a combination of in-house engineering projects, targeted investments, generous grants, and multi-media public education efforts, we will free technology from the control of the few and recreate the spirit of freedom, innovation, and self-reliance that underpinned the American tech industry only a few decades ago.

FUTO is not reliant on any existing tech company or venture capital firm for its funding. We are not expecting quick profits.


[–] 0 points 7 months ago (5 children)

Es ist der absolute Wahnsinn, wie scheiße die Buchung des Deutschlandtickets über die Kanäle der Bahn gemacht ist. Da kann mir auch niemand mehr erzählen, dass die das nicht extra machen.

Neben der allgemeinen Nutzerfeindlichkeit bei der Buchung hatte ich auch schon viel Freude, als ich über die behämmerten Kündigungsfristen (zum 10. des Monats) belehrt wurde, indem ich am 23. ein Ticket kaufte, aber zwei bezahlen musste.

Die beste Lösung, die ich dazu bisher gefunden habe, ist 'ne App namens "mo.pla". Damit hat die Buchung des Deutschlandtickets genau so easy funktioniert wie man es sich vorstellt und es auch bei der Bahn eigentlich Standard sein sollte. Kündigen lässt sich jederzeit bis zum Monatsende, alternativ kann man auch auf Knopfdruck für bis zu drei Monate pausieren. Das Einzige was mir noch fehlt, wäre eine anteilige Bezahlung für bereits angebrochene Monate, aber das wird die Tarifstruktur des Deutschlandtickets wohl nicht hergeben. Ansonsten top!

Warum es dazu allerdings eine Drittanbieter-App braucht, verstehe ich nicht. Es könnte alles so einfach sein.

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