
joined 1 year ago
[–] dgmib@lemmy.world 3 points 5 days ago

We call it the “Mens” category, but for all intents and purposes it is the same as an “open to all genders” category.

Female athletes don’t compete in it because they’re physically not strong enough to even qualify to compete in it at the world level. The gender they identify as or were assigned at birth is irrelevant. There’s no genetic testing requirement to compete at the men’s level.

In almost every sport, the world record performance from a women isn’t even good enough to meet the minimum bar for quality to compete in the men’s competitions at the world level.

Even sports like diving where you’re judged more than measured, the male athletes strength makes it possible for them to do things the female athletes simply can’t.

There was a time when they only was open to all competition, adding a protected women’s only category was to make it fair for women. And then we started calling the open category the men’s category.

We could call it the open category and the low-T category instead, and it would have the exact same participants in each.

[–] dgmib@lemmy.world 1 points 5 days ago

Found the Canadian.

[–] dgmib@lemmy.world 3 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I got a 2400 baud modem and thought it was so cool that I didn’t need to use an acoustic coupler

[–] dgmib@lemmy.world 23 points 6 days ago (2 children)

The fastest a woman has ever run the 100m dash is 10.49 seconds.

The Olympic qualifying time, that all runners needed to beat to even complete in men’s 100m dash this year was 10.00 seconds.

If we didn’t have a women’s division, there couldn’t be women in sports.

[–] dgmib@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago

It depends on the jurisdiction, but in most cases if you have a salaried position with say 3 weeks of PTO but you only take 2 weeks of it. The employer is usually required to pay you over and above your salary for working during your “vacation time”.

If there’s an unlimited PTO policy, they don’t have an obligation to pay you extra for working during vacation time.

[–] dgmib@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago (2 children)

It’s a lie.

By making it “unlimited” they don’t need to pay you out of you don’t use all of PTO days.

If you use it more than they think you’ve earned you get terminated.

Employees end up afraid of taking their PTO days and typically end up taking even less time off than if they knew there was a expectation of 3 weeks or whatever.

[–] dgmib@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago

My favourite thing ever seen in source code was a comment that read “this code is temporary” with developer initials and a date that was at the time about 5 years ago.

Followed by another dated comment from about 3 years later that read “Temporary my ass”


[–] dgmib@lemmy.world 50 points 2 weeks ago (10 children)

Tesla’s biggest issue is Musk.

Tesla held a commanding lead over the other automakers in the self-driving segment a few years ago. Now they’ve all mostly caught up thanks to Musk’s unhinged firings. Tesla lost some of its best talent for no other reason than not wanting to work for an egomaniacal billionaire nut job.

Tesla needs to fire Musk before he runs it into the ground just like he’s done to Twitter.

[–] dgmib@lemmy.world 5 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Genuinely curious, what new features did that updated firmware have that were valuable to you?

[–] dgmib@lemmy.world 3 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

“Green Hydrogen” is made by using electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. There’re no carbon emissions in that process, but to be truly “green” the electricity must come from a carbon free source like wind, solar, nuclear, or hydroelectric.

The process of electricity to hydrogen to compressed hydrogen to fuel cell to electricity is about half as energy efficient as electricity to li ion battery to electricity. As a form of electricity storage green hydrogen is significantly less efficient than batteries.

Green hydrogen only makes sense as a fuel in situations where batteries are not feasible.

And right now making green hydrogen at all does not make sense because if you build a new low carbon source of electricity it will make a larger impact if you use it to displace fossil fuel based electricity generation rather than using it to create green hydrogen.

[–] dgmib@lemmy.world 10 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Hold a gun to someone’s head and they’ll do pretty much anything you say because they believe their life depends on it.

Morman’s preach that your eternal life depends on being part of their group. So for a transgender person who’s been brainwashed by the church, it’s like having a gun to your head. They don’t want to be in a group that hates them, but they’re afraid “god” will kill them of they leave the group.

They live in terror of being excommunicated (kicked out of the church) because they’ve been convinced that is equivalent to death. The amount of power that gives church leaders over the lives of the followers is staggering, and of course ridiculously abused.

[–] dgmib@lemmy.world 8 points 3 weeks ago

Amazing. I heard she also held the record for the youngest person alive at one time.

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