
joined 11 months ago
[–] 38 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Dishwashers and dish sets have complimenting standards. E.g.

Dishwasher rack is set A.

Dishes (plates, bowls, tupperware, etc.) Would advertise as "fitting rack sizes A,B, & D!"

Our system will adopt them!

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I tried dvorak in 2008 and was using it for about 6 months. The thing that really tripped me was the keyboard shortcuts. I was just too used to the QWERTY setup. Did you have to overcome this, and if so, how?

[–] 12 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

Cody basically says it's just a video on climate change (which people are reluctant to watch) but to grab their attention, it's ACTUALLY a video TO Jordan - an idiot's idea of a smart person - about climate change.

I really like how he explains stuff. Looking forward to part 2.

If you don't already know a close crew of friends, I would suggest starting an Empty Nesters In Training group.

Get together once or twice a month or so, makes the transition easier for when your kid graduates HS for college.

And also good luck with the job!

It will be all of these and more, and it will continue to work to kill us slowly. Not a single event, but thousands over years, it has already begun and we're only accelerating it.

Some of us will survive to see the later parts of this century, but it will be a different world than pre-2000.

Heat has already been a killer.

Floods and hurricanes have already wreaked havok.

Water scarcity has caused deaths.

Ecosystems ravaged by humans are past their first stages of collapse.

And it's all getting worse.

We can try our best, but it won't be enough.

I just hope to care for those around me and try to spread good.

To help a starfish.

I feel two ways about click bait and am open to having my mind changed.

  1. Frustrating the info isn't readily available because news should be free for the people, easy to access, and factual.
  2. Good journalism should be supported and takes effort, time, and money.
[–] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I've seen the term tankie thrown around a lot recently. Can you please define it? I'm not quite sure I understand.

[–] 9 points 2 months ago

Yep, and cooking is easier and safer (I don't need to worry about cross contamination)

Being vegan is way cheaper and that's not even accounting for the massive subsidies the meat and dairy industries get, from our taxes.


I'm not like one of those weirdos that just kills for no reason. I shot that dolphin right in its wet brain and I loved it. In fact, my pleasure from doing so was higher than my vegetarian friend's when they ate a whole block of cheese.

Right now, there's $20k being offered for information about me, but I think that's dumb. I tried to go to the FBI with information about a trophy hunter and the local butcher, but the special agent said he wouldn't give me any money for that and they already knew about it. He did offer me a bacon-topped doughnut on the way out though!

Edit, dang this is very different than Reddit's vcj.

[–] 0 points 9 months ago (1 children)