
joined 1 year ago
[–] 65 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Yeah, that's him. I was curious and looked him up a while back. Tay get really open about speaking for economic and social justice. He's more or less always been that way. Chocolate Rain, is, IIRC, a song about the realities and struggles of being black in America.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago

I really like this one. I particularly appreciate how the artist has made the road and grass look wet. It reminds me of a summer evening after an afternoon rain.

[–] 25 points 1 month ago (1 children)

They can collect donations just fine. It was big, huge donors saying "I won't give the democrats one red nickel if Biden doesn't step down" that helped get Biden to concede his candidacy.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago

Is this ceasefire deal in the room with us now?

[–] 20 points 1 month ago (7 children)

Wait, hold up, why is Vance doing two?

[–] 34 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (4 children)





"Yes, hello, there's surely a reasonable, non-magic explanation for how this sword is as spotless as the day everyone buried it under a giant boulder with its wielder in an unmarked hole. It's completely fine for swords to whisper about things forgotten and not yet known." -STATEMENTS DREAMED UP BY THE UTTERLY DERANGED

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

Holy crow. Really understated and underrated article. Thanks for sharing!

[–] 10 points 1 month ago

Not to mention everyone buried under rubble.

[–] 11 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Good point. I think a bigger problem than the customer facing AIs is going to be the internal ones that make shit up. Someone on here claimed to be working somewhere where they gutted their HR department and replaced them almost completely with an LLM that was fed their documents. They claimed the AI had already told them several blatantly illegal things. Any company that does that is just begging to get sued to death, and I'm sure the investors will be reeeeeaaaaal happy with the, what, 1% they saved by killing HR? I mean, HR aren't the good guys here, but just imagine a company being brain dead enough to say "hey, let's get rid of the people that keep us from getting sued to death and replace it with a chatbot lmao".

[–] 18 points 1 month ago (2 children)

It's got to be more than that. This is a little like saying that there are at least two stars in the sky.

[–] 34 points 1 month ago (5 children)

If I was a Cisco investor, I'd be looking to move my money elsewhere. All these companies laying people off, shuttering whole ass teams, and replacing them with non-proprietary and, frankly, unproven LLMs are going to blow their own legs off here pretty soon. I have a feeling that a pretty dramatic change is AI pricing models is coming soon, since all of these companies are providing access to their models for a fraction of the cost to run them, and the VCs are going to want their money back. Is chatGPT good enough at, what is it, 0.004 cents a token? Maybe, I guess, if the ghost of quality control doesn't haunt you at night. Is chatGPT still good enough at 0.1 cents a token or more, or with surge pricing models? I sincerely doubt it. If openAI implements surge pricing, stay on the lookout for articles about some company or user getting a surprise bill for a million dollars, AWS-style. Given the current quality of LLMs, I don't think that the cost shakes out for what you get.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I don't think so. Chat is just gen Zalpha for "you guys" in my experience.


So, what's your experience with weird people? I don't mean socially awkward people, mind, I mean people that might actually be wizards or three aliens in a trench coat kind of weird.

When I lived in the poor part of Tulsa, there were people like this in spades. One old goat had the monicker of "crazy man Stan". Stan had a way of just appearing, almost out of thin air. You never saw him coming, you'd just look over one way, and look back to find Stan there. There was a laundry list of other weird shit Stan was known for that I've since forgotten. One day, he fucked my mom's truck up. She was sitting there, gabbing with a friend, when Stan does his presto-hobo apparition trick, leans in through the driver side window, and forces the turn signal switch back and forth as hard as he can for the few seconds it takes my mom to get over the shock and hit his crazy ass. Every time she hit the turn signal after that, the horn would beep in time with the light coming on. We had our last straw with Stan when a friend and I saw what looked a hell of a lot like Stan actually appearing in the middle of the street out of thin air one night. My mom declared that he must have been in league with the devil. My step dad had been putting up with Stan's antics because it's Oklahoma in the late 90's, what else do you have going on? I don't think he believed that devil stuff, but he was always pretty keen at figuring people out, and I think he reckoned that Stan was the kind of person that had trouble hanging around him like a cloud of flies. and decided he didn't want any.

There was another guy we knew who would scry for random treasures on a map and did aura readings. Besides the claim to psychic abilities (he never referred to them as such, he was the type of Christian that believed he was given gifts due to the manifestation of the holy spirit in his heart), he usually had smart things to say, so he was sort of the shaman of the ghetto. I can't speak for the aura readings, but everyone who ever went out with him on one of his adventures vouched for him finding something interesting. He never did it for money, so it wasn't like it was some kind of scam he was running, at least as far as I could tell.


Around 2010, we lived in some apartments in Newnan, Georgia that used to be an old factory. Most of the other resident we ran into agreed that weird stuff would happen there, like seeing apparitions of people. Very little happened to me, personally, but my wife experienced much more than I did. Some of these experiences include, but aren't limited to:

-She had the front door unlock, open, shut, and lock again all on its own. It happened with so little fanfare that she, at first, assumed that I had walked out until she realized I was in the shower.

-She got a coat hanger thrown at her. We were in bed and she was woken up by the clatter of a coat hanger coming to rest on her side of the bed (concrete floor and metal coat hangers make a fair bit of noise). The hell of it is, the only place we kept coat hangers was in the closet, and the only two ways that it could have made it there from the closet was 1. to go left into the bathroom, make a 90 degree turn, and then forward out of the bathroom OR 2. launch up and over the closet wall and then go forward about ten feet.

-She would feel somebody poking her feet at night time. Of course, nobody was ever there.

A couple of times, we'd hear these loud footsteps go racing across the metal roof. I've had metal roofs before, and I know what it's like when trees drop stuff on them; you can hear the debris rolling and banging down the slope of the roof until it falls off or settles into a depression. This wasn't that. There would be loud, fast thuds that would run across the length of our apartment, across the slope of the roof in a matter of a second or two.

We also had a friend stay there to dog-sit while we were away. He has excellent vision, and told us that he saw an extra dark shadow in the corner of our vaulted ceiling that the dog also honed in on shortly afterwards. When I say dark shadow, I mean that the lighting there was inconsistent with how it was every other day; that corner was never that dark before or after, but for whatever reason had a deep shadow in it for that one of several days my friend was there.

What really sells it for me is that my wife never had any kind of paranormal experience before or since. She's not generally the kind of person who's into this whole scene; she loves a good ghost story as much as anyone, but she's not the type of person who commits much thought to it or sees spirits around every corner.

Anyway, it didn't really seem to build towards anything, it was just kind of a thing that was there and sometimes you happened to notice it (or vice verse, I suppose). A couple of the residents tried to invite one of those ghost shows out, but the property management team caught wind of it and shut that down immediately. Used to be that you could see tenants talking about the haunting on their google reviews, but I just looked and they must have cleaned those up.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Everyone's got a favorite "war story" to bust out when it's story time. What's your go-to?

One of mine is the time I picked up some dude who slammed a brand new bottle of hydrocodone to try and keep from going to jail. They'd just picked up the bottle when he popped the lid off and just downed the whole thing in front of his family, who (rightly) freaked out and drove straight to the nearest fire station. By the time we got there, dude was on the dark side of the moon. We get the story, do an initial, take over bagging, drop 2 of narcan in his nose, load and go. I know this guy, he's going to be a jerk about it, and I don't to allow him the lattitude that he'll have at the scene. So, five minutes pass, IV's in, re-assess to find no change. Shocker. I dump another 2 in the line. Nothing. Well, shit. Re-assess to make sure I didn't miss anything, and opiates are still the best explanation. tl;dr we have a long transport time, so I end up making base contact a couple of times and finally dump the tenth mg of narcan in the line as we roll up to the receiving facility. We get inside, tell the hospital what's going on, transfer him over, and the dude jerks awake. He sits bolt upright, tells the doc "take your hands off me, {bundle of sticks}", grabs the NPA out of his nose, and then slings it into the corner of the room as hard as he can with an almighty "FUCK!"

Everybody piles out of the room and sort of awkwardly stands there, waiting for security to show up. While we were waiting, I remembered it was EMS week, so I asked the nurses if this meant I could have my shirt now. They said no :c


Those of you who left EMS, what are you doing now, and are you happy about your choices?

I left full time paramedicine after 12 years. I've been in software development for a little over a year now, and I still do some part time for shits and giggles. I don't regret my choice, especially seeing how hard the full time folks at my company get ran. It's fun to do this job again now that I'm not dependent on it for finances. I will say, though, programmer stories make a much smaller impact with friends and family.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Welcome to Rag & Bone. This is a community for sharing your paranormal stories. Whether it's real or not isn't of any concern; this is a place for taking a rest from the scrolling and sharing stories.

Mutual respect is expected here around the fire. We're all guests here, and the old ways demand that you treat your guests well. If your story has explicit or upsetting content, tag it so that listeners can choose for themselves if they want to hear it. Abusive behavior will not be tolerated.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

This is a list of government representatives whose job it is to serve the needs of the citizens of Merced. If anyone's missing, feel free to add them in a comment below.

California Assembly: Esmeralda Soria


-District Office Phone: (209) 726-5465

-Contact page:

California Senate: Anna Caballero


-Contact page:

Mayor: Matthew Serratto

-Email Address:

-Email Address:

-Phone: (209) 385-6210

City Council:

The city has a nifty tool on their website for finding out which district you live in.


-Schedule: Council meetings are held the first and third monday of each month at 6 pm in the council chamber in the second floor of the civic center.

-Meeting videos:


-Participation Instructions:

US House of Representatives: John Duarte



US Senate:

-Alex Padilla:



--Phone: (202) 224-3553

-Laphonza Butler:



--Phone: (202) 224-3841


Welcome to c/Merced, a Lemmy community for and about Merced, California. Feel free to share your thoughts on the community, ask questions, talk about upcoming events, organize events, and so on.

This is a community based on mutual respect and good faith discussion. Abusive behavior will not be tolerated.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Welcome to c/EMS, Lemmy's community for EMS providers by EMS providers. Most topics are permitted here, though this might get adjusted according to the kind of traffic we get. This is a space for:

-sharing industry-related news

-professional discussion and development

-sharing memes (allowed 24/7)

-getting professional feedback

and more.

Some quick and dirty rules: Don't share any PHI, just don't. Use good judgment. Let's build a community based on mutual respect and good faith discussion.

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