
joined 1 year ago
[–] 36 points 22 hours ago (3 children)

You guys have cubicles? I thought we’ve done away with that and mandated all offices to be deprived of walls and dividers since the 2010s in favor of open office floor plans? Someone get the office manager on the line.

[–] -2 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Lemmy is bad with money, economics and business, also anti corporate/work, so anything positive towards corporate tends to be slammed with ignorance. I try my best to just ignore those replies / votes and move on.

[–] 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

What’s that joke? Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that?

Same idea here.

You’d find about half of people whose creativity level being lower than the “average” (technically, mean). If Gen AI is learnt from the totality of our collective knowledge, it should help those on the lower half of the curve much more than those above the curve. However, since Gen AI itself is not able to create new concepts, the collective end up creating more of the same stuff that Gen AI is regurgitating from its training material.

I don’t think this is necessarily a bad thing. This doesn’t apply only to creativity but all spectrum of general knowledge, and should help with raising equity and equality for the humanity at large.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

Are you by chance using something like Cloudflare? It may be possible that during the reboot the static IP changed, so your “gateway” cannot reach your router on your old IP no more?

In other words : it’s always the DNS?

[–] 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

The code check needs to have some time value associated with it. I taped the link via app, which loaded it in an in-app browser. After getting by the code challenge, I have to back out from the in-app browser to receive the message. Upon returning, the site sends a new code invalidating the old one, which prevents me from logging in. Codes should be valid for X minutes, such that users can fumble around their apps.

[–] 16 points 4 days ago (1 children)

As long as the hardware is relatively close to the target level defined by Nintendo, it really doesn’t matter if the chip was “already old”. The developers know what hardware to expect, if they want their game to run on that console, they’d be on the hook to optimize for it.

[–] 10 points 1 week ago ?

[–] 13 points 1 week ago

The industry by and large have moved on to containers, with docker being the entry point and eventually graduating to something larger and more orchestrated like k8s.

You’d generally use a publisher container (I.e. php:latest), and then volume mount your code into it for development, and eventually baking your own image for deployment. Be mindful to not include secrets (API keys, passwords, etc.) and inject them via environment variables.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

I think it would be a good idea to take a step back and ask what is it that you’re trying to achieve.

Userbase, the service linked, is a backend as a service platform that offers you authentication and basic database that you can access via their api. You’d then code your own front end web app to interact with their service and store data there. You pay only per storage used by their storage tiers, which are frankly fairly fair priced. If that is something you’d need, that’s a good idea, but you’d be coding the front end yourself.

If you’re only looking for authentication with OAuth, and then coding your own API backend, then something like Authentik would be a nice self hosted authentication provider. Others that commonly gets mentioned but I’ve got limited/no experience with worlds new keycloak, or fusionauth. Managed services here would be your Auth0, Okta, etc.

If you’ve got a specific use case in mind, then it may be a good idea to say what service you’re thinking about, and the community may be able to suggest prebuilt solutions that good better and require less lift.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Uncheck all the DLCs except for wetland, you should have maybe 8 animals left. Play with the habitat options abit if you don’t, but eventually settle on Exhibit, you should end up with just Danube Crested Newt. Now go and turn off each individual biome slowly. One would expect the Newt to disappear and never come back, but instead it pops in and out of existence. Something quirky is happening and you may wish to review the logics.


This morning, when I launched Voyager, my settings were reset. I suspect the app may have upgraded and something caused the preferences to be lost. This wasn’t the first time it happened, and who knows if the underlying conditions triggering this reset would happen again.

It would be nice if we can export our preferences into a json file (or whatever format serializes easiest), and re-import them next time the preferences gets lost, so we don’t need to manually make all the changes.


SkyTrain’s King George Station is temporarily closed from Saturday, Apr. 27 until mid-June while we complete multiple infrastructure maintenance works, including the replacement of an original component from when the station opened in 1992.

**Who’s affected: **Customers who ride the SkyTrain to and from King George Station.

**What do I need to do: **During this time, the terminus station for the Expo Line in Surrey is at Surrey Central Station instead of King George Station. Customers should plan for an additional 15 minutes of travel time if they use King George.

  • Customers who normally arrive by bus at King George Station to connect to the SkyTrain should stay on the bus to continue to Surrey Central Station.

    • The 345 King George Station/White Rock Centre, 394 White Rock/King George Station Express, and 395 Langley Centre/King George Station buses will all stop at King George Station, then continue to Surrey Central Station.
    • When connecting from SkyTrain to bus, customers should board their bus at Surrey Central Station.
  • Trains are arriving and departing for Waterfront Station at Surrey Central Station using both platforms, so check the screens for the next train.

  • Between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. on weekdays, a SkyTrain replacement bus is operating every 15 minutes between Bay 2 at King George Station and a temporary stop on City Parkway at Surrey Central Station.

  • Know before you go — plan your trip at and sign up for Transit Alerts at

Additional details:

  • During the closure, Expo Line service will operate Waterfront to Braid, Waterfront to Production Way–University, Waterfront to Surrey Central Station.
  • Customers who currently use the passenger pickup/drop-off zone at King George Station can access parking lots at Surrey Central Station to access SkyTrain service.
  • The Bike Parkade at King George Station will remain accessible.
  • Currently, there is a HandyDART passenger pickup/drop-off zone at King George Station; this will be closed. For the duration of the station closure, HandyDART service will continue as normal at Surrey Central and other stations.

**What’s happening: **We’re closing the station temporarily to replace a portion of the tracks called the turnout that allows trains to change tracks and direction at King George Station. It has reached the end of its service life. We’re also taking advantage of the closure to complete other work:

  • Replacing a section of power rail between King George and Surrey Central station. These rails are what provide power to the SkyTrain cars, allowing trains to move.
  • Realigning our guideway intrusion monitoring systems and preparing station platform to receive the longer Mark V trains that will enter service by the end of the year.
  • Elevator inspections, fibre optic cable replacement, station deep cleaning, and various asset repair and replacements that can be completed quickly and efficiently while the station is closed.

**Zoom out: **TransLink’s Maintenance and Upgrade Program is making investments in aging infrastructure across the system to keep customers safe, comfortable, and moving across a reliable transit network every day. For more information and to learn more, please visit

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