
joined 3 months ago
[–] 4 points 20 hours ago

You can download the firefox binary and run that, it should go through Tor.

Does Tails have Flatpak support?

[–] 3 points 20 hours ago (2 children)

Ich finde das Abschaffen von *-in und *-innen super wichtig. Gleichberechtigung ist kein dummes Anhängsel, das nur für Frauen gilt.

Aber durch das männliche Pronomen wäre ich halt dafür entweder gleich alle Pronomen abzuschaffen (macht es so allen fAcHkRäFtEn leichter, anstatt in so einem Sprachchaos deutsch zu lernen) oder halt für Menschen was neues, oder "das" zu sagen.

[–] 1 points 20 hours ago

I like that Android is way more reliable than any Laptop OS I ever used.

But true, it is very uncustomizable.

[–] 1 points 20 hours ago

Yes this may be true. I wonder if XWayland-Videobridge could work here though?

[–] 2 points 21 hours ago (3 children)

There are way too many bars that look like dockable windows, the stuff at the bottom. Lots of stuff looking like decorations (but in general these buttons are confusing af even macOS is better than that.

And at the top it looks like the whole desktop is a window with decoration??

In general low contrast, too many strange thin things, no clear icons.

[–] 1 points 21 hours ago (2 children)

Yeah its better

[–] 1 points 21 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago)

Strange, I remember there was an app for creating a video stream on Android

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

And these are way healthier. Such a shame

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (5 children)

I have to say these desktops look to damn confusing

[–] 10 points 1 day ago (12 children)

Die Juristin Anna Stolz (Freie Wähler – ohne „innen“)

Möööp! Knast.

[–] 8 points 1 day ago (2 children)

"Bayerns Kultusmenister Anna" ist das deren Ernst?

[–] 5 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Remote Video Camera (Stream video/audio between two phones. Zero configuration.)


Fucking Legend


Background & Licensing

How comes GrapheneOS people find themselves in situations like these often?

Their software is all permissively licensed, allowing vendors to make it proprietary. Mainly though, they allow them to restrict user freedoms by not allowing to install another OS than GrapheneOS (which is the most secure OS anyways).

Cryptographic verification of the OS can be done with the Auditor, you dont need to reinstall to verify it is not malware.

Still, they contact stores that sell end of life or insecure phones, to stop doing this under their name.

PrivatePhoneShop sold devices as old as the Pixel 4a with GrapheneOS.

Is an EOL phone not secure?

I have a pixel 4a and GrapheneOS is awesome, I still get security updates at least as frequent as normally on LineageOS. But it is end of life, meaning Google and the hardware suppliers dont support it anymore. This means

  • firmware issues of any kind will not be fixed (the vendor needs to sign the firmware, this is not possible for anyone else)
  • the kernel, specificically patched for this device, will not be upgraded to the next LTS kernel, thus losing support in a while. This would be possible, but is immense efford without Google doing it upstream in AOSP.


Following the Mastodon post, you can see "privatephoneshop"s selection. They sell devices that are not cheap, but pretty cheap.

Ease of Installation by yourself

You can buy a used Pixel 7 for that price and flash GrapheneOS easily, using the webinstaller, even from another Android phone, with zero Terminal knowledge needed.

CalyxOS and LineageOS

PrivatePhoneShop sells devices with CalyxOS, which is a lot less secure in its architecture, and delivers slower security updates. It is less secure, because their webview is not as hardened, they dont use hardened_malloc, they preinstall random 3rd party apps etc.

LineageOS is not privacy hardened at all. It may now be degoogled, after GrapheneOS's effords to replace every connection to Google, even for Widevine DRM or A-GPS (SUPL) with at least their selfhosted proxy servers, stripping sensible data.

Only DivestOS can be assumed as reasonably secure, implementing sandboxed microG and other important architectural security measurements. GrapheneOS recommends DivestOS if your device is EOL or not supported.

So the store is selling phones with insecure software, that are also past or near the end of support by upstream.

Background on Android updates

There is no phone company that supplies as fast and complete security updates as Google. Google publishes recommender AOSP security patches, and a complete set. Pixel phones get all of them, while most other cheaply made devices struggle to even get the recommended ones.

GrapheneOS has updates about once a week, which is insanely good.

Btw, Fairphone plays in the same bad league as the cheap manifacturers, getting only the minimal amount of updates.


Google Pixel phones are not just a choice because GrapheneOS devs love Google. They are the only phones that meet their security requirements

Since they expanded their security fixes, like implementing a way to disable the USB port (which involved a ton of lowlevel work and is more secure than what Android ever shipped), this list is a bit long.

But even the minimum requirements are not fulfilled. Samsung is close, but security features like verified and measured boot are arbitrarily blocked for external operating systems.

Debates & Harrassment

I only focus on this case now. GrapheneOS transparently asked them to stop selling EOL devices under their name.

Maybe they also asked to stop selling CalyxOS and LineageOS devices along with them, but "privatephoneshop" didnt give any evidence for that.

As a response, "privatephoneshop" posted this joke explanation

While GrapheneOS remains a top choice for security and privacy, we feel the toxic nature of its founder (and specifically his attacks on our business) no longer make GrapheneOS a viable choice.

For YOU, because you scam people. LOL

Early in November, GrapheneOS sent us a message on X (fka Twitter) stating they did not approve of our selling older phones such as the Pixel 4a with GrapheneOS, nor did they approve of our offering CalyxOS as a choice. Having previously seen how a typical conversation with GrapheneOS goes (more on that below), we blocked them.

Wow. Does this need any explanations?

But it gets better:

Why we sell older phones like the Pixel 4a

  • Not everyone can afford a newer phone.

You sell outdated devices for up to 650$. People can buy used Pixel 7 phones on eBay for like 200$. You can do that too. Sell refurbished ones, better than insecure ones. Repairing pixels is easy (in contrast to repairing OnePlus phones, wtf OnePlus).

  • Not everyone wants a phone made by google.

LOL. I think I explained why this is not some fanboy choice.

  • Not everyone wants a 5G phone.

What? You can just disable 5G in the settings to my knowledge. Also, WIFI is always using something similar to 5G.

These are fake arguments, hiding behind esotheric misinformed people.

  • Not everyone wants a large phone.

Very understandable, I miss my (honestly underpowered) Pixel 4a, also for the headphone jack. But this is a tradeoff, if you sell "privacy phones".

There is no privacy if you can get hacked.

  • Everyone has a right to the level of privacy and security that they desire.

So, sell refurbished phones or upload instructions yourself on how to do it yourself.


I honestly think GrapheneOS should switch to a license that actually gives them some teeth. Bitching around back and forth on "social media" sounds like a pretty annoying thing to do apart from delivering the most secure OS on the phone market.

I am also very unhappy about Louis Rossman and Techlore for spreading bad opinions on them.

Yes, the devs can be harsh, yes they are sometimes a bit annoying. But look at their Github issues!, 500 open, over 2,5k closed!

They do free Software that helps anyone to be as private and secure as possible. They are a blessing for our world. Please donate to them, as they are doing an incredible job.

Btw, they are also against Nazis.


TIL about WOAM

Works On My Machine!

A huge pain, that is removed when using containers and ostree/image-based distros.

submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by to c/cannabis

Empfohlen über Antennapod zu hören :)

Viel Interessantes, ne witzige Horrortrip-Story und einiges an Halbwahrheiten auch.

ZB dass Kiffen IMMER mit Tabak ist. Loide, dampfen statt rauchen.

ich🐧💻iel (
submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by to c/ich_iel

Linux vs. Rechtschreibung

Klares 1:0

Ich möchte den Kommentierenden nicht mobben, aber wollte eigetlich schreiben "Linux ist sogar für Deppen einfacher als Windows"


Cannabis ist (auch nach eigener Erfahrung) viel unriskanter im Verkehr. Gewöhnte Kiffer können anscheinend auch in starkem Rausch sehr gut fahren.

Nach einem Tag Nüchternheit erst recht, wobei man oft immer noch über dem Grenzwert liegt.


I watched Star Wars Episode VII I think and on the start scene, suddenly there was random talking in the subtitles.

Then I found out that was George Lucas, talking through the entire movie, transcribed as subtitles.

Was super fun and interesting, nice work!

Stuff you only see when getting Torrents XD


I want to compile all the GUI LineageOS apps and release their APKs.

To make them installable on other Android OS, I need to change the app ID. Otherwise Android would attempt an upgrade and fail because of mismatching keys.

For example the LineageOS Clock

There are many many files that refer to which I want to change to org.lineageos.deskclock.

Do I just need to change this line? And can I leave all the others normal?

I think I got build failures when changing more, and I wonder if I would need to change all the lines (using sed or something)

How to easily send a calendar appointment with Thunderbird?

#Thunderbird #calendar #outlook #gmail

Integrated suites like Outlook or GMail seem to do this easily. I dont see a reason why TB couldnt do this easily too, but I didnt find an option.

I get tons of mails from Outlook users containing a small .ics file with a single appointment.

This is often automated, often with Videocalls.

Thunderbird has a calendar. The auto-detection of these appointments works well, but I could not find how to SEND one.

What I tried:

  • Attach...
  • Insert...
  • on Calendar, right click on an appointment

Neither of these ways allowed me to attach a small .ics file, even though I think I can save an appointment as a .ics file.


Full Image

Kowloon was built as a small military fort around the turn of the 20th century. When the Chinese and English governments abandoned it after World War II, the area attracted refugees and people in search of affordable housing. With no single architect, the urban center continued to grow as people stacked buildings on top of one another and tucked new structures in between existing ones to accommodate the growing population without expanding beyond the original fort’s border.

With only a small pocket of community space at the center, Kowloon quickly morphed into a labyrinth of shops, services, and apartments connected by narrow stairs and passageways through the buildings. Rather than navigate the city through alleys and streets, residents traversed the structures using slim corridors that always seemed to morph, an experience that caused many to refer to Kowloon as “a living organism.”

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