
joined 2 months ago
[–] 1 points 3 minutes ago

Yes but their RAM management (even though the desktop may use too much by default) seems way better.

[–] 1 points 1 hour ago

Most people just need to fear their passwords being cracked remotely. In masses.

If your threat model is being known, people stealing your stuff to login to your things, this is very high.

[–] 1 points 1 hour ago

I updated this project once. This is a very good start on what packages you need.

There are metapackages different for each distribution, like plasma-meta on Arch or plasma-workspace on Fedora.

This may be too bloated, but leaving out some core components (like infocenter or display) may result in random Systemsettings pages missing.

Also on Fedora, the "Netinstall" "minimal" variant is impossible to include wireless packages ("hardware support" group) so it is easier to start from a normal KDE install and just remove things you dont need.

Some things are also settings like balooctl disable && balooctl purge

[–] 1 points 1 hour ago (2 children)

A password can be cracked and is often very bad.

[–] 1 points 2 hours ago

This is not about customizing. What app do you use for editing images, or dont you do this at all?

On GNOME either using Gwenview (KDE) or GIMP, Krita, Kolourpaint, Pinta would work. Which are all very big programs.

[–] 4 points 7 hours ago

Süß der Schädling


I want to compile all the GUI LineageOS apps and release their APKs.

To make them installable on other Android OS, I need to change the app ID. Otherwise Android would attempt an upgrade and fail because of mismatching keys.

For example the LineageOS Clock

There are many many files that refer to which I want to change to org.lineageos.deskclock.

Do I just need to change this line? And can I leave all the others normal?

I think I got build failures when changing more, and I wonder if I would need to change all the lines (using sed or something)

[–] 1 points 7 hours ago

GCam Photos Preview registeres itself as Google Photos and allows minimal Preview. Thats the least invasive version.

[–] 1 points 19 hours ago (2 children)

Try KDE Plasma, you can strip out a ton of it, for example XOrg entirely, baloo, animations, etc.

[–] 1 points 19 hours ago

I think XFCE has way more themes etc. Both are extremely themable though.

[–] 1 points 21 hours ago

Swap is only needed for emergencies, if you have a bad oom, and if you have low RAM.

If you have like 1-4GB of RAM, ZRAM may be better than swap.

[–] 10 points 21 hours ago

Ich dachte grad "Was haben Kinder mit Web Frameworks zu tun?"

[–] 0 points 21 hours ago

Aged like milk

How to easily send a calendar appointment with Thunderbird?

#Thunderbird #calendar #outlook #gmail

Integrated suites like Outlook or GMail seem to do this easily. I dont see a reason why TB couldnt do this easily too, but I didnt find an option.

I get tons of mails from Outlook users containing a small .ics file with a single appointment.

This is often automated, often with Videocalls.

Thunderbird has a calendar. The auto-detection of these appointments works well, but I could not find how to SEND one.

What I tried:

  • Attach...
  • Insert...
  • on Calendar, right click on an appointment

Neither of these ways allowed me to attach a small .ics file, even though I think I can save an appointment as a .ics file.


Full Image

Kowloon was built as a small military fort around the turn of the 20th century. When the Chinese and English governments abandoned it after World War II, the area attracted refugees and people in search of affordable housing. With no single architect, the urban center continued to grow as people stacked buildings on top of one another and tucked new structures in between existing ones to accommodate the growing population without expanding beyond the original fort’s border.

With only a small pocket of community space at the center, Kowloon quickly morphed into a labyrinth of shops, services, and apartments connected by narrow stairs and passageways through the buildings. Rather than navigate the city through alleys and streets, residents traversed the structures using slim corridors that always seemed to morph, an experience that caused many to refer to Kowloon as “a living organism.”


This is a quite complex process, and their documentation is incomplete and different 🥳

So here you go!


This is a quite complex process, and their documentation is incomplete and different 🥳

So here you go!


In the Fedora Forum we collect a lot of useful posts, that are not yet Documentation-ready (or not suited for Docs, as they are "too unofficial".

There are constantly new ones added.


In the Fedora Forum we collect a lot of useful posts, that are not yet Documentation-ready (or not suited for Docs, as they are "too unofficial".

There are constantly new ones added.


Here is the Youtube video on the topic

The people from uBlue messed something up with the signing, so that updates now dont work.

This is fixable though!

I took the broken updates as the push to move from uBlue kinoite-main to the official Fedora image.

My list of layered packages is now really long, but the chain of trust doesn't involve Github anymore (directly), which was a big concern for me.

rpm-ostree rebase ostree-image-signed:docker://
  1. Closed source or open core git forges
  2. Open washing
  3. Discord
  4. Lack of diversity
  5. The FSF

KVM is used on Android, ChromeOS and Google Cloud, so this makes a lot of sense.

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