
joined 11 months ago
[–] 15 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Yknow my brain sometimes alerts me to a coming alarm the minute before it goes off too but I don’t get some hardon for God about it. What a fuckface. (Also the Sandy hook thing… Same guy right?)

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

Yes and no? The humans, probably. The accounts created to keep tabs on the leftist humans? Maybe not…?

Just kidding, NO conservative or government groups have EVER silently infiltrated ANY leftist groups, and me suggesting any account here is a propaganda bot or whatever is TOTALLY outrageous!

Post anything you want here, it’ll NEVER get screenshotted & linked back to you or your job in some giant hack in 5 years 🥳🤩😎

[–] -3 points 1 day ago

It’s worth asking who makes money off of them not doing so. Any ideas? Like, maybe all their related repair shops, parts manufacturers, dealerships for when the damage was too much? That’s all lost revenue if they make things safer. & if the NTSB doesn’t make them do it, they won’t

[–] 6 points 1 week ago

Wtf is BREAD doing there?! You don’t have VEGETABLES at BREAKFAST this is AMERICA

[–] 12 points 1 week ago

The faux wood-grain— delicious

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Yeah JK Rowling really knows her As and B words and C words

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

I know what to do with this information!

Rotate it in my mind. It’s free. No one can stop me.

[–] 17 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)


Brought to you by Brawndo©️*”FU, I’m Brawndoing!”*

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Allow me to just simply say DON’T DO IT. DON’T FUCKING DO IT. There are very few examples of regretting something you haven’t tried but this is one

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Incorrect ways to jumpstart a car (Fig 1 of N)

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

This looks fantastic & I bet you’re happy with your purchase! I apologise that , happening across this randomly, I was searching the image for a new security camera 😜🤷‍♂️

[–] 0 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

Not-super-fun fact: an 8.5 x 11 inch paper can be useful if you lack a ruler in an American office & you need to measure an inch or a foot.

If you fold the paper like in an image I'll try to attach, the hypotenuse is 12.01 inches.

Edit: then you fold the 12.01 inch side against the 11 inch side to get a 1.01 inch measurement

Not exact, but good enough if you need to know your neck size to buy a fancy shirt online - not that I would ever waste my corporation’s time that way!

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