
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Outside of Gnome I think you may need to install an additional package like evolution-on

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

Already mentioned, but Strawberry is worth checking out. If Quod Libet works, stick with that. I liked it when I used it.

mpd has a number of frontends.

No longer developed I think, but I'll mention gmusicbrowser as it used to be my go-to.

cmus is what I use now.

I also have a very large library and use Debian 12.5 so I'll bookmark this thread for later.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago

Sometimes yt-dlp drops fragments leading to corrupt files, maybe that's what's going on.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago

I went through something similar with my Brother printer, but stuck with USB. I'll have to give your tips a try later.

I haven't been able to get 2-sided to work except with LibreOffice for some reason, but maybe that DuplexNoTumble thing is the key...or value.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

Yes, version Donatello

[–] 0 points 4 months ago (2 children)


It it possible that Plank doesn't work with Wayland, plain and simple.

The latest version dates back to 2019.

I think Dash to dock is used often.

For Guake the version in Bookworm is from 2022 and you may need to set an environmental variable or perhaps it isn't built with Wayland support on Debian.

You could hit up the Debian forums for a better answer.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

There are some tips here that might help

Important to note that restarting or running sudo fc-cache -fv is key when doing things with fonts.

[–] 0 points 7 months ago (2 children)


Many distros will partition your disk as /, /home, and swap.

If you want to, when installing a different distro, you can manually format and install the system to / and not format /home but flag it to be mounted as home.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (4 children)

I do not, but I've seen people do this. Why can't you use Street complete?

[–] 0 points 9 months ago (1 children) says that Alpine Edge has a higher percentage of up-to-date packages.

I do agree that a new user should use something like Fedora first. But OP wants Alpine.

[–] 0 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Don't like that he called some distros pointless. I would have found a better word. Lots on there that I have never used, obviously, because I am not a sadist. I couldn't tell you what would be good for gaming or not, but flatpaks have made some things easier (or so I've heard, don't quote me on that). And Fedora is a "Devil?"

Anyway. While I don't watch this channel ever, I am aware of it as a reputable channel for things like this, so it might be trustworthy.

Why are Debian and Arch at the top? Debian is one of the grandaddies. Many distros are built on Debian---MX, Mint, Ubunu, Pop, Zorin, Neon, etc.---and there are many packages in the repos, which are divided into stable, and testing, and unstable sections. So, a Debian base can be stable or extremely up to date. The Debian community and maintainers are another reason the distro is so well-liked. Arch also has a large selection of packages, an excellent wiki, and the AUR to have access to anything missing from regular repos. Manjaro and dozens of others are based on Arch as well, meaning the community is rather large.

No need to follow rules and conventions though. There are many people, myself included, that use Alpine for their desktop because the packages are very up to date.

[–] 0 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Why can't you sign up?


Yesterday while browsing the front page of that other site I came across a video of a TikTok user who finds people based on short videos.

Their TikTok page can be viewed here:

(and they also have a webpage

I find it amazing, geeky, fascinating, and creepy that a single person with a computer — not a government organisation — is able to do this.

It all reminds me of that Wired article from 2009 about the man who tried to go off grid and was eventually found by internet sleuths.

TL;DR doxxing has never been easier, don't say or share anything on the web that you wouldn't want printed on the front page of a newspaper.


An official FBI document dated January 2021, obtained by the American association "Property of People" through the Freedom of Information Act.

This document summarizes the possibilities for legal access to data from nine instant messaging services: iMessage, Line, Signal, Telegram, Threema, Viber, WeChat, WhatsApp and Wickr. For each software, different judicial methods are explored, such as subpoena, search warrant, active collection of communications metadata ("Pen Register") or connection data retention law ("18 USC§2703"). Here, in essence, is the information the FBI says it can retrieve:

  • Apple iMessage: basic subscriber data; in the case of an iPhone user, investigators may be able to get their hands on message content if the user uses iCloud to synchronize iMessage messages or to back up data on their phone.

  • Line: account data (image, username, e-mail address, phone number, Line ID, creation date, usage data, etc.); if the user has not activated end-to-end encryption, investigators can retrieve the texts of exchanges over a seven-day period, but not other data (audio, video, images, location).

  • Signal: date and time of account creation and date of last connection.

  • Telegram: IP address and phone number for investigations into confirmed terrorists, otherwise nothing.

  • Threema: cryptographic fingerprint of phone number and e-mail address, push service tokens if used, public key, account creation date, last connection date.

  • Viber: account data and IP address used to create the account; investigators can also access message history (date, time, source, destination).

  • WeChat: basic data such as name, phone number, e-mail and IP address, but only for non-Chinese users.

  • WhatsApp: the targeted person's basic data, address book and contacts who have the targeted person in their address book; it is possible to collect message metadata in real time ("Pen Register"); message content can be retrieved via iCloud backups.

  • Wickr: Date and time of account creation, types of terminal on which the application is installed, date of last connection, number of messages exchanged, external identifiers associated with the account (e-mail addresses, telephone numbers), avatar image, data linked to adding or deleting.

TL;DR Signal is the messaging system that provides the least information to investigators.

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