
joined 8 months ago

We plan to release Factorio: Space Age expansion on October 21st 2024. The reasoning for this date is that it will give us enough time after summer vacations to polish the release, while also leaving enough time afterwards if we need to do bugfix patches before the Christmas holidays.

The price of the Space age expansion will be $35.00, the same price as the current base game.

You can wishlist the game now over on Steam.

[–] 5 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Shame that they're just red tories now :/

[–] 7 points 3 days ago

That'd make sense, given that they recently joined forces

[–] 1 points 5 days ago

God, the comments in this thread are nearly all awful

[–] 41 points 6 days ago (3 children)

They have a fundraiser if that's your thing


Taken from a Press Release by the group:

LONDON, 1 July 2024—Two young trans activists scaled the NHS England’s London headquarters at 133–135 Waterloo Road in London on Friday to stage a protest and have remained there ever since. The group, now made up of seven young protesters, all 18 or under, has one simple message: Trans Kids Deserve Better: we are not pawns for your politics.

The powerful direct action has been organised by the “​​Trans Kids Deserve Better” network, which is calling for: access to gender affirming healthcare for trans children and young people, protection from discrimination and disrespect in their daily lives and the right to be heard in all decisions that affect them.

Their protest comes in the wake of the government using emergency powers to ban all access to puberty blockers in the UK, a move that was supported by Labour’s Wes Streeting, likely to be the next Secretary of State for Health. It also comes in the context of a General Election campaign where trans people and trans youth have been used as ‘culture war’ talking points, but not allowed to speak for themselves.

“We are staging this protest to remind politicians and voters that we’re real kids, not just political talking points. We may not have a vote, but it is our lives that are at stake,” said one of the activists staging the protest. “Gender-affirming healthcare is a matter of life and death for us, and we hope that our actions will bring awareness to this fact and encourage others to fight for the healthcare and dignity that we are so shamefully denied.”

[–] 6 points 1 week ago

I've recently spent a fair amount of time trying to peel my blog away from my existing framework due to how much I hated using docker to just build a website, it doesn't need to be this heavyweight.


The right wing has ripped up the consensus on the climate crisis. In this documentary short, we examine how radical groups based in and around 55 Tufton Street have fought net zero.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

I was the change I want to be in the world and have made !, hopefully people use it 😅

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

I was the change I want to be in the world and have made !, hopefully people use it 😅

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

"While we mostly in the business of emitting carbon, we're doing a small amount of less emitting carbon" Jesus Christ this is designed specifically for a centrist who thinks they're a progressive and has no clue how badly they've been lied to and how dire it all is.


"During this year’s Hajj period, daily high temperatures ranged between 46 degrees Celsius (117 degrees Fahrenheit) and 49 degrees Celsius (120 degrees Fahrenheit) in Mecca and sacred sites in and around the city"

[–] 53 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

The reason they stopped directly targeting oil infrastructure in the UK is because the oil/gas giants bought injunctions (private laws) banning protest near them, leading to people going to prison for holding signs on a grass verge outside an oil refinery.

[–] 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I'm immediately wary of anyone using this meme format


Late posting but thought I might as well

[–] 0 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I really want there to be a community for Dropout as I love their content but I haven't found a good space to talk with others about them that doesn't involve some corporation harvesting my data.

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