
joined 1 year ago
[โ€“] 0 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

It can definitely be understandable, but problematic nevertheless. I think the editorial is on-point.

[โ€“] 0 points 11 months ago (4 children)

It is rather problematic that such a matter of technical nature has been codified into the constitution as a universal value.

Weird how it's the liberals who support such an overreaching law.

[โ€“] 0 points 11 months ago

And while I apparently should read up in the Cyprus problem, I cannot know about every territorial dispute everywhere

Precisely: you do not need to have an opinion on every territorial dispute everywhere. In this case, if your goal is to mount a (well-warranted) criticism of Erdogan's rule in Turkey, you can focus on those aspects of Erdogan's rule in Turkey that you are actually familiar with, and leave Cyprus out of it.

If you are going to have an opinion on Cyprus though, yes, indeed, you should inform yourself about the historical background as a prerequisite for construction your opinion. Our history, politics, and war legacy deserve to be taken more seriously than just be used as rhetorical crutches for an argument that isn't about us.

[โ€“] 0 points 11 months ago (2 children)

The second half of your post precisely shows how the Cyprus Problem is just demoted to a rhetorical device for people who want a weapon to fight a different battle.

Someone who is actually interested in Cyprus would know that Erdogan is a latecomer to the whole story and that Turkey's interests in Cyprus have been the same even in the hight of pro-western, -secular, -NATO sentiment. To frame it as an Erdogan problem betrays that someone only started "caring" about Cyprus in the last decade.

[โ€“] 0 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (4 children)

There's 75 years of history in that conflict. Very few Cypriots nowadays deny that it is more complicated than that, and this does not have to excuse the invader.

There's no reason to lose all nuance over the Cyprus problem, it's doing no-one in Cyprus a favour - and if someone wants to use the Cyprus Problem entirely as a rhetorical tool to fight a different conflict, then that's in extremely bad taste.

All that being said, the unilateral declaration of independence was the biggest mistake of the Turkish Cypriot political class, since it doomed any efforts to collaborate across the green line due to the fear of "accidental recognition" - and at the same time any recognition of that declaration is not forthcoming because of how profoundly and transparently illegal it was.

[โ€“] 0 points 11 months ago

Fast so gut, wie die U-Bahn bis Kรถpenick zu verlรคngern.

[โ€“] 0 points 1 year ago

Although I never used it, I am aware that Calibre can serve books in your local network. I imagine that this offers some position and annotation sync.

Also, a bit off-topic for this sub, butโ€ฆ how do you read? E-readers? Tablets? Software choices?

Unfortunately, there was never great ebook hardware. I use a tablet with Android. KOReader for ePub, constantly trying new Android PDF readers but finding nothing decent.

While not intentionally, running Syncthing between all my computers means that my PDF annotations get synced across devices. ePub ones do not; afaik KOReader uses its own metadata format that it stores as a standalone file.

Before, when I was still in university, I used Zotero also for annotation management. Feels like an overkill nowadays since I only read for leisure.

[โ€“] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Der entschied fรผr die gesamte EU

Sehr gut zu wissen. Nรคchstes Jahr hole ich meine Patientenakte von meinem Herkunftsland ab. Fรผr eine Kopie wollen sie 22 Euro.

[โ€“] 0 points 1 year ago

I think the examples in the article are a bit too high level, although accurate - even more interesting when they affect grammar, like both MS Office and Grammarly leading a crusade against the passive voice.

More interesting to me though is how Microsoft Windows (not just Office) lead to the extinction of a whole punctuation point in my native Greek. The "Greek semicolon" was not included in the default Greek keyboard layout for Windows. While it remained as an option on the IBM keyboard that big organisations could choose to order, it vanished from retail and therefore from home users and the language simply lost an entire punctuation mark within a decade.

If there's a clear example of how technology can drive language change (to the extend that writing is part of language), I feel like that's one of the clearest examples.

[โ€“] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Why was there this law in the first place?

In Europe at least, it was often explained as "same-sex marriage and parenthood are not allowed, and a legal gender change cannot be a loophole to that". But it appears to be a post-hoc rationalisation since the forced sterilisation programmes have many more targets in the past until it was progressively abandoned for more and more groups. It was also becoming untenable since more and more countries were legalising same-sex parenthood.

So, if we are being more honest, it's eugenics.

[โ€“] 0 points 1 year ago

Given that the article is not about the UK, I don't see a good reason to reach for a UK-specific definition.

[โ€“] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

It's one of the most blatant self-made problems around migration that populists very disingenuously employ to paint their favourite picture of the "welfare queen" which has been a bold, racist lie since it was first used.

But I'm also a bit sceptical of how you can do this in a country without mandatory collective agreements in all sectors. Germany at least has a minimum wage, but that just means wage dumping can only go as low as 12 Euro per hour. Back in Cyprus, where the same question is constantly in the news, the most notorious anti-worker industry, the tourism sector, is begging for asylum seekers to be allowed in the jobs that they have most trouble filling with citizens, EU-residents, and work-permit holders. But they want to do so outside a collective agreement (one used to exist, but for various reasons is now dead-letter) and essentially without even the protection of a minimum wage (which Cyprus didn't have until this year, and now it has an idiotic version of it which defines a monthly minimum wage without a limit to hours worked).

I think that the introduction of asylum seekers in the workforce should happen, but it should happen in tandem with a massive pro-union legislation change that will make collective agreements mandatory across the board (similar to the Swedish and Finnish models, as far as I understand those). That might require re-aligning the way unionism is understood in Germany from per-workplace to be per-industry.


The ever-increasing availability is definitely one of the upsides of Germany for someone like me, who enjoys the taste of beer but has to avoid alcohol for medical reasons


From what I've gathered, es is often reduced to 's and gets phonologically attached to the verb in spoken German in simple indicative and imperative sentences ("wie geht's", "ich versuch's", "tu's nicht" etc).

This kind of reduction exits in other languages too, but it's blocked in some conditions. For example, in English you can say "I'm done" but not "who do you think I'm?".

What are the restrictions on the German es?

Question based on me texting someone and having to write "Er .... und hasste's wenn ich... ."

I later went to check my grammar a bit, and I couldn't find "hasste's" used anywhere on the internet. If this formulation is wrong, what's the reason why this reduction can't be used?


So, I will make no secret that I'm rolling my eyes at all of that marketing stuff that goes up every year. But I've been thinking, it doesn't have to be so superficial and pointless. Maybe there's some rare exception out there that took the opportunity to say or do something meaningful.

Did you come across a company or organisation lately that use the occasion to take some stance beyond feelgood buzzwords or implement a policy internally or in their area of operations that is of at least some importance?


Latest round of negotiations between union and Bahn failed


In the absence of a wiki, here's my attempt to a step by step guide for a topic that concerns so many people, but it's needlessly overwhelming when you are in an acute crisis.

This is, to my knowledge, the fastest way to get insurance-approved psychotherapy in Germany.

1. Book your first talk session over the 116117 Appointment Service

  • On the first time there, when asked Haben Sie einen Vermittlungscode? [Do you have a referral code?] select Nein [No]
  • Next, when asked Wรคhlen Sie die gewรผnschte Fachgruppe und ihre Postleitzahl aus [Select the desired department and its postal code] select Psychoth. Sprechstunde Erwachsene [Psychoth. Consultation hours for adults] or Psychoth. Sprechstunde Kinder & Jugendliche (bis 21 Jahre) [Psychoth. Consultation hours for children and young people (up to 21 years)] depending on what applies to you. For PLZ enter your local postcode. This is for sorting and limiting the results by location.
  • In the next two fields enter and re-enter your email address and tick Ich bin gesetzlich krankenversichert. [I have statutory health insurance] if you are insured by one of Germany's public health insurance funds (such as TK, an AOK, a BKK etc).
  • You will shortly receive an email titled Vermittlungscode fรผr Ihre Terminbuchung [Referral code for your appointment booking] and a link back to the 116117 Appointment Service
  • Visit the Appointment service again, but this time choose Ja [Yes] to the question about a referral code.
  • Copy your referral code and enter your postcode and hit Termin suchen [Search for appointment]
  • If asked to select the department again, select the same option as before, e.g. Psychoth. Sprechstunde Erwachsene
  • Results should show up now, see step 2

2. Selecting your first therapist; no need to think about it too hard at this stage

The results you will see this first time are psychotherapists who can offer you this first talk session and a provision diagnosis/recommendations for further care. This availability does not imply that they can take you as a long-term patient so there's no reason to think too hard about who to choose.

  • While you are in the results page, two icons at the top allow you to adjust the search radius (default +5km from the centre of your postcode) and availability (defaults to both mornings and afternoons all seven days of the week)

  • In the list below, you can select upcoming appointments, separated by date and sorted by distance. Those can be on the same day or a couple of days in the future. You may select one appointment.

  • It bears repeating that this choice shouldn't paralyse you. The truth is, it's very likely that you will only see this therapist once. The most important selection criterion at this stage is that you share a language that you both speak very well. The Appointment Service doesn't offer that information, so you will have to use an external website to check the resumes of the therapists you see.

A comprehensive (but not 100% complete) catalogue can be found at I suggest you look up all names you see in the Appointment Service there. One way to do it is to go to your preferred search engine and search for FULLNAME.

If they have a profile there, under Stichpunkte [Key Points], look for Weitere Sprachen [Additional languages].

There's more information in but it will only be really important later.

  • If you have found a therapist that is available in the next days and you share a language, book the appointment for your next convenience. Don't hesitate to call sick at work if necessary, but if you need a doctor's note, be aware that therapists cannot write such notes, you should reach to your GP or other specialist that is aware of your mental health concerns.

  • The appointment service asks you to directly reach out to the therapist and confirm your booked appointment. Some therapists have specific preferences, but most actually prefer email or leaving an answering machine message because they do not have secretaries so they can't answer calls most of the time.

3. At the first talk session

Congrats, you completed the most difficult part: starting this whole process.

  • What you absolutely need to have with you is the health insurance card. Any additional documentation you have can help, but it's not necessary.
  • At your first session, arrive 10 minutes early and wait to be allowed in. Most therapists work out of residential buildings and do not have secretaries, so if this is your first time visiting their practice, it might feel a bit confusing and unusual.
  • After taking your health insurance card and asking you to fill the patient information sheet, the therapist will ask you what brings you there. Feel free to ask them how they want the information to be ordered. Personally, I follow the reverse chronological structure (a) immediate/most recent issue/acute complain, (b) life experiences in the last few years including all mental health episodes/crisis points, (c) general life situation, (d) goals you want to achieve if you can start therapy now
  • At some point, the therapist will start asking you questions in order to establish one or more Verdachtsdiagnosen [provisional diagnoses]. If this is your first time in therapy, keep in mind that the therapist is not questioning you because they are suspicious of you, but because they need to tease apart similar diagnoses and also the severity of each one. If you don't understand their questions, ask for clarifications. It's especially important if both of you are talking in a language that is not either one's native one (e.g. if you both speak English as a second language).
  • Near the end of those 50 minutes, the therapist will fill the very important form PTV 11 for you - this form contains your provisional diagnoses, the recommendations for further treatment (including which type(s) of psychotherapy can work for you), the level of urgency, the potential need for the involvement of other specialties such us your GP or a ~~psychotherapist~~ psychiatrist (if medication can be potentially helpful, for example), and a new referral code in case they cannot take you on as their patient. Ask the therapist to explain to you all items on that form. They will gladly do so in most cases, and even if they don't, remember that you only asked them to do their job, so you are not wrong for asking.
  • It's very likely that they cannot take you as their patient at this point. If you are lucky and they have availability, you can consider having a small number of probationary sessions with them to see if you are a good match. It's extremely important that you are a match, so if it's not working out, do not hesitate to ask for a referral code in order to seek a new therapist. There's no reason to feel bad about doing that.
  • If they tell you that they cannot take you on as a patient though, ask them to recommend you some of their colleagues who they think may be good matches based on your profile and diagnoses. Such targeted recommendations are more efficient and sometimes they can even direct you to colleagues who they know have availability or they are going to have availability in the next few weeks.

4. Booking the next session

Assuming that you need to find a new therapist after getting your provision diagnosis, you can start by directly calling or emailing the recommendations you got (if you did), and also use the new referral code on the appointment service. is going to be useful to you again, as it can also act like the yellow pages for your search.

This part of the process can be extremely short or extremely long, and it's important to keep it up. Here, you may consider an accountability structure, such as having a friend with you when you are calling/emailing, who can motivate you to keep going.

5. At the next few sessions

You now have a therapist with availability or who is going to have availability soon so they can offer you some probationary sessions until the availability is there.

Different psychotherapy approaches apply here and it's out of scope to discuss them, but before the fourth session you will need to carry out one last bit of paperwork for the health insurance.

  • Your therapist will give you the form 22 Konsiliarbericht [consultation report discussing the indications for psychotherapy] which your GP has to fill and which an independent expert will evaluate before telling the health insurance a simple Yes or No to covering your therapy.
  • With a medium degree of urgency, arrange to see your GP (or a new GP you locate now) and take this form with you. You will discuss all relevant points with your doctor and they will fill the form for you to return to the therapist.
  • It's possible that the GP will order some lab tests, especially a thyroid functioning test. Abnormal thyroid functioning can cause mood disorders so at this stage the health care system wants to catch any possible physical causes before moving to the mental ones.
  • Once completed, return the form to the therapist. They will handle further steps.
  • Your therapist will let you know for how long and how often you will see each other. The length of treatment can be extended base on need, and a usual rhythm is meeting once weekly.
  • It's harder to arrange all your appointments to be outside of work hours, so if your therapist can offer you a stable day and time week-in week-out, it's a good idea to talk with your employer about a permanent change in your work hours (if necessary).

I hope this can help anyone who stumbles upon it. Please mind that I can't help you further than that, because the above is my entire knowledge around the process. Feel free to point out any mistakes too.


In lack of a Wiki, I'll start | Weil ein Wiki fehlt, fange ich mal an:

What are yours? | Welche sind eure?


I figured there's probably not another user on the federation who could post this, so I might as well. Track 1 is my absolute favourite.

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