
joined 1 year ago
[–] aard@kyu.de 10 points 1 week ago

Helsinki is getting out of the "burning stuff to make electricity" business. It used to have coal power plants - last ones closed down in 2023 and 2024. There are some dedicated plants for district heating still, but also there's the trend to move away from burning stuff.

[–] aard@kyu.de 26 points 1 week ago (4 children)

The problem is - is it just a mass storage device? Or is it maybe also a USB keyboard that will try to enter some payload? Or maybe it even contains a radio, and can communicate with an attacker nearby?

You can't tell from the outside which protocols a USB device implements.

You can fit all of that functionality into the space of a USB-A plug - so if it is a thumbdrive you have way more space to work with than you ever need.

At minimum restrict your computer to only loading mass storage drivers - but as you quite likely habe USB input devices it is just a lot easier to investigate such a device on something like a raspberry pi.

[–] aard@kyu.de 2 points 2 weeks ago

It still is mobile, it can go a bit up and down.

[–] aard@kyu.de 2 points 2 weeks ago

The space used by the smallest solar charger I've seen on Amazon seems to be similar to 6 or more batteries in the format the N900 was taking - so if you look at space, slow charging from solar charger, and reliance on sun conditions taking individual batteries seems to be the better option for a few days hike. It's also easier to stow individual batteries to wherever you still have space left.

[–] aard@kyu.de 3 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

With my N900 I used to travel with 6 to 10 charged batteries to have a few days of runtime. Things got better now with powerbanks - but for something like hiking just carrying a few spares would still be smaller and lighter.

[–] aard@kyu.de 4 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

There was the 386DX and significantly cheaper SX - first was full 32 bit, second just 32bit instruction set with smaller external busses.

Then you could add the math coprocessor. And of course RAM and disks were expensive. 16MB RAM was way above normal for that time.

[–] aard@kyu.de 16 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

About 20 years ago I made a script that converts pictures to HTML tables. Back then RAM was a severe problem for this, and even for more powerful hardware browsers tended to just crash on larger pictures.

I checked it again a few years later, and things looked way better. I guess using CSS it'd be rather trivial nowadays to do the same with a short video by just cycling through showing/hiding tables of each frame.

[–] aard@kyu.de 18 points 1 month ago (11 children)

Paid and FOSS are not mutually exclusive. You can always build packages yourself if you don't want to pay. A well executed implementation might allow some projects to drop or reduce their play store efforts.

[–] aard@kyu.de 24 points 1 month ago

Ukraine took hundreds of prisoners so far, and a fair share of that probably are conscripts. That already is a bit of a mess he'll have to solve.

[–] aard@kyu.de 12 points 1 month ago (1 children)

the "whatever that might be" in that context meant "the machine dependent format could be anything, and it wouldn't matter for B"

[–] aard@kyu.de 10 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Haengt halt von deiner Vogelpopulation ab - Tauben sind doof, gegen die hilft das. Kraehen, Elstern und andere Rabenvoegel bekommen die eventuell zerlegt, und benutzen die dann zum Nestbau. Lustigerweise scheinen die teilweise die Spikes im Nest zur Abwehr von anderen Voegeln zu nutzen.

[–] aard@kyu.de 5 points 1 month ago (4 children)

x230 with x220 keyboard also is pretty nice - but unfortunately no longer suitable as main notebook. As nothing useful came out of lenovo after that, others are even worse, nobody has a decent trackpoint and sensible amount of RAM only exist for macs I ended up with one of those for work few months ago.


Screenshots of the UI changes on the Mac - in my opinion it is now just wasting a lot of screen estate for zero benefit.

On non-Macs they're adding an extra usability issue by hiding the top menu bar. I've gove back to 2.7.4 for now - fortunately I had my configuration in git.

Up to 2.7.4:



Vor ein paar Tagen gabs hier ein Post zu Deutschlandwochen im Lidl in Italien, wo einer aus Schweden und ich mich ueber das Layout gewundert haben.

Jetzt sind auch hier Deutschlandwochen - und anscheinend wurde generell das Packungslayout geaendert - frueher war das alles "Alpenfest", jetzt "taste of deutschland".

Einige Produkte haben sich auch geaendert - z.b. waren die Apfel/Kirsch/Pflaumenkuchen frueher grosse runde Kuchen, jetzt sinds mehrere Teile.

Und Maultaschen sind wieder nicht dabei.


I've finally found a bag which nicely fits almost everything I want to carry every day, and alos makes everything easily accessible - it is about the same size as what I used to carry, but now I no longer need to dump everything out to find what I neede, even with some lose parts still in there.



  • 4 empty 64 microSD with SD adapter
  • one rpi 2040 with USB-A interface
  • headphones
  • bag of female jumper cables, with male-male adapters
  • a collection of the most used NFC keyfobs

Left side:

  • USB-C cable with attached USB-A adapter (USB3, missing on picture)
  • two USB-C to headphone adapters
  • satechi USB-C power meter
  • headphone splitter
  • USB-C to SATA adapter
  • USB-C smartcart reader
  • VGA to HDMI
  • USB Ninja (USB-C)
  • proxmark3 with battery/bt
  • collection of NFC magic cards

Right side:

  • USB-C hub with charging port
  • miniDP to HDMI
  • small USB-C dock
  • USB-C to whatever adapters (mini, micro, B, HDMI, ..)
  • Chameleon ultra
  • MPP pen
  • Ninja USB remote
  • USB-C to serial, connected via jumper cables


I was thinking about that when I was dropping my 6 year old off at some hobbies earlier - it's pretty much expected to have learned how to ride a bicycle before starting school, and it massively expands the area you can go to by yourself. When she went to school by bicycle she can easily make a detour via a shop to spend some pocket money before coming home, while by foot that'd be rather time consuming.

Quite a lot of friends from outside of Europe either can't ride a bicycle, or were learning it as adult after moving here, though.

edit: the high number of replies mentioning "swimming" made me realize that I had that filed as a basic skill pretty much everybody has - probably due to swimming lessons being a mandatory part of school education here.


... mit Nudeln, Krautsalat und Ketchup.

Unklar ob das gegen Regeln 1, 2 und 3 verstoesst.

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