
joined 1 year ago

Well, here we go! An absolutely fascinating year for the Flames, and I can't help but wonder what kind of team we're going to see.



Devastating news from the Snow family


The 21st captain in franchise history is Mikael Backlund!


The article is in Swedish, so you'll have to use translate if you don't understand Swedish. But the video has English subtitles. Both the article and the video are worth a look.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

After bribery and threats, @streetfestival has grudgingly acquiesced to help out with moderating here, especially with regards to the weekly threads and game threads.

A warm welcome to /u/streetfestival!


Having some interesting articles relevant to the CFL and other 3 down football is awesome, but not when the community is still small but growing. Those posts seem to take over, as there's at least two or three every day, and so that's all that ends being on the main page in the community. So, I may manually post some of the more interesting articles from that feed, but for now the rest of them are going to stop. Obviously, community members are encouraged to give any and all feedback on this and other matters.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

That’s an interesting perspective! Care to share some data?

Well, of course the data on what our actions (much of which are due to and based upon capitalism) are doing to are environment and climate, and inevitably must lead to given the implicit but incorrect assumption of infinite resources of that system, is everywhere and basically impossible to ignore these days, isn't it? And, almost as easy to find is the data on other cultures killing themselves off (in the, at the time, limited scope of their part of the planet) due to their actions, such as Easter Island.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Well I mean it’s unclear to me that we’re much worse than previous points in history.

That's interesting, because to me it's very clear. After all, small isolated pockets of people ruining their economy and the environment they depend on is quite a bit different from all of humanity everywhere doing this.


I'm glad to see this community pop up here. While I don't live there, I have family in the Koots and spend considerable time there every year near Slocan. Absolutely beautiful country, and wonderful people around there!!


A place for discussion of all things related to three down football, including recreational, high school, university, and professional.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Wild idea, but could it just be that you’re using it wrong? :D if you’re on then almost nothing should be rewritten because almost all links already go to Only when you go to another instance somehow or a user posts a link, for example this one then it should be rewritten.

I did think of that! Sure wouldn't be the first time I've done something like that, hehehe!! But no. For example, I'm on, so I tried going to and to see what the links looked like there. One of those I have a different account which I was logged in to, and the other I have no account so wasn't signed in. Nothing.

However, I've been trying a few things here, including disabling all my other extensions and scripts, which didn't make any difference. So then I left every extension disabled, removed your script, removed the few other scripts I installed in violentmonkey, removed violentmonkey, reinstalled violentmonkey and your script....and it was working again once more. So, I figured some other script or extension was causing havoc, so I renabled the other extensions and reinstalled the other scripts one by one, checking each time. They're all enabled again. Still working. I dunno....... Obviously something really weird is happening on my end. Right now, it's working, so I'll let you know if it starts to act odd again. My thinking right now is some other extension or script was messing something up big time, and all the disabling and re-enabling sorted it out somehow.

My working hypothesis right now: The issue wasn't your script, it was something else on my system.

Thanks for your help with this, btw!

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Yup, that's my thinking too that there must be something weird going on here, though I can't imagine what.

Just for fun, I fired up Chrome instead of Firefox, installed violentmonkey, installed your script, and am having the exact same issue there! I did get the dialog asking me to set the home instance, which I did, but no button in settings and no icons. No idea what's going on.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Does it work again when you do a full refresh? So F5/press enter in the adress bar?

It does not. I've tried that several times. Also tried opening a new tab and typing the site url directly.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (7 children)

...and I spoke too soon. Worked fine when I installed it. As soon as I went to another page on the instance it stopped working again. No icons, no button in settings. No idea what's going on.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (10 children)

Got it. Upgraded to 1.0.2.

Still no icons to the right of links.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (12 children)

I have 1.0.1. An attempted update shows 'No newer update available.'

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Ah, yes. It's 1.0.1. Let me upgrade once again.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (16 children)

Got the 'home instance' dialog this time. Briefly checked it out, some of the links seem to be now directed towards my home instance, but there are no icons beside any link to show the original link as indicated in the description above.

Edit: Noticed the following error in the console:

Source map error: Error: URL constructor: is not a valid URL. Resource URL: user-script:http%3A// Source Map URL:

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (18 children)
[–] 0 points 1 year ago (20 children)

Yes. The following error appears:

Script error in [Greasemonkey script - Rewrite Links to Home Instance; version 1.0.0]: ReferenceError: GM_getValue is not defined

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