Aren't climate scientists also measuring atmospheric composition levels around the world to track this, usivg satellites and whatnot? I.e., do they really rely that much on self reported data?
And thereby eliminating a whole bunch of other species than just humans as well.
Although I'm totally in for the occasional misanthropy, I don't like seeing it as "just a fever" anymore as too many species will go down. Life will probably persevere in the end, but so will probably a bunch of rich shitpieces, who are significantly responsible for this fever in the first place.
CDU tut CDU Dinge.
They don't "own" it though.
There is a neat Firefox addon which makes visits to yubbtub more tolerable by getting rid of unrelated suggestions:
RYS — Remove YouTube Suggestions
It has a lot of options to tailor it to your needs.
One of the most ironic things is if you willingly download the app version of a website, hoping it would speed things up and reduce internet data usage, just for the app to be using WebView or some other micro-browser engine which will essentially be the same as if you were visiting the website using your browser as before.
Thanks for nothing.
So if someone only buys cheap stuff and not much, they will be considered less wealthy even though they could be a millionaire.
I know, I know, statistically it will be alright and that's what counts in the end from the business perspective.
Are you saying products are not worth their price?
surprised pikachu
Menschen sind bei einem 8 Stunden Arbeitstag eh nur 3 bis 5 Stunden wirklich leistungsfähig und produktiv.
(Es gibt noch mehr und bessere Quellen als das.)
Eine Arbeitszeit von mehr als 40 Stunden pro Woche geht mit erhöhten Fällen von Herzerkrankungen wie auch Schlaganfällen einher. Obendrein mentale Erkrankungen, neurologischer wie auch psychologischer Natur etc..
(Auch hierzu gibt's mehr Quellen.)
Also in anderen Worten: Der Munich Re Typ labert verquirlte Scheiße und wenn wir das so umsetzen würden, würden viele ihr späteres Rentenalter gar nicht erst erleben.
Menschen sind keine Maschinen und es geht mir so sehr auf den Sack, wie krank man da von Seiten treibender kaptalistischer Kräfte, wie Unternehmen, Politikern, teils sogar Kollegen gesehen wird.
Ficke diesen Scheiß und diesen inhumanen Kapitalismus!
Good that you got that diagnose and know what you're dealing with. I'm probably the wrong one to talk to about this and you probably know the following already, but just to make sure: apparently medication can hugely help. There are different agents so it might take a while to find the right one and its dose. So if you want to, it won't hurt to talk to a neurologist or psychiatrist about this.
I wouldn't be so uncritical about this. Depending on rate of consumption (and data source) the world's Uranium supplies will last for about 50 to 200 years. (The latter a low demand scenario based on current consumption rates.)
Technological advancements may push these limits. Possibly even into 10.000 to 60.000 years, when filtering active substances from seawater, which is currently quite a timeframe to consider it long-term sustainable even for a limited resource. However, we're not there yet.