Fun fact: Alkohol, wie üblicherweise konsumiert, gehört zur Gruppe 1 der Karzinogene. Genauso wie Tabak, Asbest und radioaktive Strahlung. Das Krebsrisiko steigt deutlich mit höheren Mengen des Alkoholkonsums.
Wirklich schlimm. Das ist zu wenig. Kaum auszuhalten. Die armen Kinder. Denen entgeht so viel.
I am not alone it seems.
Isn't it sad and weird if people get mental or physical health problems like addictions and the flu? /s
If we're speaking of transformer models like ChatGPT, BERT or whatever: They don't have memory at all.
The closest thing that resembles memory is the accepted length of the input sequence combined with the attention mechanism. (If left unmodified though, this will lead to a quadratic increase in computation time the longer that sequence becomes.) And since the attention weights are a learned property, it is in practise probable that earlier tokens of the input sequence get basically ignored the further they lie "in the past", as they usually do not contribute much to the current context.
"In the past": Transformers technically "see" the whole input sequence at once. But they are equipped with positional encoding which incorporates spatial and/or temporal ordering into the input sequence (e.g., position of words in a sentence). That way they can model sequential relationships as those found in natural language (sentences), videos, movement trajectories and other kinds of contextually coherent sequences.
About blue whales I watched an educational video where it's said that they indeed do have cancer, but that it barely matters to them due to their enourmous size. I wonder whether it's something similar with elephants.
Finanzfluss hat ein Video zum Thema gemacht. Es wurden mehrere Konten verglichen.
Mir persönlich fehlt noch bunq in der Liste, da man dafür keinen Schufadreck braucht. Aber dir ging's ja eh um C24.
Today on the internet: Fun with spherical geometry.
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