
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 2 days ago

Pretty much, yes. The US system is fairly ridiculous so a lot is left up to judges and common law - e.g. whether rights can be stripped due to being convicted or a crime or oer a judge's order. But freedom of speech and assembly in college campuses, especially by students, fits squarely in what is normally protected. Hell, outside right wing groups regularly try to hold rallies in a camlus near me. Cops never go after them, let alone judges.

[–] -1 points 2 days ago (13 children)

I never did that. You projected that, and just now, lied about it.

No, it can be understood from how you use the terms. You are adding "Chinese" as a bit of negative spice to your false claim that I am lying or spreading false propaganda. When challenged on this, you attempted to (incorrectly, this is not how language works) redefine "Chinese" to mean "CCP" and, per the typical crypto-sinophobic incantation, not the Chinese people. You then continued to interchangeably use Chinese and CCP as negative epithets.

Your attempt at redefinition actually just dug a new hole. You could just say, "oh wow I don't mean to suggest that, I will stop" instead of doubling down on treating Chinese like an insult.

[–] 0 points 2 days ago (15 children)

I do. I clearly defined the usage, and don't give two shits about projection from you, or your twisting of the definition.

Your conflation of something being Chinese with something being bad is xenophobic regardless of whether you want to pretend you can redefine it to mean something it doesn't.

You have claimed, falsely, that China isn't escalating violence against its neighbors.

I actually haven't said anything like this. Please provide quotes with your claims because your recollection is incorrect.

Everyone can see that you are, in fact, a CCP shill.

Is that so? When can I expect to receive a check for my valiant effort in knowing installing a nuclear-capable missile is far more escalatory than the tiniest airspace toe dip of a flight path over ocean? Only the finest in professional propagandists could have such an opinion!

[–] -3 points 2 days ago (8 children)

They will not exist so long as you vote for "lesser evil" genociders. Why would there be? You still vote for them! They don't need to listen to you at all and will gladly continue the project that is in their overall material interest in supporting Israel. You show up in their databases as, "Likely Democratic voter" and so they send some volunteers to try to get you to vote and they ask you for money. That is how you are thought of, and I mean this literally. That is how they curate and use their information. The rest is PR for how to ensure you don't take these looney anti-genociders too seriously.

There is no "push from there" without leverage. If they don't do what you want, what are you going to do? With what power? If you mske a threat, why is it credible? We are kept docile and ineffective through electoral illogic that serves the interests of the existing political class and cannot imagine gaining or wielding power in any practical way.

[–] 0 points 2 days ago

What is the logic for supporting 99% Hitler when you could actually choose to work against 99% Hitler and Hitler himself? This is genocide, not a marginal tax bracket you can lesser evil about. The systematic destruction of a people is as bad as it gets, generally speaking.

If you support this and tell other people to vote for it, you are complicit.

[–] 0 points 2 days ago

You sound upset and are not saying particularly coherent things. It's okay if you want to take some time to collect yourself, I don't care about the timeline on which you respond.

For example, you seem upset about perceived personal attacks even though I made none, but seem giddy to be insulting me. Ask yourself if this is correct and good behavior and if you believe you are following the golden rule. Presumably you were taught these things growing up.

Re: it being a reconaissance plane, this is still not an actual offensive weapon nor is it comparable to something banned because it was meant for nukes.

Re: DF17s, if your argument is that parity is justified then you would presumably justify Chins increasing the size of its military and weaponry about 10X and establishing several large bases circling the US, right? Or would you interpret this as a threatening escalation that must be met with even more weapons and capabilities encircling China?

[–] 3 points 2 days ago (2 children)

They are not funding the genocide. They are funding the legitimate defense of Israel.

Oh they are most definitely funding the genocide. Here us one simple example: Boeing is the exclusive manufacturer of JDAMs, a system that retrofits bombs to make them missiles. The US provides direct funding to Israel for them to "buy" these systems. JDAMs are the most common bombs used in this genocide to target civilian infrastructure. Hospitals, schools, refugee csmos, bakeries, mosques, churches.

Plenty of other forms of funding and material support, this is just a particularly visceral example.

The Israeli leaders are mis-directing that funding into the genocide.

100% wrong, these are offensive weapons with only one purpose and they are provided with no strings attached. Funding and support has only increased and Israel has only escalated.

[–] -2 points 2 days ago (17 children)

In the context of this particular discussion, China = The CCP ≠ The Chinese people.

I dunno, I think Chinese means Chinese. It sounds like you just throw this around as an epithet and it is sinophobic. Please do some reflection on whether you are okay with xenophobia.

As far as which one are lies? Your entire post history is nothing but Chinese propaganda and lies.

Name one from this comment chain.

It's not xenophobic to call out CCP bullshit like the shit you are spouting.

Such as?

That's called being a good human.

I don't think it's good human behavior to use xenophobic rhetoric.

[–] 5 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Minors are rarely protected and are given consideration based on which environment they are in and who would be coercing them.

[–] 55 points 2 days ago (39 children)

The Biden-Harris administration will say they are troubled and then provide $3 billion more to Israel.

[–] 47 points 2 days ago

The constitutional amendment that outlawed slavery in the US provided one exception: anyone convicted of a crime.

This was a tool of Jim Crow to maintain a sizeable black slave labor force via disproportionate criminalization of black people and poverty (newly-freed previous slaves were very poor, often illiterate). It was and is a tool of modern racialized hyper-exploited labor via the prison system. And it is likely a tool that US authorities are keeping in their back pocket for the mass criminalization of the homeless.

[–] -1 points 2 days ago (19 children)

Just because a weapons platform is capable of using nuclear warheads doesn't mean we are going to hand said warheads over. The system has plenty of conventional warheads.

The weapons system was prohibited specifically because of its use with nuclear weapons. This is its distinguishing feature. This is the "message" being sent, though it also isn't just a message because it is an actual offensive weapon.

Deployment of a weapons system as a deterrent is proportional.

It is obviously not.

You're spreading Chinese lies.

I am? Which ones? Are Chinese lies a special kind?

Sounds to me like you are flirting with xenophobia.

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