
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Oh I wiggle all the time. Mostly when I'm sitting and thinking happy thoughts. It can be shoulder wiggles, torso wiggles, or booty wiggles. My partner thinks it's cute, which is positive feedback to continue :)

My friend at work, who says she/they might be enby, also wiggles sometimes when sitting. More of a head and shoulders wiggle. It's adorable <3 I miss having the same lunch break as her, it was fun to put her in a good mood and watch her wiggle.

[–] 1 points 5 months ago

Well you know, sometimes you meet people and there's a chemistry, and you're maybe not sure what kind it is.

Before I can advance my interest, I discover they're off the market anyway. More friendzoning than formal rejection. Not that I mind having friends.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago (4 children)

Ahahaha me (Shy Girl) saving up years' worth of confidence to overcome anxiety, but waste it ALL on someone who mentions their s/o 30 seconds into the conversation. Every. Single. Time x.X

[–] 0 points 6 months ago (2 children)

I think what is really happening is seeing or discussing the fake cornucopia version implants that false "memory" in our minds, because it seems so appropriate. It would almost be a better logo, IMO.

But I can't say that I would have mentioned a cornucopia associated with the brand before seeing this post. Very interesting psychological phenomenon none the less.

[–] 0 points 6 months ago (4 children)

...what exactly is the world record?

[–] -1 points 6 months ago

But isn't being forced to pay taxes a form of extermination?!

[–] 0 points 6 months ago (3 children)

I have to admit, one of my first emotional responses was anger. I want vengeance. When will we see the day the bullies, abusers, murderers, and their enablers receive justice?

Not civilized "justice" in court rooms, on pieces of paper, with well-dressed men and women arguing politely over legal arcana.

Blood for blood. There should be a mortal fear that if they harm one hair on our heads, something worse will happen to them by far.

Don't tell me this won't bring anyone back. Don't tell me to be better than our enemies. If you will assault someone over their skin color, gender, sexual orientation, you don't deserve the breath of life.

[–] 0 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (1 children)

Basically yes. Enby here, anyone who finds me attractive is instantly, irrevocably, and fabulously gay.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

Internet in 2024 (for me):

  1. Service unavailable in your country (VPN)
  2. Confirm you're a human (VPN)
  3. Blank page (noscript)
  4. Obscure error (fingerprint / cookie blocking)
  5. Page not found (https required)

The percentage of websites that "just work" with privacy measures in place is depressingly small.

[–] 0 points 9 months ago (2 children)

curve this waves fairphone

only because pinephones are barely usable and librems insanely priced! Or you can damn well believe I'd have a native linux phone.

[–] 0 points 9 months ago (1 children)

National hydrography dataset and national geodetic survey (but I actually meant USGS, they provide a lot of data, their map viewer is a good introduction).

[–] 0 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Agreed, I've learned a lot doing this. Sometimes it leads to a story, like the ruins of a federal fire watchtower that was destroyed by arson, or discovering one of the largest fisheries in the country. I've also noticed a lot more houses are torn down in my city than might be expected. Whole blocks are empty fields now, or maybe have one derelict house remaining.

It's also disturbing just how much trash people collect in their yards... and the massive wounds of foresting and strip mining.

First electrolysis session! (
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

One of my biggest causes of dysphoria right now is facial hair. I hate shaving, and unfortunately HRT doesn't help reduce existing hair.

My partner helped me find a great trans-friendly, local electrologist.

I set up a consultation and agreed to an initial 15 minute session after being satisfied with the consultation. The technician is very experienced, board certified, and professional.

Unfortunately I wasn't expecting to have my first session, so I hadn't taken pain killers or used any topical numbing agents. So I got the full experience of the pain. Not recommended.

I have a high pain tolerance, but it really does hurt. It made my whole body twitch at times. Thankfully it is only a quick sharp sting, then you feel nothing. At least for a second or two.

The process is that a tiny sterile probe is inserted down the hair shaft to the base of the follicle, and applies an electrical shock to cauterize the blood vessel feeding it, then the hair is removed. Because the hairs are always in different growth stages that take about 4-6 weeks to complete, the treatment is repeated throughout the year to catch them all.

My technician is very thorough about aftercare. I was recommended a soothing lavender and tea tree oil balm, and aloe vera gel. It feels wonderful. Have to remember to not spend too much time in the sun, to wear sunscreen, and stay hydrated.

All in all it wasn't too bad and totally worth never having beard shadow or shaving again. Going back next week for a 30 minute session, then 45 minutes after that. She estimates it won't take too long, due to how naturally sparse my hair is.

Another box getting checked off my transition list <3


And you know what? They were right. My partner, trans elders, and levelheaded allies.

It's so easy to be impatient when you first realize. Nothing can happen fast enough, and you want all the things, all at once. You want to be today where others are who have lived for decades to get there.

2.5 years into my transition it's occurring to me just how much progress I've made, even over the last few months. My body is developing rapidly, but I'm also gaining confidence to show the world who I really am.

More people are using my name and pronouns every day, I'm wearing more comfortable clothes and I no longer obsess about whether anyone will notice. Male-failing is an almost daily occurrence. I'm developing my own authentic fem styles.

I have a looooong way to go yet, but I'm excited for what the future might bring. My goals are finally beginning to seem attainable.

Hopefully those of you who haven't reached that point yet, and those going through a difficult time, can take solace in my little story about passing through into better times. Keep your head up, work toward your goals, and most of all be patient. It might take years, it might take a decade, but eventually you'll realize it was worth it.

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