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[–] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Im not entirely sure i understood everything but is donation the solution you're looking for?

[–] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)
[–] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 23 points 1 week ago

That lies on the the other side of the libertarian spectrum, the anti-capitalist one, which you can call anarchy to avoid confusion. Does not really match your meme that keeps the capitalist aspect of income as a key concept. Anarchy and (capitalist) libertarianism are really incompatible, since one fights against capital and the other fights for it. In french we distinguish those two philosophies with two words, libertaire (anarchist) and libertarien (libertarian). Since it does not exist in English, i strongly recommend you use Anarchism or social Libertarianism when you want to mean anti-capitalist Libertarianism, it helps avoid the confusion.

[–] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world -1 points 1 week ago

You're probably right, I did not see things from that point of view. It would make sense that this awful reaction is partly due to emotional aspects. Thanks for pointing it out!

[–] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

Thanks for asking, answers are useful to me too :D

[–] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

From what Internet tells, it's in the Calculus Affair, but I cant remember for sure

[–] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 17 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Most of the ones I used are in french, either puns on celebrities' names or cultural references My favourite one is Captain Haddock saying "I do find that funny" with a very serious face Captain Haddock saying "I do find this funny"

[–] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Je sais pas vraiment si c'est de l'argot, mais moi c'est gloubiboulga. Quand j'étais gamin ça me faisait beaucoup rire d'entendre mes parents dire ça, et ça m'amuse toujours un peu aujourd'hui

[–] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 0 points 3 weeks ago

Agree with you, depending on the anarchist theory hierarchy disappears more or less but never entirely. It depends on the system chosen and modified by peoples though, so these example may not apply to some anarchist societies, especially the part about the children if you consider what anarchist thinkers wrote and experimented about education

[–] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago

Well, from what i learned too, this notion of public service is quite discussed as cases such as yours might arise when we have a mix of public service and private companies.

I wouldn't be surprised if the law was unclear and that you are encountering one of many french laws' grey area, where no one really knows what the exact procedure is.

Good luck anyway, hope you'll find precise info from someone with better knowledge of this specific domain

[–] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 12 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Hi ! I have no definitive answer but i can give you some infos there

In french, the word "tendre" translates well to "to tend", as both describe something that is preferred but not mandatory or necessary.

In this context, it seems indeed a bit strange. But, from the basic and general knowledge I have of french laws, "tendre" is not a specific word of the legal jargon, so I think the meaning implied here is the common meaning, which is quite the same as "to tend". Someone with better knowledge of the french legal jargon could rectify me though.

From what i studied of french laws, public service is considered very important, and can lead to arbitrary infringements of private and personal property (like building roads or railways, it is mandatory to compensate owners of properties affected, but not really to have their consent). So "tends" could be the real meaning here, like "it's better if you can get owner's consent, but as you are building a service for everyone to use, you can do it without owner's consent".

It's been some years since I learned all of this, so I might be wrong or it might be outdated.


I gathered ideas from a tumblr post into an rpg alignment chart of "rock music"

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