
joined 1 year ago
[–] 12 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Sorry, but the fact that you're here means that you are probably in the top percentages of tech-literate people. Especially considering you're on

You're severely overestimating the technical literacy of regular people. For many people (maybe even the majority of people) even email is complex.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

The platform right now is lacking actual discussions. Everyone seems to just like memes.

Honestly I've just blocked most of the meme comms 😅. It's easy to see memes when I want to anyway by just opening a private window where I'm not logged in and going to the all feed. It's always mostly memes anyway. Then when I'm logged in, I can see some other stuff without all the memes clogging up my feed.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago (3 children)

with the exception of pixelfed

Why not that one? I'm not familiar with pixelfed.

[–] 17 points 2 days ago (9 children)

Oh come on, let's not pretend that the fediverse is just super intuitive and easy for regular users (i.e. non-techie people). Same ridiculous notion as when people say Linux is just as user-friendly as the more mainstream OSes. It's sad and I wish it was better but it's just not right now.

[–] 5 points 2 days ago

That's just how it works at the moment. It only counts active users from the sites listed.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

You may want to edit your comment :)

[–] 7 points 2 days ago (1 children)

my comment was mostly a joke

Sorry for not getting it, it's just that sometimes people (understandably) get very confused about the technicalities of the fediverse and mix up things like defederation and stuff like this. 😅

Consider a /s in the future :)

[–] 12 points 2 days ago (2 children)

I think I generally agree with you, but I don't think this is a big grievance. has enough traction as it is, they don't really need the "publicity" from

It would've been better if they had written this as some kind of policy beforehand. Like if they had written somewhere before this pull request something like "any instance with more than 40% of active users may be excluded from the listing", then it would've been more reasonable too.

[–] 67 points 2 days ago (2 children)

🎵 the internet is for porn 🎵

[–] 29 points 2 days ago (11 children)

You can read their motivation in the linked pull request. FWIW I don't think there's any ill intent here and certainly not an attempt to boost their own instance. I think they just want Lemmy to be decentralized and being as big as it is kinda prevents that.

I'm not sure I would've done it that way personally but I can see the reasoning and it's not entirely unreasonable.

[–] 40 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (3 children)

This has nothing to do with other instances. The site is run by the Lemmy developers and they decide what happens with that site. They think it's problematic that is as big as it is (as one of the points of the fediverse is decentralization). So they removed from the listing on

Note that this is in no way a defederation or anything of that sort. The site just doesn't show, that's all.

[–] 19 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Hijacking top comment to give the actual answer:


Lad mig forklare hvad jeg mener, det er ikke helt nemt.

Når jeg bestiller take-away har jeg det lidt underligt med at det hver eneste gang er en udlænding der kommer med maden. Det virker som om det udelukkende er udlændinge der gider tage det job, angiveligt fordi det betaler lidt og de færreste danskere har interessen eller den økonomiske trang.

Men det får det til at føles sådan... "udnyttende". Min søster sammenlignede det ligefrem med slaveri da jeg nævne det. Altså klart, det er ikke slaveri, men der er da noget lidt underligt ved at vores system tiltrækker udlændinge til landet for at udfylde de lavt-lønnede jobs som danskerne ligesom er "for fine" til selv at tage. Sammenlign fx også med rengøringsmedarbejdere eller lignende.

Eller er det bare naturligt? Jeg er lidt splittet omkring hvordan jeg skal forholde mig til det.

Jeg ved ikke om jeg har forklaret det perfekt, men håber i forstår hvad jeg mener. Har i nogensinde haft samme følelse, måske i forhold til andre jobs i ser i hverdagen?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/ made a post on a while back about an easy recipe for traditional danish rye bread or rugbrød. So I tried it, as I've never tried baking rye bread myself before (usually just get it in the store).

Rugbrød is extremely common in Denmark and most people eat it every day or at least very often. It is used for the traditional smørrebrød, but mostly it is eaten more casually for lunch. It's a very dense, dark and filling bread and not sweet, making it quite healthy in general. You definitely don't need more than a few slices with toppings to feel sated.

The recipe was indeed very easy. It mostly consists of rough rye flour and lots and lots of whole grains and sunflower seeds. I didn't follow it exactly, but I ended up with a good result regardless.

Prior to baking:


It's a super delicious bread! Doing it this way, you also have a lot more bread than the usually smaller packages you get in the supermarket.

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