Apparently the English word is discharge
Oh that sounds really nice, in that case you really don't need to use a period app. I have to enter my temperature, cervix condition and (I don't know the English word for it but you know,) the 'slime' condition. Sometimes it's 6 weeks, sometimes it's 3, the app helps a lot but sometimes it's still off.
You actually have your period the same time everytime like in a textbook? That's sounds pretty nice, first time I heard someone has that. Usually it's pretty random, like sometimes it's 20 days sometimes it's 35 and you have to calculate it with the daily temperature. I'm kinda jealous ngl
My curling iron is set to 230°C The max setting is 250°C.
Edit: accidentally swapped two numbers making it seem like my curling iron is set to hellfire setting
I'm currently receiving treatment for onset osteoporosis caused by malnutrition. Also it's kinda obvious your weight is probably not healthy when your ribs are sticking out.
I think interestingly enough it's inaccurate in the other direction. While BMI is will call people unhealthy if they have a lot of muscles, this will call people healthy if they are like me severely underweight.
My roundness index claims it's in the healthy zone while in reality my weight is unhealthy.
It's incorrect, it claims my body fat is 19% when I know for an absolute fact it's 22%.
Off topic aber 27 zählen doch nicht zu den Millennials oder? Die waren 2000/2001 ja 3-4 Jahre, da kann doch nicht viel von Jahrtausendwende, y2k Bug, 9/11 und was sonst so die Millennial Generation definiert hängen geblieben sein. Ich dachte immer 1994/1995 wäre der Cutoff und fand den auch schon ein bisschen weit geschnitten.
I have some strict rules about buying things where I cannot verify the used materials:
Nothing that goes into my body
Nothing that goes on my body
Nothing that touches my food
Nothing my pets touch
Nothing that needs to be plugged in or charged
A smart watch violates multiple of those rules. I wouldn't want to risk it.
The ones using the wall thing can't even tell how old a woman is anyways. I got told I'll hit the wall once I reach 26 and then I will have regrets. I was already well into my 30s at that time.
I can't find where she called them creeps but I think her issue is that they are married.
Es ist interessant, aber gleichzeitig sehr schade zu lesen dass sich genau das gleiche bei anderen auch abgespielt hat. Dieses Zimmer durchsuchen nach 'verboten' Gegenständen plus den Schlägen wenn etwas gefunden wurde (und wir reden hier nicht etwa von Drogen oder ähnlichem sondern z.B. Ohrringe deren Durchmesser nicht dem freigegeben entsprach oder etwa ein Buch, denn bücherlesen macht dumm, das muss man wissen).
Wurde nichts gefunden gab es stattdessen einen Brief an der Tür was man für eine schmutzige Drecksschlampe sei, da hinter dem Schrank Staub lag.
Das der Grund für das Verhalten Langeweile war, darüber habe ich bislang nicht nachgedacht, es macht aber durchaus Sinn.