
joined 4 months ago
[–] Saleh 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Anstatt sich damit so intensiv zu befassen, ala blabla war ja voll schlimm, ja macht mal was produktives für eure Bürger.

Ich stimme dir bei allem zu, außer bei diesem Punkt.

Übergehen von wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen bei Entscheidungen (sowohl mit zu schwachen und überzogenen Maßnahmen)
Der Umgang mit Corona-Leugnerdemos und Gegendemos - sicher nicht im Interesse von AfD & co. aber gerade in Sachsen wichtig aufzuklären
Umgang mit alten Menschen vs. Umgang mit jungen Menschen (Heizkostenzuschuss *Wutsmiley) ...

Natürlich muss das aufgeklärt werden und es müssen vor allem auf der Basis dann auch Verbesserungen beschlossen und umgesetzt werden. Wir sehen auch was für eine enorme soziale Sprengkraft so eine Krise hat. Wenn wir uns darauf nicht besser vorbereiten, dann zerlegt die nächste Pandemie diesen Ausmaßes das Land.

Die Aufarbeitung ist produktiv. Der AfD und BSW dürfte es dagegen eher um "Abrechnung" gehen.

[–] Saleh 5 points 1 month ago

Western media seriously underestimates the diplomatic prowess of China. they also managed to get Saudi Arabia and Iran back to talking with each other, now that both are in the BRICs.

The US are rapidly losing influence on the world stage and "The West" is increasingly put into check, as it failed to use its dominance after the fall of the Sovjet Union to establish good relationsships. The US led invasion of Iraq, the support for Israels atrocities and illegal occupation of Palestine, the failure to uphold a "rule based international order" when it comes to themselves and their allies... All these have left the US and much of Europe exposed as hypocrites. But unlike other hypocrites (all countries and leaders are) they also act all high and mighty about it.

I hope the EU gets its shit together and stops being divided by pro-US or pro-Russia politics. The EU needs to embrace multipolarity for the new global power structure and grow together closer on the inside and act as a block independent from any particular direction. This includes protecting Ukraine from Russias illegal invasion. This includes building a unified European defense structure and reducing the US military presence as well as banning the US from using Europe as a staging area for its wars in the Middle East.

[–] Saleh 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

IDF is largely compromised of settlers. EDIT: IDF in those areas

They wear a uniform Monday to Friday, protecting their friends as they attack Arabs and then on the weekend they take off their uniform and join in directly.

[–] Saleh 13 points 1 month ago

I hope that both countries now are aware of the damage they could cause to each other. Israel can overwhelm Irans air-defense with their stealth bombers. Iran can overwhelm Israels missile defense with barrages of ballistic missiles.

Even before the nuclear escalation level they both can inflict very serious damage to each other and their respective defense systems are not able to prevent attacks, only mitigate some of it.

I am looking forward to the price calculations for this one. For the Iranian missile attack 01. October iirc. the damage was considered to be in the range of $ 50 Mio. With the Iranian missiles supposedly costing around $ 100k each, that would be about $ 20 Mio. For the attack i couldn't find Israels interceptions costs. For the April attack it was sought to be around $ 550 Mio. So i would expect the October interception to have cost at least similarly. $ 600/20 Mio. is a 30 to 1 ratio.

Sending F-35s long ways is expensive, but with the more precise strikes that could have inflicted substantial damage at key points.

[–] Saleh 12 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Adventure Time seems to be a good post apocalyptic world all things considered.

[–] Saleh 14 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

For a wealth tax that is quite substantial.

Every year paying 2% on the wealth above the threshold means you have to make at least 2% ROI on these assets to stay neutral with the money. That also means there is more of an interest to actually invest the money in economic activity, rather than buy assets that just appreciate price, while being tucked away in some warehouses.

[–] Saleh 10 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Yeah, not considering Israel as "clearly the good guys" while they commit genocide is antisemitism.

I know this might be difficult for some people, but it is absolutely possible to be critical of both sides in a conflict. It is also possible to see it as good that Iran is containing Israel from implementing its greater Israel dreams, annexing most of the Westasia region, while condemning Irans repression against its people and the violent influence expansion targeting non Shias in Iraq and Syria.

But of course Israel and its allies try to paint things in "good" vs. "evil". This way there needs to be no condemnation of the actions of the "good guys", no matter how blatant crimes they are and there needs to be no consideration of the motivations of the "evil guys", no matter how legitimate their interests are.

[–] Saleh 10 points 1 month ago

The Secretary General has little to do with the ICC. Enforcement of UN rules is done by its members. Turns out veto powers being able to veto protects them from a lot of accountability.

[–] Saleh 28 points 1 month ago (3 children)

The UN is a diplomatic institution. It is vital and by design that they talk with everyone. China and Russia are two of the UN Security Council veto powers. Calling the Secretary General a "dipshit" for doing his job is like calling a Judge a dipshit for throwing out illegally obtained evidence.

[–] Saleh 3 points 1 month ago

Zum Glück keine Hiobsbotschaft zum Wochenende wie es nach derzeitigem Stand aussieht.

Bisher ist wenig zum Ausmaß von Verletzten/Getöteten oder Schäden bekannt. Iran versucht sich da genauso bedeckt zu halten wie Israel.

Ich hoffe, dass sich die Vergeltungsspirale nicht weiter dreht. Ein großer Krieg in Westasien könnte in der aktuellen Situation das Feuer sein, was die ganze Welt in Brand steckt.

[–] Saleh -4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

DO NOT GIVE UP until the day after Voting Day at least.

This kind of brought us into this place in the first place. If people had cared to push the Democratic party to deliver, rather than being the other right wing economic choice for the tech billionaires, the Reps being for the oil billionaires (although the tech billionaires seem to have grown much more fascist these years) they could actually bring proper policy. Especially the unwillingness to make deeply needed economic, social and political reforms is a result of the party remaining in the firm grip of established elites like Biden, Clintons, Obama... Of course the fascist get stronger every election, if the two choices are fascists and economic right to far right.

Voting is not enough. It can merely be the start of digging the US out of the whole that it has moved itself into deeper and deeper.

[–] Saleh 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I would appreciate less violence too. It feels like since GoT they have to put some gory violence and some sex scenes into everything that is targeted at an adult audience.

The point really is not about fundamental opposition. It is about being oversaturated and hence tired of it. That is why it is annoying when it doesn't further the plot, is done cringey or well, seems like an attempt at being porn of some sort. That stuff worked in the 80s and 90s, when people still had to rent VHS. People being addicted to porn and harming themselves with their overconsumption but being in denial about it probably also adds in here.

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