I'm super scared for women
Feel like that on you for still having had hope
This exactly. But they keep shilling nuclear power regardless. Super silly tribalism.
No it's about nuclear waste and where to store it, it's about how expensive it is to build a nuclear power plant (bc of regulations so they don't goo boom) and it's about how much you have to subsidize it to make the electricity it produces affordable at all. Economically it's just not worth it. Renewables are just WAY cheaper.
Oh so it actually is a good thing. Just not for them.
Feels like the horrors are growing in numbers rapidly tho
I have faith in humanity to keep disappointing me at every possible opportunity.
No, cause "John\nDoe" messes up my regex. Sorry, out of the question. I'm not good with regex.
I like to call that rape
Less really is more, huh?
Star Wars fans are the absolute worst. Gotta be the single worst fandom I'm aware of.
I never thought the leopards would eat MY face