joined 3 months ago

It would be pretty funny if this is how the newest bird flu pandemic starts

[–] 8 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Who tf has enough clothes to pack for a trip and still go through a week of work and laundry

Is this some kind of privileged meme I’m too working class to understand

[–] 7 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Yet another liberal straw man.

Let me guess, what comes after a liberal gets scratched again?

[–] 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

The Americans caused 6 million excess deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan and nobody batted an eye except the leftists that time too.

And yet you see all the liberals today acting like they weren’t cheering for genocide for the last 20 years and Iraq was totally a mistake they totally didn’t vote for.

Genocide is a feature of capitalist democracy, not a failure.

Find someone whose unit worked with the 101st airborne in Iraq and they’ll have more war crime stories than you have time for.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Yes, I remember clearly the Democrats pushing the “don’t care for who, just vote” campaign.

And then Republicans started winning elections while losing the popular vote and Democrats decided to demonize the left and blame them for every loss afterwards, despite literally winning the vote.

You can even see it here in this very post, where leftists are blamed for liberal apathy.

You seem to be saying US Democrats are leftists. Why are you ignoring everything the DNC has done to villainize, marginalize, and destroy leftists movements in the Big Tent? Are you aware there is no “left” remaining to mobilize?

Sure. Increase property taxes by 400% if the owner does not list the home as their primary residence. This frees up the small homes. If it doesn’t work, keep fucking increasing it.

Implement immediate federal rent controls to tie increases to inflation. Establish a federal rent oversight agency where landlords must file appeals to prove their property value increased or prove they added value to the residence to increase rent beyond inflation.

The crux of this issue is that it requires leftists to be in government. I vote for every leftist on my ballot, local state or federal. And only the leftists.

This doesn’t do anything about the fact that capital has spent the last 80 years violently suppressing global leftism which has left the US with two parties: right-wing extremist, and outright fascist.

See, pretty simple when you don’t act all cute “just asking questions” full well knowing you’re a bad faith actor and will simply handwave away any concrete evidence put forth.

Except you don’t give a shit. Nothing was going to change your mind at all. Yeah sure you “agree” with all that.

Pretty goddamn funny how you ghouls always come in pretending to agree and just seeking one more info on tired old topics that have been addressed thousands of times already.

Here’s a tip, leftists don’t act like that. It’s pretty obvious when you do it.

[–] -2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Useful idiots

Liberals joke that leftists just blow with the wind from one controversy to the next. But I can't help but notice the pro-Biden "left" shifted hard from “there is no genocide in Gaza” to “genocide is an acceptable side effect of democracy” without skipping a beat or looking back or acknowledging the complicity of the Democratic Party that allowed fascists to rise to power.

Almost like the petit bourgeois liberals stoking these fires don't really care about left issues at all.

[–] 17 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

It’s honestly hilarious how these liberals are mentally incapable of getting it.

If they genuinely do not see how Democrats have been the steadfast accomplice of the fascist “Overton ratchet,” they are either malicious or incompetent.

Sure copy and paste that list of Biden accomplishments again. As if the sweeping failures of the Dems aren’t well known at this point. Glass Steagall. PATRIOT. Citizens United. Obamacare. Kavanaugh. Roe vs Wade. The dismantling of SAVE.

Keep appeasing the literal fucking fascists yall claim to be such an existential threat. Because appeasement totally works, that’s why liberals keep doing it!

Like, yall know these fuckers play buddy buddy with each other in D.C.? The only ones willing to call out the bullshit of being friendly in the halls and calling for your death in the chamber are Squad members.

Yes I’m fucking voting Biden you exhausting dense insufferable fascist enablers. And I’m going to laugh my ass off when they throw your asses in the same camp as me.

[–] 14 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Oh they could win alright. Literally all they have to do is be leftist.

“We’re gonna keep your kids healthy, in a good daycare while you work, educated and fed, and your fucking boss is gonna pay for it all” is a simple mantra well used by unions.

Except they don’t do that. The purpose of a system is what it does, and liberals have done nothing but protect capital since FDR died.

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