joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (5 children)

Ich wollte zu dem Thema gerade einen Post schreiben, der aber vermutlich genau wegen diesem Bug verloren gegangen ist.

Ich weiß, dass das für euch genauso frustrierend sein muss und ihr das auch nur freiwillig macht, aber letztendlich hab ich social media apps also Unterhaltung, und die letzten Wochen unterhält es nicht, es frustriert nur. Und wiederholt Apps und Instanzen wechseln wird auch sehr schnell sehr öde.

Nicht als Vorwurf gemeint, nur als Feststellung: Ein paar Tage downtime oder Unzuverlässigkeit kann man wegstecken, aber solche langen Probleme töten nicht nur die eine Instanz oder Lemmy, sondern auch die Bereitschaft sich in Zukunft auf alternative/offene Systeme einzulassen.

Ich hab den Eindruck der content wird auch immer weniger/schlechter, hab Lemmy in letzter Zeit immer weniger genutzt, und bin vermutlich bald ganz raus.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago

It's damage control. They could rage against the union, but that would just make it more obvious to workers that the union is on their side and the company is not.

So now that they have no other choice, they'll cooperate as needed, but it's obvious from their statements that they don't want unions.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Not much, depending on how unusual it is. If it's the standard medieval-fantasy world, just state so, and that's probably enough.

You can provide most information as you go (as players encounter certain situations).

Anything unusual (firearms, aliens, etc.) would need to be mentioned. Also, explain the power difference: What's your group's rank on the world's pecking order, who's in charge? What major unusual hazards (natural/monsters, government/political) exist?

"Kind of standard fantasy world but not following the D&D books, you're a beginning group of adventurers and probably shouldn't pick any big fights. You could deal with a single bandit but stand no chance against a larger group. The land is ruled by a run of the mill king, who does care a bit about the realm and a bit about himself like most, and the long time it takes for messages to get through mean that the local rulers have significant leeway."


"You're in a steampunk world, steam-powered guns are common. A major war is ongoing between faction 1 and faction 2, but you're nowhere near the front. Hungry dragons occasionally swoop In and eat everyone in a city." (More detail would likely be needed here)

Most importantly, don't negatively surprise the players. Provide the information they need before they need it. If your players find some bandit camp with two weak guys that they can easily deal with, but the bandits are actually part of a globe-spanning cartel and fighting them will cause the party to be hunted to death by the cartel, that information (which obviously would be known to anyone in that world) needs to be revealed when they encounter the bandits (at the latest), not after they've slaughtered them.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Did they lose it overboard or in a resulting explosion, or do they get to reuse the expensive parts like engines anyways?

[–] 0 points 8 months ago

Caffeine is also often measured in "percentages" (amount per volume - not actually percentages as the numbers would be too confusingly small), usually specified as "32 mg/100 ml".

Sugar is commonly given as "g of sugar/100g" in the nutrition label. That's just a different way of saying %.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago

Judging by the "3", that's signing up for the deprecation treadmill.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (2 children)

There goes another usable framework.

Is there something that will allow simple templating (i.e. stuff like vue-if, vue-for, {{someVar}}) without signing up for a build system or deprecation treadmill?

[–] 0 points 8 months ago

Meanwhile, Western governments let their citizens get defrauded and do nothing (or at least nothing that would actually stop the problem).

[–] 0 points 8 months ago

This test does not work well for people who are stupid enough to try to piss on the screen, miss completely, and not even realize their mistake

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

It won't affect the election outcome, will it? Colorado seems to be almost guaranteed to elect a democrat and the votes in one state don't affect the other states.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago

Hm, now that I read it again I wonder if the middle manager holding that conference might simply have been too stupid to realize that the explanation why they're doing this wasn't meant to be shared...

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

This doesn't pass the smell test. If they're telling dealers, they know it'll leak. There's no way they'd essentially publicize "we're doing this to cheat headquarters" if they were doing that, unless they're really fucking dumb, or expect overseas leadership to be completely disconnected to the point of missing a major news cycle.

Or whoever passed on the news was so upset about it to say "I quit" in the most creative and fuck-you way possible.


Drei der bekannten Twitter-Kanäle, die Ukraine-News gepostet haben, habe ich jetzt auf Mastodon wiedergefunden:

Gibt's noch andere (auf Mastodon, nicht beim Vogel der einen Vogel hat)?


When I click a link to the Fediverse, it opens in my web browser. Firefox offers an "open in app" feature if an app is installed that supports the current URL. Jerboa supports most instances, Connect doesn't seem to.

This would also allow users to (manually in the settings) set links to open in Connect by default.


If you want to fill the gap on your home screen where rif was (RIP and thank you!), I have made good experiences with Connect for Lemmy: (was not too happy with Jerboa).

The content is not the same but already good enough for bored scrolling.


(inspired by a question on reddit, I'll post a reply too)

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