Connect for Lemmy App

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A community for the mobile app Connect for Lemmy.


founded 1 year ago

Hi, it's been a while since I've done one of these so this will be changes between 150 and 171. I've been focused on resolving image and performance issues mainly in this time but I also added a couple new things too. Youtube links now open in-app (configurable in settings), there's an option to remove special characters from display names which also changes bubble letters into plain letters, search results are now sortable, and mentions now show up correctly in the inbox.


  • Tagged comments (person mentions) now show up in the inbox
  • Option to control where Youtube links open
  • Option to hide special characters in usernames (and transform bubble letters)
  • Added sort options to search
  • Youtube links now bypass the webview and open directly in app
  • Added experimental setting to highlight new comments (defaulted OFF)
  • Added back navigation inside web views
  • Added scaled / controversial sort options
  • Added initial support for Lemmy 0.19


  • Upgraded various libraries
  • Upgraded Fliutter 3.13 -> 3.16


  • User Profile comment links on foreign instances now resolve correctly
  • Fixed an issue clicking on saved comments from foreign instances
  • Fix a flash when expanding images in some scenarios (not in cache)
  • Fix a minor flash on user avatars and community icons
  • Video Player bar text is now always white
  • Fixed an image flash when a cached image is no longer held in memory
  • Fix an issue with how I'm calling the Pictrs API on Webp images
  • Added a secondary image cache for avatars/icons
  • videos now start smaller while loading instead of taking up full height
  • Fixed an issue where images could fail to load when clicked
  • Fixed comment notifications not showing the correct comment thread
  • Smoothed out the image close animation a bit more
  • Possibly fixed a bug with clicking comment replies from the inbox
  • Fixed a bug with the link handler resolving post card clicks
  • When link handler resolution fails now loads posts from the remote instance
  • Fixed a comment display error with inline videos
  • Fixed a link handler issue where it could fail on posts from different instances
  • Fixed an issue with urls similar to Lemmy format being mistaken for a Lemmy instance
  • Fixed a crash related to link handler finishing before its transition completed
  • Fixed issue with vote actions not refreshing post cache
  • Refreshing post list now scrolls to the top
  • Fixed an animation flash when expanding images
  • Fixed a login issue with instances on v0.19
  • Video player now mixs with other audio instead of taking over
  • Upgraded various libraries
  • Fixed an issue with thumbnails apppearing blurry
  • Fixed a bug where links without any protocol prefix would crash
  • Increased the cache size from 100 objects to 200

Thank you everyone for all of the support and suggestions, please keep them coming and we'll continue to make Connect the best app for browsing Lemmy!




This has happened 3 times.

I load the app. I switch from my main account to this one. I wait a few seconds for it to load. I go to the bready community. It shows the all feed but it says bready at the top. I try to post, it's as if I'm posting from all, not bready, and asks me to pick a community. It doesn't do this with homebrewing or 3d printing.


Typing. !lemm

Or something should list suggestions like the web page does.


It would be great if Connect would let us see the url for these sort of links with out needing to click on them. I always worry about navigating to a website that I would rather not.


Before I get into my comments, I just want to ask that if you haven't bought the dev a coffee, please buy him a coffee. Personally, I have bought several with the intent of covering for those who cannot. Our dev has earned it.

I am just going to say that Connect is awesome. Even through early development, when there were huge issues, it progressed at a good pace. And yeah, it has gotten super stable and functions great as a simple and easy to use Lemmy client.

I would also like to make clear that I respect this app as the sole devs creation. He/She is 100% able to direct this project as they see fit. Period.

However. One person development teams can be a serious risk to the longevity and stability of an app. People get tired and burned out. People have actual lives outside of working on a single app. People can just vanish from dev work. That is all normal.

With the recent Lemmy instance updates and some subtle bugs that are showing, my concern is that it may become a much larger challenge to keep this app up to date. In my limited dev experience, core API changes (or API bugs) are a royal pain in the ass to deal with. A person could spend more time just keeping their app functional instead of developing new features or working on minor bugs.

I was hoping that people in this community that have experience with the development of large open source projects, can contribute ideas for our dev that may make it palatable to open this project up to additional contributors.

I think the biggest things I would like to call out is that if this project is opened, it may damage any revenue that is being generated by this app for the dev and I don't want to see that happen. (People gotta work and people gotta eat. )

What open source licenses are available that would keep full control of this app in the hands of the original dev? (Is that even a viable option?)

Quite simply, other than opening this app up fully, I don't quite know exactly what I am asking for. It would be nice to keep full control of this app in the hands of the dev, while also allowing community development.

Just to reiterate, this post is not meant to be rude or pushy. If anything I said came off that way, it was absolutely not the intent and offer a humble apology if it did.


Pretty much all posts linked to redgifs produce the same error, which messes with how the feed looks and loads. Incredibly grateful for all you've done with the app!


When using my home instance,, the user avatars and community images of all communities and users of other instances are not loading. Instead they show a infinity spinning icon.

Since the release of lemmy 0.19.4 images can be loaded via the new image proxy. Connect seems to append format=webp&thumbnail=64 to an image URL. However, when this is added to a proxy image URL, it it not working. These query parameters are only working for /pictrs images.

Example of url that fails:

Edit: as far as I can see in the json API, the icon/avatar url is delivered without the query parameters, and Connect is adding them. For users/communities on my home instance the url is always with /pictrs, so after adding the query parameters it still works. But for users/communities on another instance the url is with /image_proxy and then adding the query parameters leads to an error.


Instead of going to the Android community it goes to /c/all when I try to visit while logged into I tried logging out and back in to see if that would solve it.


Update: Not a Connect issue.

Strange. I don't see this as a pinned post on that community, but yet, there it is. Did an admin pin a post from another instance on .ca somehow or is this a bug with Connect? (Strange things are happening like this since the last Lemmy update. I can't tell if it's a Connect issue, or a Lemmy issue.)


I like to look at stuff inside the app, but rarely check the URL before clicking on a post. It's always irritating when the browser, or even worse, the YouTube app pops open.

It would be neat to have the option to get a prompt when leaving the app. Could be totally optional and activated only when selected in the settings.

Thanks, love the app anyway, just a small improvement.


Not sure how the gif (?) is getting linked to the post, so here it is again:

This is only annoying when the detail of the image is not important and when a larger version of the thumbnail (?) would suffice.

If possible, can a notification bar be shown that the image is broken instead of covering the partial image with the link broken icon?

Thanks in advance!


This issue is good and also problematic.It's awesome that Connect will reject private or self signed certs by default, but its problematic for HTTPS content filtering.

It seems that Connect doesn't play well with certificates for local HTTPS proxies, I suspect. For example, the proxied traffic for Connect through AdGuard does not work correctly when HTTPS filtering is enabled.

While it can sometimes work for connecting to an instance and retrieving post lists, using the embedded Connect browser will absolutely not work for HTTPS sites. (It shouldn't work in any situation, honestly.)

A work around, for when the instance connection itself works, is to have Connect use an external browser for all links.

Boring AdGuard documentation about what and how it functions for those who care:

I have included some screenshots of what happens when I have my HTTPS filter enabled:


I am getting this error pretty regularly. I'll see a message in my inbox, and when I tap through to view it in context, it's missing. Can't find a cause or a workaround.


Hi, I've just been responding to feedback and implementing suggestions and release 141 is just that. Large new features are in-app release notes, customization for comment long-press actions, and community filters. Alongside a dozen smaller fixes, additions, and optimizations.


  • Added hex input to colour pickers
  • Added setting to change comment long press action
  • Added option to hide nsfw in main feeds but not inside communities (note currently only applies to 'hide')
  • Added sign up button on sign in page
  • Added sticky sort (remembers changes to sort)
  • Added community filters (filters posts from communities whose name matches a filter)
  • Added setting to control notification time Interval (10S to 12H)
  • Added share and hide to comment swipe actions
  • Added release notes to app startup
  • Added setting to control release notes


  • Fixed table markdown in some scenarios
  • Fixed the exit confirmation not showing when the left drawer was disabled
  • Fixed issue with jumping to parent comment being offset in comment navigator
  • Fixed draft comments loading the wrong comment while editing when you have multiple comments
  • Fixed 'View full post' modal not disappearing on click
  • Fixed theme setting not persisting
  • Some optimizations to how posts are laid out, scrolling should feel smoother
  • Small logo tweak

Thank you everyone for all of the support and suggestions, please keep them coming and we'll continue to make Connect the best app for browsing Lemmy!

