
joined 1 year ago

cross-posted from: uploaded some great API documentation to get started making your own Lemmy client.

Proved very useful in making my iOS client Lunar

[โ€“] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

I just set up

just... it does not backfill previous content and votes. What time window are you talking about here?

The whole design is not what I would describe as robust and chock full of features. A lot of people have pushed federation as the key to scalability (now with over 1500 lemmy instances online ) when it is one of the least-mature parts of the code and carries a lot of overhead. Having 500 servers all subscribing to the same communities on for a dozen readers is causing problems with outbound distribution.


I'm starting lemmy-ui with:

LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_INTERNAL_HOST=lemmy-alpha:8541 node dist/js/server.js

Running against the drone-lemmy instances created by lemmy_server's api-tests scripts. I'm running latest main checkout on both projects.

My browser gives me:

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://localhost:8536/api/v3/community/list?type_=Local&sort=TopMonth&limit=50&page=1. (Reason: CORS request did not succeed). Status code: (null).

api-tests scripts build dev mode, I thought CORS was turned off? I've played around with adding LEMMY_CORS_ORIGIN=* - but it doesn't help.

EDIT: reading this post closer, I see 8536 vs. 8541. If I manually refresh my browser against lemmy-ui on port 1234, it works... but I wonder where 8536 is getting picked up?

Thank you and I hope you are having a great weekend.


This is the first post or comment in Lemmy history to say log_min_duration_statement ... ;)

It is possible to instruct PostgreSQL to log any query that takes over a certain amount of time, 2.5 seconds what I think would be a useful starting point. Minimizing the amount of logging activity to only those causing the most serious issues.

"Possibly the most generally useful log setting for troubleshooting performance, especially on a production server. Records only long-running queries for analysis; since these are often your "problem" queries, these are the most useful ones to know about. Used for pg_fouine." -

I think it would really help if we could get or some other big site to turn on this logging and share it so we can try to better reproduce the performance overloads on development/testing systems. Thank you.


Someone was asking about it in support, so I was curious to try it. The Rust code has HideCommunity, I even tried to bypass the JavaScript client and do a direct API call.

Does anyone see the function call to send a HideCommunity object?

Where it might be disabled in the Rust code? I know it goes all the way into the database and is on SELECT statements.

Thank you


Since I found out about my autism in 2009, at age 40, I struggled to find older people who I could relate to that had mental disorders.

I also feel like late-diagnosed autism is not well understood by the medical community. I keep witnessing more and more adults who are diagnosed even at age 60 (who work in science news reporting, of all fields!).

With autism, age is so focused on children in the medical research funding. But schizophrenia learning is often focused on adults: "symptoms generally start in the mid- to late 20s, though it can start later, up to the mid-30s. Schizophrenia is considered early onset when it starts before the age of 18."

It's an interesting time period in autism right now. Since I became active on the topic in 2009, I keep hearing story after story on social media about people not getting diagnosed with autism until age 40, 50, etc. Again: diagnosed with autism even at age 60

Terry A Davis and I have a lot in common:

  1. I was born in 1969 too. Just a couple months older.

  2. I learned programming on a Commodore 64 and published social media software.

  3. He worked at "Ticketmaster as a programmer for VAX machines" - I had a VAX/VMS system at my high school and got a job with a pentagon contractor based on them also having a VAX system at age 16.

  4. I became an expert in operating systems and wrote books about them in the early 1990's.

  5. I have traveled and lived as a digital nomad since 1999, I've lived all over the USA states he was spending time in.

After 2017, he struggled with periods of homelessness and incarceration. In 2018, he was struck by a train and died at the age of 48.

I have never had hallucinations of any kind. And his interest in religion strikes me as someone who would have really benefited from a 1970 lecture by Joseph Campbell: Joseph Campbell - Inward Journey: Schizophrenia and Mythology

I've lived in the Middle East for years, lived in several Islamic nations, experienced different views of religion. Dr. John Weir Perry is a reference. As Joseph Campbell is pointing out in that lecture, religion itself is a form of Schizophrenia. I think Terry A Davis is exactly the kind of person who would have benefited from having that knowledge, and even translating it to Arizona (where he lived) areas of mythology - like Navajo teaching. I do not subscribe to any one religion as "correct" any more than films, songs, fiction. I think James Joyce combined with Marshall McLuhan and Neil Postman are an excellent set of teachers about how to understand mythology (religion) stories and not get caught up in the specifics of Middle East interpretations. The Navajo Pollen Path I consider better than what I've seen in most Bible/Torah/Quran teaching.

Terry A Davis's visions of inner voices also fits a lot with the fiction and meta writings of Phillip K. Dick. PKD was very good with metaphors and I think well understood what Joseph Campbell was saying about the psychology of religion. It would not surprise me at all if PKD knew of the 1970 lecture by Campbell in his lifetime.


For lemmy server testing and performance baseline measurement, I think it would be cool to have every API call exercised.

Anyone willing to create and share some JavaScript client code? Normally these are run with Jest via NodeJS - but we can make it an extra step to integrate into Jest. I'm just thinking someone doing front-end app work can do a well organized hit on every API surface.

You can skip the creation of a user if you want, that code is already in the testing

Probably ideal to organize moderator vs non-moderator.

Something like: edit profile with every option one at a time, create a community, edit it, create posts, edit, delete, undelete, reply, etc. Imagine you were doing interactive tests of a major upgrade and wanted to hit every feature and button.

Right now most of that testing is done in independent scripts, such as a user test:

And you can see it only tests editing a profile is working, not that actual features change their behavior. Although I've started to add that for back-end behaviors like showing read/unread posts on the list. Front-end devs are the ones who know what end-users do and the fringe cases to look out for. Thank you.

[โ€“] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Lemmy developers are


GitHub Issue 2910, June 4 2023. JUNE 4, it is July 28.

Ask them for server logs of crashes in June and their denial

[โ€“] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

I request page 0 with limit 10 and get nothing

Lemmy API starts at page 1, page 0 is invalid?

curl ""
curl ""

page=0 returns {"error":"couldnt_get_posts"} (or comments)

[โ€“] 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I've had lemmy_helper crawling posts looking for missing comments for the same post on different servers, thousands of posts, and I haven't seen this yet. is the most unstable server - it ever returns an HTTP status problem or some error message.

[โ€“] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I don't think people know (how end-users will cope with the distributed choices of Lemmy). Reddit 2023 is nothing at all like Lemmy. One could be considered a household name for regular users of the Internet, the other a return to something more like FidoNet.

I come from the BBS days of the early 1980's and even social media radio before that. I come from IRL user group meetings, held at public library and after-hours company meeting rooms. It has always bothered me that current-day subreddits have mostly no identity to the moderators and that moderation is often behind the scenes.

I guess it's like "corporate experience" that people expect this day in society... that you can walk into a generic franchise chain bar and grill and not really care who the owner/operator and bouncers are of your hangout. Anyone can start a topic/ conversation and there is just some anonymous janitorial crew who is supposed to clean up the overflowing mess if (non-venue) spam or hate messages enter into the space.

The mechanisms of who pays for the venue and the moderators also was a topic most people never bothered to think about. Like it was some taxpayer-funded city park and perhaps the admin police might spot check if anyone was causing a tragedy in that there commons. But reality is that it was a profit-seeking venue charging a cover charge in the form of selling copies of your contribution and changing the tone of your meeting space by controlling the jukebox that visitors hear in terms of advertising messages inserted into the conversation space.

Lemmy seems small, owner/operator focused, and you get a sense that each instance is like some small bar and grill where you can come and meet some strangers or friends to discuss some topics under house rules. Your tips help pay for the hosting and the jukebox isn't piped in memes from advertisers.

I remember when Reddit had known owners with known ideals, but that was very long ago. I've found making it big (with the associated wealth) changes people. One owner even committed suicide over his society ideals about sharing information. Ultimately I feel like a lack of topic participation by the moderators and owners alike made people thoughtless as to their own role in building a human community and people often felt like they were fighting machines and code.

sorry if this meandered off topic, but lately I've had some long-time friends ask me 'what is Reddit" since it is in the news lately, and I find it hard to explain what Reddit used to be (before new Reddit and the addition of images/video) vs. the corporate-like entity we know today that our contributions and participation helped empower over the past 17 years. I've used it mostly daily for all that time, and I have been unhappy with society's dehumanizing direction for too many years.

/ramble from a disturbed mind.

[โ€“] 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

It would seem nice to have an instance of Lemmy that focus on TV shows, films, music, bands, comics, etc

I'm watching the SIlo TV series currently (new episode today), etc.

Anyone working on this?

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