
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 9 months ago

There is also AppImage Launcher which works nicely for me. It automatically integrates AppImages into the DE (e.g. search and start menu) and a few other nice things.

[–] 0 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

It does sound a bit weird. On the other hand, if he can influence the choices positively, he does have a point. If not him, someone else would take the job. I would have drawn the line somewhere else but I can understand where he is coming from.

And the fact that he resigned means that he has and likely had some moral compass guiding him.

[–] 0 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (11 children)

Ich geb zu, es ist alles nicht so leicht. Wenn jemand wirklich viel Milch konsumiert sind 5l am Tag (durch bspw. Käse) nicht unrealistisch (Durchschnitt ist aber bei ca. 50l im Jahr). Was dann 50g Fleisch am Tag entsprechen würde. Definitv genug für einen Veganer der ab und zu Fleisch isst.

Kuhleben war vlt das falsche Wort, ich meinte eher "Kuhleidensjahre". Persönlich habe ich kein Problem mit der Schlachtung selbst. D.h. eigentlich hängt alles auch noch von der eigenen Moralvorstellung ab.

Milchkühe geben übrigens Fleisch von schlechterer Qualität. Und die Kälber werden für die Fleischproduktion Stand heute sowieso geboren (vermutlich? Weiß nicht genau ob Milchkühkälber dafür geeignet sind).

[–] 0 points 11 months ago (15 children)

Da sind die Größenordnungen einfach so komplett anders dass das eigentlich nicht stimmt.

Kurz überschlagen gibt eine Kuh ~5000l Milch im Jahr für ungefähr 5 Jahre. D.h. 25000l Milch insgesamt. Eine Kuh gibt ca 200kg Fleisch.

D.h. wenn du mit "hin und wieder etwas Fleisch" etwa 100x weniger Gewicht meinst als jemand der jeden Tag Milch konsumiert dann funktioniert es. Ansonsten kostet Fleischkonsum deutlich mehr Kuhleben als Milchkonsum.

[–] 0 points 11 months ago

The only thing I could find is an old-school keyboard by IBM. I guess that's it and OP just likes the hacker vibes of using that kind of keyboard?

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yeah, I think it's also very impressive how they have different styles but are still very similar in some ways. Most noticeable with Arctic and Antarctic Oscillation.

And "The rain formerly known as purple", "Coalescence" and "The raindrop that fell to the sky" are just soooo good. Could listen to them on repeat (and have done so (: )

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I can also recommend FTL, Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2. Really good OSTs, I'm listening to all of them regularly. They've also got great gameplay! But they're rogue-likes so basically no story in case that bothers you.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago

Huh? Why would you switch to miles from kilometers?

And IMHO megameters aren't used that often because there is rarely anything useful to measure with it. Using a different unit makes you lose your sense of scale (e.g. the earth has a radius of ~7000km, not 7Mm) and for astronomy megameters aren't big enough most of the time (and you might as well use lightseconds/years because gigameters give no real intuition of scale).

[–] 0 points 1 year ago

Jag fattar inte varför kärnkraft är så politiserad. Varför låter man inte företag bestämmer det själv? Det verkar ju inte som om dom (t ex Vattenfall) är intresserade. Bara några nackdelar:

  • De är dyrare än andra alternativ
  • Långa byggtider
  • Avfallshanteringen
  • Urananskaffningen

Finns självklart föredelar också men det verkar som politikerna slår en död häst med kärnkraft.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago

I've actually wondered about this. If you take a sealed container, freeze and thaw it again, shouldn't it be sterile? So basically good for as long as the seal remains tight?

With some exceptions of course, the seal might not be tight at low temperatures, some bacteria can survive frost etc.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Sure. In my experience a week is absolutely no problem and usually cooked food goes bad in a detectable way (mold or tasting off). Personally I never had a problem but I guess it also depends on the fridge temperature and whether it really was cooked/fried all the way through.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (4 children)

I mean, there shouldn't be any salmonella on fried eggs in the first place. And once dead it won't come back just from being stored in the fridge.

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