
joined 9 months ago

πŸ™€ Onions aren't food!

... Canines also not food, dunno what's supposed to be funny there <.<

Anyway only the New York one looks at all edible to me πŸ˜…

We had that ages ago, but most people use Windows keyboards and haven't had it until now ;P

Idunno, my mom told me not to talk to _stranger_s πŸ€”

... She said a lot of things that were BS, though, so maybe you're cool I guess? 🀷

[–] RiikkaTheIcePrincess@pawb.social 4 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago)

Oooh, I placed the first clue for Round 1 immediately but the rest threw me off πŸ˜… Never got into the season(s) relevant to Round 2 so 🀷 on that one too :-\

Oh, maybe I'll watch all' that here! Just kidding, we've only got access to like five streaming services and violently headdesks until streaming service shenans are forgotten Uhhh, what was I saying? Anyway we don't have access to that here :-\

Yay trivia funtimes, though :3

[–] RiikkaTheIcePrincess@pawb.social 2 points 18 hours ago (1 children)

Kinda seems like more people could put reasons to follow their links instead of just links :-\ Or, perhaps worse, a link that looks like spam and a description that looks like spam. Seems a tad doofy 🀷

I'll never forget attending CS courses with a guy who got violently angry at having to write code. I assume he's either thrilled with Copilot or in prison for attacking somebody over its failure to reliably write all of his code for him.

Then we'll have to give them more pie, and they'll just eat the pie! Eventually they'll eat all of the pie and the poor rich folks won't have any pie :(

Yeah, I'm still salty about that vile skit.


Hi, me being a bellend asking for help again- Imean, uh, helpfully bringing up that having a place to do that could be cool. Yeah, that. I think somecritters around here were discussing such a thing at some point? squeaks meekly?

(Yapping/story-stuff/rambling/???) ... It'd be real cool if the aid programs around here were implemented more sensibly and responsively :-\ Finally got to see a mental-y health-y help-y critter who sent in the stuff to get me on a cash assistance program but now it's just πŸ¦— πŸ¦— and Idunno if I'm gonna be able to dispel credit bills this month, dunno what'll happen if I don't. I wonder if I can postpone by proving I have COVID? ... Ugh. I assume there's gonna be some kind of torture if I can't. Have been trying not to think of it 'cause I can't handle shit. Am close to being able to, just that one thing needs to stop with the heel-dragging and I'll be able to scrape by well enough to get help and start a life ([Sarcasm] At 34, which everycritter knows is the best age to be starting to live at) but rrgghhh squeaky-squawky-flaily incoherent critter noises!
(End ???)

Anyway, was that place ever a thing? I- er, some critters may need to borrow a buck or something. And a nap. Does anycritter have a nap I can use? I'll give it back after 🀷 [Strange incoherent joke] Can't taste it anyway.

(Off-topic) In other news, somehow I've ended up in the pridest freakin' city? Every other weekend there's some kinda pride thing going on @.@ Kinda neat Is'pose πŸ˜… 🀷 🐭 πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ skitters quietly away, still squeaking excuses and distractions >.<;

[–] RiikkaTheIcePrincess@pawb.social 14 points 1 week ago (1 children)

not many people in the world who understand this code.

Kinda sounds like maybe he writes some freaky garbo C that nobody can figure out πŸ˜…

[Joke] Closet good guy Putin entering the later stages of his plan to give up Russia without ever looking like he's backed down 😊 It'll all be one unified Ukraine soon!

[–] RiikkaTheIcePrincess@pawb.social 13 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Well, go on then :3

OTC? Why Tesco? If OTC, then why not Wal-mart and Target and everywhere else?

I think I'm allergic to this annoying dog who's staying here for a bit v.v achoo! Et cetera!

There's so much in place to keep people from getting help but paying people to shoot us and not even bother to make up their own lies about it, no problem!

What the fuck.

Literally the party of deliberate cruelty :( Whole bunch of people just trying to hurt others. Ugh.


Is anycritter else unable to stay logged in? Every new page I go to (a post, a community, a user) shows me logged out. I can log back in, but only for that page.

If it's on my end, advice would be nice ':3
Thankies squeek 🐭


I saw this (please halp I'm stuck on imgur again again v.v) and thought you critters might enjoy the G words ~.^


[Lie] Okay so, cowboycrustation says I have to post or he's gonna pinch me πŸ™€

I currently seem to be somewhat less doomed than previously seemed likely. Turns out a kind critter contacted another who called for helps and yet another popped up like "Hay, we have a room just for critters like that one!" So now I'm here in a lil room of a four-critter family's place, in neat lil area @.@ It's gonna be awkweird but I've got somewhere to be other than frozen Minnesota street doom and there are critters trying to help me so I've got at least some kinda chance of getting by up here. Am sleepy now but the looming threat of crabby pinchings and/or pinchy crabbings compels me to post something so here it is :P πŸ˜…

Lots of new experiences, too. Hanging out playing board games on the floor of my hotel room with my new friends, who didn't even know each other... that was neat πŸ˜… Neat day. Better than the previous one. I think. I don't really know what happened that day. Anyway, some things are happenifying. Also it's kinda cold here πŸ˜…

Oh, the city looks super different than my initial impression. I suppose part of that is riding in a car versus riding a bus or train, but it looked much more familiar on the way here. Also being daytime probably helped a lot. My initial impression was like, dark and enclosed and often a lil bit lost, riding light rail with a bunch of smokers, trying to navigate Mall of America with eighty bazillion hunams in it @.@ D: πŸ™€ ... That sort of thing. Muchly different! Anyway, I'ma nap or something now. @.@ 😴

Help? (pawb.social)
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by RiikkaTheIcePrincess@pawb.social to c/trans@lemmy.blahaj.zone

Heyuh, any hot tips on how I can get the hell out of this abuse house? BioParents have decided that one "no" is far too many and they've decided to try to break into my room. They're yelling a bunch of bullshit and telling me to get out but also they're trying to work out how to break into my room?!

I'm in rural northeastern Oklahoma; I've got a bit of money (assuming they don't rob me of that somehow) but no real means of supporting myself because I'm autistic and agoraphobic in the middle of nowhere, relying on them for everything. I've finally got just a little bit of help (some medications at least, nothing fancy) and it's just too little too late I guess.

tl;dr: BioParents threatening, bullying me. Need some kind of lasting escape, need help creating my own life if such thing is possible. Need to never be here again.

Edit: Sorry, I'm a bit scattered. Sorry if this is the wrong place for this. Couldn't find anywhere that is. Also I may lose "their" Internet connection because cutting me off from help is totally not abusing me but actually a reasonable way for them to "take back their property" (they want all of my keys as part of throwing me out, I've never been able to deal with confrontation and they know it... blah blah BS). May be able to use my phone... ugh.

Edit 2: They called the cops on me.
Edit 3: The guy with the Punisher tat explained that no one had done anything wrong but they can't throw me out without going through the eviction process. BioMom has been through that process before (she used to run an apartment complex!) so she damn well knew she couldn't do that, and that the cops wouldn't help her unless they were just hardcore transphobes who'd just as soon shoot me. No shock to me, the only logical reason she called them was to bully me harder or just get me killed.
Edit 4: Night now, managed a kitchen+toilet trip. Didn't get thrown directly into jail nor "institutionalized" for daring to disobey my dear sweet loving and supportive (sarcasm) mother and her imaginary right to invade every detail of my life. Still don't know where to go. I'm too old for many things, too young for others. Kinda afraid (ashamed?) to even try to contact any kind of shelter because like... they've got a handful of rooms and I'm gonna ask for one because I'm a thirty-something loser who's broken and getting thrown out? They made me broken and they're throwing me out for trying to keep one single detail of my life from her but... damn, is that really fair to ask, when others have been through so much worse? Besides, probably nowhere has any space available, so I'll just be stressing over a phone call or whatever and get nothing from it but more stress. FML, wish I'd been born to an actually decent family or not at all. (Edit 4b: No-go on the whole family/friends thing.)
Edit 5: Still alive! Feels like none of this is even real, like I must've just dreamed it all. I think it's this room messing with my head, like nothing can ever change. Am just yapping I guess 🀷 (Edit 5b: Oh, edits count as bumps. Sorry >.<; )
Edit 6: Now BioMom's lashing out at BioDad too. Apparently she's going to take us to hell with her when/after(?) she dies. What the actual fuck. Anyway, in case he comes and kills me I'd like to mention that the new name I've been flirting with is Keris. Nocritter asked and I'm in no state to be soul-searching right now but I kinda want to say it, I guess. Might as well try to be as me as I can when I don't know if there's gonna be a me in ten minutes. On the plus side, if she decides to still go to her thing on Monday I'll have a window for escape. Just have to figure out how, and where to go.
Edit 6b: Okay, not dead yet. No idea what's going on out there; haven't heard anything in a while. Realized I may sound a little insane being afraid of BioDad when BioMom is the one screaming about taking people to Hell with her. She's very movement impaired and can't get to my end of the house on her own. Sad, yes. Complicated. He, on the other paw, is as cruel as she lets him get by with. He's always been physically intimidating (though not yet "violent"), verbally abusive, always looking to do as much damage as he can without her scolding him for it. So if she's not a factor... he's a threat.
Edit/Update 7: They taped a seven-day eviction notice to my door. Looks like state law requires thirty but Idunno if I can last that long anyway, given I'm afraid to even cross the lil hallway to get to the toilet. I'm very not okay, I need somewhere safe to go, at least long enough to calm down and figure out what the hell to do but there's just nothing for it. Might be able to afford a hotel for a couple weeks if I don't eat. I'm not eating anyway so maybe that's not so bad. No friends, no family, no space in shelters (and I don't meet anyone's criteria anyway), no place to go if I do manage to leave, no idea where else to even try or ask. Hell, I'm almost out of bottled water too. If any brave adventurers wanna swoop in and rescue me, now's the time :-\


Hi, shower thought time. Are we wiggly? Do we have an official wiggle, or wiggle style? I like to wiggles enbily, to demonstrate but Idunno if any-enby-critter else wiggles at all, let alone whether we've got a traditional/official/typical style of wiggle πŸ€” Also, same question but for everything else. Share your favourite wiggles! Discuss the traditional enby wiggles, trans wiggles, weird wigglycritter wiggles... I'll even accept wriggles as well :3 Maybe wobbles too. Case-by-case, that one.

Late warning: this post is entirely 100% goofness :P


Firstly, buuuuump! hehehehehehehe

Secondly, so, my trip to enbyness has taken a bit of a circuitous route, right? It took ages to realize that, hey, y'know... maybe I don't have to be a guy. I can be a girl! Yaaay! Finally free! So I hatched and be'd a girl for a while (... where did the past decade go, please help me get it back). Well, I kindof always expected I'd end up creeping enby-ward at least a bit but recentlish I got to having some feels and it's been getting to the point where I'm occasionally getting bits of a second dose of that hatchy euphoria. Turns out, I can wear through the gender hangups and start to just be me, right? So, double-yay! Kinda feels like I'm cheating, honestly πŸ˜… Most people only get to hatch zero times, and even lucky trans-critters mostly only get to hatch once. So here I am, delightedly double-dipping discovery, digging into my 'dentity and hoping maybe somecritter around here has a story to share :3 That or I'm just yapping into the void. Even still, maybe I can fan the lingering enbers (harharhar, see what I did there? :D ) of this community!

Also any neat tricks for finding/committing to names/colour schemes/avatars would be nice :3 Actually I should probably just have another poke at making an avatar and just go for it but eep >.<; Triple-eep at making a top-level post πŸ™€


Helloifications! So I've got a Cooler Master MP860 fancy-lighty-mousepad and was hoping it wouldn't be too hard to get at least basic control over the lighting (solid colour of my choice). I'm on Linux, so it looks like writing an OpenRGB controller (/kanging off' another CM mousepad's controller and hopefully not having to make more than minor tweaks ;P ) or begging someone else to is my best option for that. I'm not sure whether it's even possible to handle this on my own without reversing from a working setup (Windows+official tool/SignalRGB) that I don't have but I'd like to get something going other than this constant colour rotation.

Thoughts? Advice? Maybe I'm lucky and somecritter's already got a controller half-written? Also, I'd like to mention how odd and amusing it is to think of the phrase "brick a mousepad."

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