
joined 7 months ago
[–] RiikkaTheIcePrincess@pawb.social 11 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Here in the US those mean the same thing. That is, "Libertarian" specifically means right libertarian for some reason.

[–] RiikkaTheIcePrincess@pawb.social 31 points 1 day ago (7 children)

Would've been wicked sick if they'd succeeded :D

Too bad about that :-\

I couldn't make it through the first episode because it's direly inane. Like, it's aggressively vapid and everything I hear about it reinforces that opinion. I mostly just avoid that stuff so instead of being there making a show of how much I hate that show, I'm just... not? I think that's maybe why you think we're unicorns: could be you just don't see us because we don't hang out around the thing you expect to see us disliking. Kinda makes sense from another perspective, I think.

That or the rest all got banned or bullied out or something for having unapproved feelings regarding series deemed important. Idunno. Kinda tired of it being a religious issue.

[–] RiikkaTheIcePrincess@pawb.social 13 points 1 week ago (1 children)

That's how many major car companies caught bullshitting emissions requirements now? It's almost as if there's some kind of underlying thing driving (pun unintended but welcome ;3 Call it comic relief if you like) capitalist entities toward awful behaviour.

Iroh, Junk, Fuc.... uhhhh... Fucu fish? Fucy, a name like "Lucy" but absolute garbtrash?

... Yeah okay that one's just "Fuck." But let's talk about Iroh anyway! He's way cool.

a little closer to reality

Imagining the rest of the enormous pillar of cookies is left to the viewer, I suppose. Hard to show a tower to Mars all in one frame. seethes quietly at wealth hoarders

Wow, you're fluffing adorable :O 😻

[–] RiikkaTheIcePrincess@pawb.social 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Is that Callisto down there? 🤔

[–] RiikkaTheIcePrincess@pawb.social 9 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Cold and lonely. Ran out of my main anti-hypertensive+anti-anxiety med, now there's nothing keeping my blood pressure high (as opposed to extremely high) unless I can smoke enough weed to do that. I don't really like it enough to try very hard 🤷 Had some kinda emotional crash thing last night, figured out I'm afraid to exist. Especially without an easy way out it feels like a terrifying commitment I'm not ready for. Sounds odd I guess but I don't pretend to be okay 🤷

Also, Minnesota's medicaid stuff is ass-garbage. Just gimme a website where I can poke the buttons and get everything done instantly. Oklahoma managed it. Somehow here it takes months and a bunch of bullshit snail mail and phone calls and I still don't have it fully set up (prescription coverage fuckingplease?!?) Grrrr!

Did I mention "cold and lonely?" Dunno if I'm even capable of feeling close to anycritter any more but bleeeh it hurts to not have anycritter I feel like I can yap at.

Anyway, back to days of daze. sarcastic "Wheee"

Aaahhh, this is horrifying! You've ruined my breakfast 🙀

spoilerThe article states that Sonny "grooms" Marie to be a housewife but she's clearly written to want to be. There's a difference between "look, these games are gross because you the player/player character coerce some poor girl into slaving away at home cooking and cleaning and raising kids for you" and "look, these games are gross because the writers made a character wanna be a tradwife with a job."

I had other stuff written but apparently didn't post any of that. Bleh. Tired now, not gonna agree (nor stop getting silently downvoted, gotta love that) anyway. Off I go ö/


[Lie] Okay so, cowboycrustation says I have to post or he's gonna pinch me 🙀

I currently seem to be somewhat less doomed than previously seemed likely. Turns out a kind critter contacted another who called for helps and yet another popped up like "Hay, we have a room just for critters like that one!" So now I'm here in a lil room of a four-critter family's place, in neat lil area @.@ It's gonna be awkweird but I've got somewhere to be other than frozen Minnesota street doom and there are critters trying to help me so I've got at least some kinda chance of getting by up here. Am sleepy now but the looming threat of crabby pinchings and/or pinchy crabbings compels me to post something so here it is :P 😅

Lots of new experiences, too. Hanging out playing board games on the floor of my hotel room with my new friends, who didn't even know each other... that was neat 😅 Neat day. Better than the previous one. I think. I don't really know what happened that day. Anyway, some things are happenifying. Also it's kinda cold here 😅

Oh, the city looks super different than my initial impression. I suppose part of that is riding in a car versus riding a bus or train, but it looked much more familiar on the way here. Also being daytime probably helped a lot. My initial impression was like, dark and enclosed and often a lil bit lost, riding light rail with a bunch of smokers, trying to navigate Mall of America with eighty bazillion hunams in it @.@ D: 🙀 ... That sort of thing. Muchly different! Anyway, I'ma nap or something now. @.@ 😴


Hi, shower thought time. Are we wiggly? Do we have an official wiggle, or wiggle style? I like to wiggles enbily, to demonstrate but Idunno if any-enby-critter else wiggles at all, let alone whether we've got a traditional/official/typical style of wiggle 🤔 Also, same question but for everything else. Share your favourite wiggles! Discuss the traditional enby wiggles, trans wiggles, weird wigglycritter wiggles... I'll even accept wriggles as well :3 Maybe wobbles too. Case-by-case, that one.

Late warning: this post is entirely 100% goofness :P


Firstly, buuuuump! hehehehehehehe

Secondly, so, my trip to enbyness has taken a bit of a circuitous route, right? It took ages to realize that, hey, y'know... maybe I don't have to be a guy. I can be a girl! Yaaay! Finally free! So I hatched and be'd a girl for a while (... where did the past decade go, please help me get it back). Well, I kindof always expected I'd end up creeping enby-ward at least a bit but recentlish I got to having some feels and it's been getting to the point where I'm occasionally getting bits of a second dose of that hatchy euphoria. Turns out, I can wear through the gender hangups and start to just be me, right? So, double-yay! Kinda feels like I'm cheating, honestly 😅 Most people only get to hatch zero times, and even lucky trans-critters mostly only get to hatch once. So here I am, delightedly double-dipping discovery, digging into my 'dentity and hoping maybe somecritter around here has a story to share :3 That or I'm just yapping into the void. Even still, maybe I can fan the lingering enbers (harharhar, see what I did there? :D ) of this community!

Also any neat tricks for finding/committing to names/colour schemes/avatars would be nice :3 Actually I should probably just have another poke at making an avatar and just go for it but eep >.<; Triple-eep at making a top-level post 🙀


Helloifications! So I've got a Cooler Master MP860 fancy-lighty-mousepad and was hoping it wouldn't be too hard to get at least basic control over the lighting (solid colour of my choice). I'm on Linux, so it looks like writing an OpenRGB controller (/kanging off' another CM mousepad's controller and hopefully not having to make more than minor tweaks ;P ) or begging someone else to is my best option for that. I'm not sure whether it's even possible to handle this on my own without reversing from a working setup (Windows+official tool/SignalRGB) that I don't have but I'd like to get something going other than this constant colour rotation.

Thoughts? Advice? Maybe I'm lucky and somecritter's already got a controller half-written? Also, I'd like to mention how odd and amusing it is to think of the phrase "brick a mousepad."

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