
joined 10 months ago

Yeah, let’s not elevate idiots to a pedestal - and I’m not calling him an idiot (just Rittenhouse), we don’t know squat about him yet.

Just letting people know what a PA resident told me. Too bad people don’t want to hear it. If the guy was left leaning and registered as a Republican downvotes aren’t going to make it better.

[–] -3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (18 children)

This isn't as easy as it seems. Apparently it's not uncommon to register to vote in a closed primary like PA for the opposite party you prefer in order to dilute the vote for the candidate you don't like by voting for the person running against them in the party. So he may be a "registered republican voter", but that may be as a minor act of sabotage rather than his real politics.

E: what’s up with the rebuttals? “Yeah it happens but not really”? So it happens, but it couldn’t with this guy? If I’m wrong and he’s actually a Republican, great! But downvoting the possibility he registered the opposite of his beliefs isn’t gonna make it disappear.

[–] 19 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Because the "third world" doesn't mean what people think it means. It's cold war terminology. First World is western aligned nations, Second World is Eastern bloc, Third World is nonaligned with the eastern or western nations. FBFW it meant nations that generally weren't powerful or wealthy enough to be of interest to either East or West, and that poverty often meant they really had a lot of infrastructure and other problems. That's why we're not "Third World", it's a geopolitical alignment, not a quality of how we treat our citizens and infrastructure. So we're First World even if our country is turning into a shithole in some ways.

[–] 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Funny that so many conservatives love the AR and one was used to shoot at their President. Maybe irony would be a better choice of words. Not sure where you get “any gun owner…at least one..” I know plenty who have zero and no need of such a tacticool fashion accessory.

[–] 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

Yeah, blue shirt in the car.

That would be really bizarre if a dude that looks so much like the shooter was able to whip out a video so quickly. The only thing I couldn’t quite tell was that images of the shooter looks like he has an underbite almost, and the vid clip guy looks more normal.

Edit: found it. Allegedly someone called Maxwell Yearick?

E2:… ok. So looking up Maxwell Yearick gets things a little confusing. There are nsfw images of the deceased shooter that definitely look like he has the slight underbite/protruding lower jaw. Yearick is a protester who was arrested at a political demonstration and I don’t think he looks like the video guy at all nor do I think he looks like the deceased. Blue shirt guy looks closest, but we’ll have to see what shakes out of that.

[–] 17 points 2 days ago (6 children)

There’s apparently a video of him saying he hates trump and republicans. It’s getting messy.

[–] 20 points 2 days ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Armalite Rifle, Armalite is still a maker of military rifles. The AR-15 is a rifle that was pitched to the military by armalite, then re-designated the M-16 by the military when it was adopted. The civilian version retained the -15, and is incredibly popular with gun owners because of the number of components made for it making it very customizable. It is also the one most often referred to as an “assault rifle”, though that isn’t what “AR” stands for.

So to sum up, the “AR type” means that it’s likely a variant of the -15.

Someone said that wasn’t him? It sure looks like him though. Couldn’t see some random dude looking like him and posting that.

Grand. So we’ll find out what his affiliations are.

[–] 10 points 2 days ago (1 children)

The republicans aren’t big on reals, having a living martyr will suit their narrative just fine.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Proof again that the press is just there to stir the shit and get views, who cares what happens to the country.

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