
joined 10 months ago
[–] 2 points 54 minutes ago

But that doesn’t please the shareholders or appease the apparently ever more concerning necessity for infinitely growing profits.

[–] 2 points 59 minutes ago

In Tabbycatistan there is only one vote.

[–] 13 points 4 hours ago

Spoken like a person who will not have to live long under the consequences of that hubris, and whose family wealth will insulate their offspring.

I’m gonna vote for you, Biden, but your personal “peace” is a shitty umbrella the rest of us don’t get to live under.

[–] 3 points 16 hours ago

And the engines can’t make the power.

[–] 38 points 20 hours ago (15 children)

Project 2025 has been around for years. How have people not noticed it?

[–] -4 points 21 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago) (3 children)

“By saying all men were "created equal" Thomas Jefferson intended to abolish the system of hereditary aristocracy, where some individuals were born as lords and others were ordinary.”

Ok. Landed white male aristocracy.

Then there was black people not getting to vote.

Women couldn’t vote.

If you didn’t have enough property you couldn’t vote.

Native Americans weren’t citizens until the 1900s. Don’t forget the awful treatment and suffering they received at the hands of Jackson.

Let’s not bother discussing how long many of the founders owned slaves, despite their “enlightenment”, and how long it took them to free them. If they did.

That’s just off the top of my head. Sure seems like landed white males were still top of the heap as far as the founders went.

E: that’s framing for you. A bunch of (often rich) white guys wrote the rules for white males to still be in charge. Enlightened or not, that’s how the country started. We have improved on their work in many ways, but as I stated originally, we need to take the shiny veneer off and look at who they were and what they really did. None of this is untrue.

[–] 5 points 22 hours ago (9 children)

I’ll offer a cautionary note on that take. We really need to meet our heroes, in this case our founding fathers, and frame their words and mindset in the time they said what they did. Those “ideals” revolved around landed white males and not the sugar-coated “I can not tell a lie” history we got in 4th grade.

Shhh, just let it happen.

Snowflake “revolution” wants to hit the ”easy button”.


Carl Weathers has had a storied career in Hollywood, spanning 50 years. The actor known for a number of impactful roles, from Apollo Creed in Rocky to Greef Karga in The Mandalorian, has passed away at the age of 76.

I wonder if Arnold will comment?


"Texas this week erected new barriers along part of the state's border with Mexico, blocking Border Patrol access, a court filing said on Friday, as conflict over migration escalates between the state's Republican governor and Democratic U.S. President Joe Biden. The Texas National Guard added new concertina wire and fencing to a stretch of the border near Eagle Pass, blocking U.S. Border Patrol access to a city park that contains a boat ramp agents use to reach the Rio Grande, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) said in a filing to the U.S. Supreme Court."


"The drownings – as well as the rescue of two other migrants on the US side of the Rio Grande by Mexican authorities – “underscore that Texas is firm in its continued efforts to exercise complete control of the border and land” in the area “and to block Border Patrol’s access to the border even in emergency circumstances,” the administration wrote. "


"“At the very least, however, Border Patrol would have had the opportunity to take any available steps to fulfill its responsibilities and assist its counterparts in the Mexican government with undertaking the rescue mission. Texas made that impossible.” "


“ Donald Trump lashed out Tuesday at a pair of cable networks not named Fox News for their decision not to air all of his Iowa caucuses victory speech as it happened, suggesting that what they did was so heinous that they should “have their licenses, or whatever they have, taken away.”

Dictators gonna dictate.


I’ll offer “A reading list”. There’s no shortage of good books to read, and to no longer read anything for entertainment and/or knowledge would be a bad thing.


It seems society always goes down the shitter over and over following the same path. People rise to wealth and power extracted on the repression of the masses, massive disparity, ignorance exemplified, xenophobia and blaming minorities for any possible issue, laws signed with golden pens but becoming more meaningless when they’re only enforced to protect the wealthy…. Then some sort of collapse, fragmentation, and/or dystopia usually in conjunction with war, purges, and killing in the name of tribalism.

History seems to rewind the cassette and record right over the top with the same old song.

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