
joined 10 months ago

I’m still alive.

[–] 1 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

You’re going to make me debate what “usual” is for shootings in the US. That’s a grim one.

[–] 3 points 4 hours ago (5 children)

Tbf people don’t usually go out of their way to shoot nice people.

[–] 4 points 14 hours ago (1 children)

No. The only ballgame where such a shooting occurred was the congressional baseball game practice in 2017, afaik.

[–] 5 points 17 hours ago

Facts don’t matter. They have their alternative facts they choose to believe in.

[–] 25 points 17 hours ago* (last edited 17 hours ago) (2 children)

What, exactly, are they scared of? Being told they’re wrong to support trump? Being told facts about conservative actions that have damaged, and will actively worsen, people’s lives, geopolitics, society, and the planet that make them face the fact that their beliefs suck and are harmful? Does it scare them to hear that trump is a piece of shit for innumerable completely objective reasons?

Because I don’t know of any liberals threatening to bring tiki torches to conservative rallies and act like the Hitler Youth, I don’t hear of liberal laws being made that make it ok to run over conservative protesters with your car. I don’t see armed liberals showing up at polling stations.

So what is it they’re scared of, other than being told they’re horrible for supporting a fascist and the dismantling of our democracy?

[–] 10 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Source he was a libertarian?

US libertarians are republicans’ worst governing qualities on steroids, but they’re essentially republicans here despite the naming difference.

If nothing gets released (like very little was released about the mini-arsenal, bump-stock Las Vegas mass shooter) he’s probably right wing. If there’s anything leftist about it you can bet they’ll dig for every possible way to exploit it.

[–] 34 points 1 day ago (6 children)

Don’t you love it when the conservatives blame the Dems for what the conservatives are doing themselves? It’s like narcissism’s victim-blaming 101: shifting accountability, gaslighting, and projection.

Projection is all they do.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Even on FB they’re deleting articles left and right. I posted an article from NBC on FB, it was deleted in 10 minutes.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Can you not change party affiliation at any time?

The last two points are very valid. It’s definitely something I considered, but this is such an F’d up timeline that I can’t help but be very pessimistic.


Thomas Matthew Crooks, the suspectin Saturday’s shooting, was registered as a Republican voter, according to Pennsylvania records.

Already the republicans are dismissing his voter registration as meaningless. Here comes the “mental illness” angle.

Edit: apparently it’s not uncommon to register with the party you oppose in PA. This is going to be a fun ride.


Carl Weathers has had a storied career in Hollywood, spanning 50 years. The actor known for a number of impactful roles, from Apollo Creed in Rocky to Greef Karga in The Mandalorian, has passed away at the age of 76.

I wonder if Arnold will comment?


"Texas this week erected new barriers along part of the state's border with Mexico, blocking Border Patrol access, a court filing said on Friday, as conflict over migration escalates between the state's Republican governor and Democratic U.S. President Joe Biden. The Texas National Guard added new concertina wire and fencing to a stretch of the border near Eagle Pass, blocking U.S. Border Patrol access to a city park that contains a boat ramp agents use to reach the Rio Grande, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) said in a filing to the U.S. Supreme Court."


"The drownings – as well as the rescue of two other migrants on the US side of the Rio Grande by Mexican authorities – “underscore that Texas is firm in its continued efforts to exercise complete control of the border and land” in the area “and to block Border Patrol’s access to the border even in emergency circumstances,” the administration wrote. "


"“At the very least, however, Border Patrol would have had the opportunity to take any available steps to fulfill its responsibilities and assist its counterparts in the Mexican government with undertaking the rescue mission. Texas made that impossible.” "


“ Donald Trump lashed out Tuesday at a pair of cable networks not named Fox News for their decision not to air all of his Iowa caucuses victory speech as it happened, suggesting that what they did was so heinous that they should “have their licenses, or whatever they have, taken away.”

Dictators gonna dictate.


I’ll offer “A reading list”. There’s no shortage of good books to read, and to no longer read anything for entertainment and/or knowledge would be a bad thing.


It seems society always goes down the shitter over and over following the same path. People rise to wealth and power extracted on the repression of the masses, massive disparity, ignorance exemplified, xenophobia and blaming minorities for any possible issue, laws signed with golden pens but becoming more meaningless when they’re only enforced to protect the wealthy…. Then some sort of collapse, fragmentation, and/or dystopia usually in conjunction with war, purges, and killing in the name of tribalism.

History seems to rewind the cassette and record right over the top with the same old song.

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