
joined 11 months ago
[–] Pxtl@lemmy.ca 3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Honestly the 2nd analog stick I didn't mind too much because the face-buttons made a decent D-pad for the tiny handful of shooters on the DC. The bigger flaw was the lack of 2nd shoulder-buttons.

Also that putting a screen into a controller has always been a solution looking for a problem. It was on the DC, it was on the Wii-U, and there's a good reason they abandoned the idea to put a screen on the PS4 touchpad controller.


So lemmiverse, my https://pxtl.ca domain has officially been booted off of Google Domains (welcome to the Google graveyard, Google Domains) and now has been moved into Squarespace, which is expensive.

Anybody recommend a good cheap .ca TLD domain host? One with a decent API for dynamic DNS so I can keep my home subdomain? I have a couple of pi4 servers in the house that could be tasked with pinging an API endpoint to notify the domain host of my IP.

thanks in advance.

[–] Pxtl@lemmy.ca 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

WearOS, at least the Samsung variant of it, is goddamned awful. It seems to want to be a full standalone device when I want it to just be an extension of my phone, and it's an extension of my phone when I want it to stand alone. Worst of both worlds.

I miss my Pebble. Week-long battery, truly always-on-screen, and knew what it was trying to be (just show me notifications)

[–] Pxtl@lemmy.ca 0 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

Yeah, this. For people with short commutes and in the market for a compact I strongly recommend the Prius Prime. Having a vehicle that can get to work and back without using gas at all, but also can go on long road trips without range anxiety? Perfect. And as an entry-level into the plug-in world, it's nice that I can charge it on regular 110 instead of having to think about an upgrade to an oven-port.

[–] Pxtl@lemmy.ca 0 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (8 children)

Part of it is just today's polarized political climate, especially since the popularity of the Fediverse is partially a backlash to reactionaries taking over Twitter and the corporate enshittification of Facebook and Reddit.

Everything is a war now, and solidarity and boycotts are basically the only weapons that small, independent actors have. So people apply "don't cross the picket line" thinking to everything, even where it doesn't make sense.

Want to act properly? Contribute money and labour towards your instances. Help them build better moderation tools so they can handle the flood of crap from Threads, and onboarding tools and better UX so they can steal away the Threads users.

[–] Pxtl@lemmy.ca 0 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (10 children)

Dumb. Federation is how we escape from every cloud-based service being a dictatorship of the person who owns the platform. That includes federating with privately own orgs to provide them an exit.

By all means make good tools to allow individual users to block Threads (or other private instances ruled by amoral coporations), but doing it at instance level is just dumb.

edit: also, number of instances doesn't matter. Number of daily active users matters. Most users are on mastodon.social, mastodon.cloud, lemmy.world, hachyderm.io, lemmy.world, etc. And all of those are federating. The only large instance that is not federating with threads is mas.to


Well, the dryer has been disassembled and vacuumed, the dead coil removed, the new coil swapped in, ready to reassemble as soon as the new belt arrives. I was surprised how much of the brown shmutz in the heater was just ash from the coils - it dusted off quite shiny after I replaced the coil.


busted heating element before


repaired heating element

I'm a little worried about the visibly duller part of the heater assembly, hopefully that won't absorb too much heat - I tried to cluster the coils a bit looser there to compensate.

It's even visible on the reverse side.

dull area where burn happened

Either way, I'm reassembling tomorrow when the new belt arrives.

dryer interior


I feel like I have a moral responsibility to attempt to repair anything before making it waste. So I'm trying my hand at the dryer. Sadly I didnt' realize that the whole tub joint pops upwards so I detached the tub from the join and then found the join comes off pretty easy anyways.

Anyhow, everything is made of garbage these days:

Photo of disassembled Kenmore stackable washer

Photo of broken heating coil

But I think I can replace that. But while I'm in there: any recommendations on how to lubricate the tub joint? Anything else I should be replacing while I've got it apart? I noticed the tape sealing up the exhauste has disintegrated so I figure I should replace that with a strip of aluminum duct tape.


Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but recommendations for personal and family password management?

I finally switched to Firefox on my phone, because Chrome "privacy". And then when trying to find out how enable password storage, I accidentally set up Microsoft Authenticator as password management phone-wide. Realizing this meant cross-app password management, I finally accepted that my old approach of politely ignoring the problem and manually memorizing algorithmic passwords is no longer tenable. I honestly would prefer the anti-privacy approach where every service just uses oAuth and only one provider has my password, but we're not there today, so time to learn the new tech.

So basically, what's the current OSS best-practice for a one-stop-shop password management software? I know "OSS" and "big safe cloud storage provider" are kind of oxymoronic, but imho encrypted-cloud-storage is the best tradeoff between security and convenience.

And, ideally, something I could get my kids onto as well and manage some shared family-PWs as well, since I assume their password management strategies are either "reset every time" or "just use the same PW everywhere and it's a ticking time-bomb".