
joined 1 year ago
[–] 12 points 4 days ago

Man woman TV Camera Person, his arms wide.

[–] 30 points 4 days ago (3 children)

Too pricy. Good ol' depression is free and can overpower hunger signals if you languish long enough.

[–] 4 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

What a sandwich of a comment. Agreeable point - what a tremendous assumption filled leap - agreeable point. I am reeling.

[–] 4 points 5 days ago

Unironically yes. All of that comes at less expense to humankind, too. Even accounting for you.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Lad, women are tenser at first fucking's because, in theory, you're both getting used to each other and what most turns on the machinery of arousal. They tend to feel smoother, slicker, and downright hungrily pulling, when a woman is most aroused. You are self owning a tad bit to any one who knows how to lay a proper lovin'.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

The dictionary is...literally (hello self-evidence) full of words for which there has long existed an 'Objective Definition' but which usage has brought a consensus based 'Subjective Definition'. Etymology is the study of a shifting process, and both you and them are correct:

Them in the expected usage a publication should use to apply it to a discreet entity, and you in the fact that the subjective shift in meaning gives us words that map anecdotally to our lives.

Truly...language is awe-some.

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

You're missing the vital forest you started on by getting stuck defining trees it looks like, but I get it.

Minorities are treated by a separate physical rubric by law enforcement and even the court of public opinion. The biases abound, yes. And those absolutely involve secondary physical characteristics, of which biologically speaking are...things that exist. Like skin color is one.

I get what you're saying and while I don't know why other folks are uncomfortable with that, but if I clocked things right, your original point (paraphrased below) is damn right imo:

Whether a 16 year old child is American Samoan, Black, Hispanic, or White, they are still a child, however large or mature the specific kid's genetics may have rolled them to appear. Further, it is fucked up for cops to default to feeling more threatened by the bigger/more developed ones, to have more bombastic reactions, as does tend to happen.

This is reality for minorities; my large colored ass doesn't get away with certain behaviors even as the affronted party, unfairly as it is.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

For everyone else, I feel like the developers are LARPING as security professionals to make their boring job making web pages for local businesses interesting.

Wdym my 128 bit password enabled, passkey preferred, https domaines, encryption-within-box standards-meeting secure emailing webserver powered WordPress website for my little kid's school PTA organization isn't a viable attack vector? Of course not, you see the web firewall...

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Case of not seeing the wit for the trees. In the topsy-turvy landscape of the last 8 years or so, the problem is that "dripping with" part. The weirdos do always go for the double-down after all, so adding more starts risking confusion with that tactic of theirs.

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

You are off your rocker, and dangerous to those you share a play space with, wow. I pray you're that visibly unhinged where others can be warned before they risk their reputations, sanity, or comfort near you.

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

The person you unloaded that reply on wasn't even the one you originally replied to. Are you okay?

Before you get too affronted by my maybe not super politic words below, understand that you should imagine me in chaps, a chest harness, and a bull horns headpiece if it's the Halloween Munch, vibing.

A sex club is to advanced empathy as differential equations are to little Timmy's arithmetic problem, do you not realize this?

It's a firehouse turned upon hearing someone say their mouth is a mite dry. It's just the reality: They're literally categorized as 'non-mainstream' spaces precisely because they do not easily fit the currently mainstream view on sexuality or mores, pretty much nowhere.

Not to mention, not the environment to throw in those you suspect of bigotry or misogyny jeez, they're supposed to be spaces kept clear of that sort of baggage and drama so their purpose can remain clear, consensual, and to the point.

No organizer is going to host a "gawk at our ladies react, learn our etiquette" event, and if they did, that would only maybe help the sort of folk you're accusing these people of being mask and pass at the Munch.

Not improve their lives long term in any way. There is a reason why you still have to get to a dedicated space to see the things you mention play out as normally as they do, where they are maximally normalized.

People generally can't act how they do in there in any other social setting and they're spaces where the things you learn can only translate to your life in some ways (more compassion, better lover, learn to seek and engended enthusiastic consent, etc) but even that generally requires the person going to be arriving ready to take some learning out.

[–] 23 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

In 1998, Baker, Ruoff, and Madoff that the organism is most likely a species of Mycoplasma called Mycoplasma phocacerebrale.[7] This Mycoplasma was isolated in an epidemic of seal disease occurring in the Baltic Sea.[8]

It's not that we don't know what causes it, and it can be cultured from seals and has been. It's that in order to empirically and categorically say in any way that matters that the organism is definitely the cause of seal finger...

You would need to be culturing a person infected with the disease from whom treatment is being withheld. Either against their will or with their "consent" wouldn't matter. As we know what the disease can lead to, the ethical course of treatment is clear: a bunch of culture ruining antibiotics injected into you. Right away, without delay.

Because asking or even taking advantage of someone declining treatment to assess and write the confirmation study that says "Mycoplasma phocacerebrale definite cause of seal finger" goes against a lot of ethical science limitations.

This is what makes the donating the affected limb of someone who never got care for science post-mortem also work as both a neat joke and ethical loophole. Researchers could accept that gift, ethically.

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