
joined 2 months ago

Thanks. This is helpful

This is sage advice.

[–] PotentiallyApricots@beehaw.org 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

I am thinking of things like comments that were cruel, competitiveness, contempt, or people who are asking questions and acting interested but who are really trying to bait me into conflict or have an ulterior motive. I am better at it than I used to be but it's hard for me to respond to it when it does happen.

Sometimes I interpret people too charitably or I just don't realize until the next day how I felt or what they really meant. Other times I notice but I don't know how to translate my internal misgivings into words that change or end the situation. Being angry or direct often backfires. Usually these are people who are acting as if we are friends but in a disrespectful way. It just really catches me off guard still, for some reason.

Boundaries have helped a lot, but my sense of self trust wavers a lot for ptsd reasons and this is probably what assholes are zeroing in on. I just keep running into it perenially. The body language thing is something i need to work on.

Edited because typos.

Thanks. I definitely do tend to make a lot of mistakes judging this.

[–] PotentiallyApricots@beehaw.org 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Thanks. Any good effective ways to exit situations that you have found work for you? I find when I start to feel uncomfortable it's harder for me decide what to do or say specifically.

[–] PotentiallyApricots@beehaw.org 8 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Thank you. I should add that I am referring to manipulative people specifically. I can tell someone is being an asshole if they're not hiding it, but I do struggle when people pretend that they're being friendly or neutral or while also being terrible under the surface, if that makes sense. In retrospect it was usually obvious to other people, but I don't see the bad faith element beneath the friendly behavior it until it escalates.


I've noticed I have a problem with not noticing people's bad intentions until I'm well into an interaction or relationship, and not having good ways to respond when I do notice. Some of this may be brain, but I think much of it is habitual from things I was taught in my upbringing that don't work well in the world.

Has anyone successfully figured this one out? I've done a ton of work on myself and gotten a lot wiser, but I still keep falling into the same trap of giving my good faith time and words to people who are semiblatantly trying to take advantage of me, are asking questions in bad faith, or are just generally being kinda mean or creepy to me. Once I do notice, it's usually gotten to a point where it's a little costlier to exit the situation than I think it would be if I had noticed right away. It still happens even when I feel cynical or don't like/trust someone.

Any way to avoid this in the future? I guess I feel like I need a good reason to think "fuck this person." It's hard for me to react to it in the moment when it's not clear to me a)what they're doing and b)how to effectively shut it down or extricate myself.

Hopefully the next places will be more durable. It is still SAD and damaging when vibrant communities get destroyed though. I am more lamenting that.

[–] PotentiallyApricots@beehaw.org 35 points 2 days ago (3 children)

People haven't adjusted yet to the reality that online social ecosystems matter, they affect so much in the real world. Decimating multiple online spaces in such a short time has consequences and i hate that a handful of random guys with no stake in any of it except money get to make decisions like that.

[–] PotentiallyApricots@beehaw.org 9 points 3 days ago (1 children)

You have articulated exactly how I feel whenever I see that word in a headline haha.

I feel you're coming at this from an abstract angle more than how these things actually play out in practice. This isn't reliable software, it isn't proven to work, and the social and economic realities of the students and families and districts have to be taken into account. The article does a better job explaining that. There are documented harms here. You, an adult, might have a good understanding of how to use a monitored device in a way that keeps you safe from some of the potential harms, but this software is predatory and markets itself deceptively. It's very different than what I think you are describing.

[–] PotentiallyApricots@beehaw.org 7 points 4 days ago (3 children)

Yeah, I just fundamentally don't think companies or workplaces or schools have the right to so much information about someone. But I can understand that we just see it differently.


I’m a person who was pretty badly harmed by the psych system and all that entails and I think I would feel better if I could read some wiser peoples’ words about it lol. Surely there must be some good political theory or academic writings about this that people have heard of?

I want to avoid things like memoirs, clicky articles, wellness content, etc. Looking for something more direct and zoomed out and theoretical. I feel like that has to exist?

Edit: I wrote this thinking about how much Johanna Hedva’s Sick Woman Theory or some feminist writings I read in college unfucked my head with regard to those topics.


Located in the us and seeking recommendations. All the brands I could think of are too expensive these days (i buy a lot of tea), but I can abide the aldi brand no longer.

Edit: I mean teabags for hot teas, things like English breakfast, earl grey, spiced chai, etc. In search of decent quality that isn’t watery or stale tasting, but nothing too special.


Got a silly adulting question: how in the heck do you get burned sticky grease off metal nonstick pans? In previous lives I don’t remember this ever being an issue for me. I guess I either had a dishwasher, had different cookware or just was cooking much less in general?

But every time I roast anything, the residue does not seem to fully come off the pan. I’ve googled this, I’ve tried baking soda, vinegar, soaked them in boiling water with dish soap, etc. What am I doing wrong? Do I just need to use foil forever? I can’t switch back to glass pans, with some health stuff they’re now too heavy to be practical.

Edit to say: thanks everyone!!


Aside from heat that I am fundamentally not built for, we had an actual tornado near me yesterday. Tornadoes are not completely unheard I guess, but they’re not common or something that we really plan for where I live. Humidity has also been wildly over the top, and pretty consistent instead of occasional. It feels almost tropical, or what I would imagine tropical weather to be. I’m from a traditionally cold-ish, temperate place. We have always gotten all kinds of weird weather but it feels a lot more consistently steamy and intense than it used to. What weird new weather things are happening where you live? How are you adapting to them? (How on earth do you cope when everything feels wet?)

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