
joined 1 year ago

Surely they fully support the shooter right? After all, pro-gun people have been telling us for decades that dogshit gun laws are needed so that if any politician becomes a tyrannical, they can be executed by some random civilian.

So I guess the shooter was just a responsible gun owner who thought Trump was a tyrant. They've never actually articulated what a tyrant was or at what point they should be killed, so I guess it was just up to whatever some unhinged gun owner thought.

The American pro-gun community calls anything stricter than "fill out a one page form without lying too much" a "gun ban".

The only exception to this is when they claim "It can't be our permissive gun laws because Switzerland has permissive gun laws and they don't have all the homicides, armed robbery and mass shootings".

Which is just a lie in the other direction since Switzerland has regulations the pro-gun community staunchly opposes for America, calling them a "gun ban".

[–] PoliticalAgitator@lemmy.world 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

And what are those recommendations exclusively based on? Just because two thoughts in a row give you a nosebleed doesn't mean everyone falls for such lazy apologism.

They don't want to filter it for themselves, they want to filter it for everybody or better yet, stop it being produced in the first place. They make their tantrums as public as they can for a reason.

[–] PoliticalAgitator@lemmy.world 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Fuck yeah, I can just copy and paste this whenever you tell people without ranked choice voting to vote independent. People can watch you not answer anywhere then.

Okay sure, let's have this discussion.

The first massive favor I'll do is give you the benefit of the doubt and accept you're saying this in good faith and not as a right-wing sock puppet.

The next massive favor I'll do is accept your (ostensible) plan is wildly successful, far beyond what you could reasonably hope for. Everybody is so moved by your comment that you convince 80% of Democrat voters to vote independent and every single one votes for the same independent party. Hell, I'll even throw in 10% of Republican voters.

The only thing we won't give you is the ranked choice voting needed to stop your idea being dumb as fuck. We'll stick to reality for that one.

So tell us how the next 4 years play out in your head. Polls close, votes are counted. Democrats 9.8%, Toothfairy Party 44.1%, Republicans 45.9%.

Then what?

[–] PoliticalAgitator@lemmy.world 0 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Aww, don't start being coy, tell us what happens next. Explain how our problems are solved after following your advice. I've given you the best possible setup I could, assuming a level of success unquestionably beyond what you're able to achieve.

Unless you're willing to give us even a token explanation of the second half of your plan, it really does look like "Republicans win the election" is where your plan ends.

[–] PoliticalAgitator@lemmy.world 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

Okay sure, let's have this discussion.

The first massive favor I'll do is give you the benefit of the doubt and accept you're saying this in good faith and not as a right-wing sock puppet.

The next massive favor I'll do is accept your (ostensible) plan is wildly successful, far beyond what you could reasonably hope for. Everybody is so moved by your comment that you convince 80% of Democrat voters to vote independent and every single one votes for the same independent party. Hell, I'll even throw in 10% of Republican voters.

The only thing we won't give you is the ranked choice voting needed to stop your idea being dumb as fuck. We'll stick to reality for that one.

So tell us how the next 4 years play out in your head. Polls close, votes are counted. Democrats 9.8%, Toothfairy Party 44.1%, Republicans 45.9%.

Then what?

This could be some of the laziest discourse I've seen. It's a meme. Did you want it to list every single Democratic Party policy in that first panel? Do you genuinely think you've invalided their point because you've shown a meme isn't absolutely watertight and accurate for every case you're capable of imagining?

I know you just wanted an excuse to tell us your opinions but fuck, at least try

[–] PoliticalAgitator@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

And if people were buying massive trucks for their unmatched safety, that would be a point worth making. Unfortunately, there's thousands of cars on the market that are safer than both those options (for both the occupants and the people around them) and some of them can fit just as much in the back.

There is no justification for these trucks. Not safety, not cost, not the environment, not accessibility and not the amount of stuff they can theoretically carry.

The only excuse is "I'm a massive cunt" and people are absolutely right to not accept it.

[–] PoliticalAgitator@lemmy.world 16 points 3 weeks ago

Most people who aren't conservative psychopaths actually like their families and want to help them when they can.

[–] PoliticalAgitator@lemmy.world 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

You inherently claimed to be a victim by claiming that people were attacking you. You've done an embarrassingly bad job of damage control today.

[–] PoliticalAgitator@lemmy.world 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

"Said" is past tense. Yesterday, when you were pretending to be an authority on historic rocks, you said it wouldn't wash off. I didn't see that thread and immediately understood what they meant.

They weren't being even slightly dishonest, but it's clear you are. Would you have admitted you were wrong if you weren't called out by name? My gut feeling is "not a chance".

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