Well, alright thanks for clearing that up. I understand the meme now, although I still struggle with the ... unusual use of terminology. But yes, it very much makes sense to show teosinte then!
EDIT: OP cleared up the confusion, thanks for that I ... what? This is such a gigantic leap, going from Teosinte to modern day mazie and calling it a GMO, what is it even suppoed to mean? We shouldn't use domesticated plant? I am seriously scared by the lack of what I consider to be general knowledge of breeding in the general population, have people stopped going to school in the last 5 years?
People did WHAT?
Möge die nächste Böe dir freundlichere Gefilde schicken.
Thing is, they already have their explanation: Alpine glacial recession was caused by mountain warfare in WW1, beacuse they blew literal hole in there. That destabilised it.
Damn, this picture looks romantic as ... uh, "fuck" would make for a bad choice here, but you know what I mean.
Now, don't be hasty, no-one could run then. All of their ancestors had ancestors born before 1776 and therefore could not have been US-citizens.
Well said
Insofern etwas lächerlich, wenn man bedenkt wie viel größer und schwerer die Autos geworden sind. Wenn nicht alle immer diese fetten SUVs kaufen würden, ich frage mich ob wir überhaupt über ein "Verbrenneraus" streiten würden.
Hey, I like him! He may be ill-tempered and violent, but he has a big heart <3
Ich meine ... ja, hast du dir mal die Zuhausis hier angesehen, was die sonst so als Michmich-Grundlage nutzen? Klar hat die ganze Gemeinschaft ADHS!
It's going to be very hard having the same opinion for all of these (somewhat abstract) instances - considering how wildly incompatible some of these are.
EDIT: Also, wrong (but arguably original) use of template.