
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Hmm… I think I can agree that overall it’s weaker than the first one. If it’s the weakest game, then I can hope for a better next game, sound great.

If you ask 10 people "rank the Ace Attorney games" you'll get 10 very different answers (which IMO shows how consistently good the series tends to be), but there's three games that tend to hang near the top of most lists:

  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations
  • The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve
  • Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor's Gambit

This last one is the only AA game I haven't played yet, but I can definitely say that the first two are my favorites so far.

Really hyped to get the Investigations bundle, will probably be the next "main" game I play once I finish Hatsumira.

The Messenger is REALLY good. I wasn’t much interested in the game initially, but loved the tight gameplay when I got into it.

I'm getting a bit frustrated with some aspects of the game (mainly the excess of cheap deaths), but overall it's really good. I got to the part where it turns "metroidvania" and it was a really cool change.

[–] 3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (3 children)

Finished Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All. That last episode was something else. Probably the strongest one in the series yet. It was also great to see the character progression. Still have one game left in the trilogy, but will play it later.

I think JFA is overall the weakest game in that trilogy, but that last case more than makes up for it. It's an S-Tier case and one of the most memorable in the series.

Finished Cadence of Hyrule!

Side game #1. Played mostly with Link and enjoyed it, but not as much as the original Crypt of the Necrodancer.

I think what annoyed me most was the uneven difficulty - it's really hard at first, then you get a good weapon and a couple heart upgrades and breeze through most of the game, only for the difficulty to spike up again in a nasty final dungeon before the final boss.

Playing The Messenger!

Side game #2. Pretty good Ninja Gaiden clone so far, challenging but not unfair. Just reached the "Searing Crag" area.

Playing Hatsumira: From the Future Undying!

Chapter 1 was stupidly long, by the time I finished it the in-game progress display was at 24%!

It focused on the beastman tribe and the second heroine Alilah, and overall was a good section. Highlights were the side-characters, which I liked way more than the main heroines so far - Lyth, Fal, Curio and even the three beastman warriors were great.

Also hoping we get less sections where it shifts the POV to the villains, because even though those sections were short they still managed to bore me to tears.

Anyway, Chapter 2 is looking like it's going to be a breather episode focused on the resistance with more worldbuilding. Current progress is 18% into Chapter 2, 26% overall.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

And, then… there’s my mystery game. It’s done and it was Danganronpa V3.

Oh, so that was the secret game! I was very curious about it after the last post.

.... and yeah, I wasn't very impressed with that one either when I played it years ago. The twist in the first chapter was cool, but after that it never got anywhere near as good as the previous two games and like you said the ending was terrible.

I'm glad Kodaka moved on from the series to try new things after that. Master Detective Archives: Rain Code was quite enjoyable, and while I don't think it's as good as the first two Danganronpa games the overall mood of the game was fantastic (Kanai Ward was such a cool location) and got me wishing for a sequel in the future.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

I love the Cat Quest games. The games themselves are simple, but still pretty fun, not to mention the humour and all the cat (and dog for Cat Quest 2) puns.

They are so good. Extremely simple but so fun, everyone I know who tries those can't stop playing.

I see you are still dealing with the consequences of your VN Madness Month. Good luck!

Definitely paying for my sins here. 😅 But at least it came in a good time, I've been in a good mood for playing VNs these past few weeks.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

Finished The Fox Awaits Me HANA! (Link to Japanese eShop)

Easily the most obscure visual novel I've ever played - the VNDB page has zero reviews, a total of 3 ratings including my own, and even had a hilariously incorrect plot summary before I fixed it.

But this was an excellent story. It makes good use of having a cast already developed by the first game to stick to a faster and tighter pacing, there's some really good twists, in particular in the nature of the "groundhog day" loop that you spend a good portion of the game, and the climax of the story offers strong emotional moments.

I did have some trouble with the game though, could not find any english-language guides and it took me a while to get "unstuck" in one part of the story, but I eventually got past that with some help from a korean wiki and Google Translate. I've submitted a guide to GameFAQs based on my playthrough, so if someone sees this post and gets motivated to try this game they won't run into the same problems. 🙂

Finished Cat Quest 2!

Needed a short breather from VNs and remembered I had not finished this one. A simple hack-and-slash with a lot cat puns, very fun and highly recommended. It's on sale (-75%) right now and even has a demo, so go try it out!

I'm starting some longer VNs and will probably need breaks from time to time so I think I'll also play the sequel as a "side game".

Playing Hatsumira: From the Future Undying!

This is an Isekai visual novel - a genre about people getting transported to a different world, typically with a fantasy/magic setting. This genre has been extremely popular in anime/manga/light novels for a decade or so, but oddly enough it's quite rare to see it in visual novels.

First impressions have been mostly positive - production values are solid, the pacing has been good, and I'm enjoying the MC - he's a capable and sharp-tongued adult, and his interactions with the rest of the cast have been hilarious.

Definitely not a fan of the heroine character designs, the the first time I saw Yukikaze I thought "wait, isn't that just Yumiko from Grisaia in a bad cosplay?" 😆, but I think my biggest issue so far with the game is the localization - I don't mind when the translator tries to make the dialogue more colorful, but I think they overdid it with this one - the MC uses way too much (british?) military slang and his dialogue feels very out-of-place for a japanese soldier.

According to the rather nice in-game progress display I'm currently at 6% of the game. This is going to be a long one.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I went overboard with VN purchases in the last month, so I'm probably going to keep focusing on those for a while.

Finished Senren * Banka!

Last week I commented about the first three routes, and there were two left:

  • Lena: By far the best story of all routes. We finally get a proper explanation for the origins of the curse, an incredibly satisfying resolution, and I love how they even hint that certain events from Murasame's route also take place in this one. The only bad thing is that Lena's romance was on the weak side, but even then I'd say it's a strong contender for best route in the game.
  • Roka/Kohaku: This "side" route goes entirely slice-of-life with the main character working a restaurant alongside the heroines, and was a surprisingly enjoyable read. The weakest part of this route is definitely Kohaku, she's the least interesting heroine in the game, but I really liked Roka and wish she had more screentime.

Overall I had a good time with this game and might be willing to try more Yuzusoft titles in the future.

Finished Loopers!

Had one last short VN from Key in my backlog.

It has a very interesting premise - it's about a group of people stuck on a "groundhog day" loop, repeating the same day endlessly, but instead of dealing with the loop itself it's more about their day-to-day lives as they try to keep themselves happy and sane in this situation. It also has a very nice and colorful artstyle that was one of the things that drew me to the game.

Sadly, I think the game is way too short to properly explore this premise or develop its fairly big cast - it has twice as many characters as another similar-length Key VN I played recently (Harmonia). There's also some very questionable story choices, like some out-of-place horror segments in the early parts of the game or focusing too much on the treasure hunting theme.

Not a bad game, but I think it had the potential for a lot more.

Finished The Fox Awaits Me!

A fairly obscure VN I picked because the art and themes looked interesting, and also my first time playing a Korean VN. And I liked it way more than I expected.

It starts with the MC awakening in a bamboo grove with no memories, and he ends up getting involved with a magic fox, a mountain deity and a grim reaper as he tries to piece together his past and figure out what was exactly his previous relationship with the heroines.

One of the most interesting things about this game is how well it maintains tension, even during the more chill segments. You know the heroines are hiding things from you and it's hard to tell how much you should trust their words, plus it's clear from some scenes (including some rather bloody bad endings) that danger is around and you shouldn't relax. There's also the writing of Shua, the titular fox - she's clearly obsessed with the MC, and you often wonder if she's about to snap and do something crazy.

The production values were great, with a good OST, nice backgrounds and animated sprites. The english translation could've used a bit more QA though, I've spotted a few typos and mistakes, and there's bugs like text occasionally going outside the screen. Nothing gamebreaking, but annoying.

Playing The Fox Awaits Me HANA (Link to Japanese eShop)

Direct sequel to the game above.

It has full english support and was originally planned for a US/Europe release, but it was suddenly cancelled with only some vague statements about it.

Decided to play this one first because it's supposed to be shorter than other VNs I have on my backlog, hoping to finish it over the weekend.

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

More action? Or more slice of life / romance?

My favorite stories are the ones that do a good balance of the three, but if I had to choose between them I'd say slice-of-life.

A strong cast with a good dynamic is the main thing I need to enjoy a story, and you're more likely to those in games with slice-of-life segments.

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Playing Senren * Banka!

This VN has a very different story structure than what I'm used to. Most games tend to ramp up in the later parts of the story, adding tension and focusing more on action, but this one goes in the opposite direction and cuts most of the action in favor of slice-of-life moments and romance. It's unusual but not a bad thing, and shows the developer's commitment to the romance theme.

So far I've completed 3 of 5 routes:

  • Yoshino: Has little plot outside of the romance, but since she has the weakest chemistry with the MC the romance doesn't feel natural and the end result is very bland and uninteresting.
  • Mako: My favorite so far, has the best pacing of the routes I've finished and balances comedy/romance/plot very well.
  • Murasame: Has the strongest emotional moments and her banter with the MC is the best one, but revolves around a weak and repetitive plot line that drags the route down. However, if I could choose one route to be the "canon" one I'd definitely go with hers.

I'm currently playing Lena's route which has been a very positive surprise - she had very little involvement in dealing with the curse on the first half of the game, so I never expected her route would be the one to give us its backstory and origins. Plot-wise it's easily the best route so far, but the romance parts are not as good as Mako or Murasame.

After that there's still the Roka/Kohahu shared route, but I'm hoping to finish this game in a couple more days.

I think the next game I'll play will be Loopers which is another short Key VN.


Getting strong Goemon / Mystical Ninja vibes from this one, looks really fun.

Demo available:

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

#3 because I like Estelle way more than Rean.

I generally rank the Cold Steel games the lowest of the series - I did enjoy my time with them but I also think they're the games where the flaws of the series are more obvious.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Second favorite of the "first games in an arc" so it's #2 out of 4. That sentence may have ended up more confusing than I expected. 😅

Though if I sit down to rank all the games Daybreak would still end up quite high in the list.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Finished The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak!

The first half of the final chapter dragged quite a bit and that's the main reason I'm putting this below Trails from Zero as my favorite "first game in an arc", but overall I had an excellent time with this one.

Van is easily the highlight of this game, and while my initial impression of the playable cast was underwhelming I still ended up getting fairly attached to them. There's some characters that need more work in future games (Feri, Risette, Bergard), but others like Judith and Aaron more than make up for this.

Also, while individually there's some clear weak points in the cast, I really liked their progression as a group, their interactions with Van in the final stretch of the game were excellent.

Finally, the new battle system has a lot of good ideas and feels like a step forward for the series. Looking forward to Daybreak 2 in 2025.

Character interaction discussion, mild spoilers for the final chapter

The game brings up Van's self-sacrificial tendencies more than once, and I loved seeing him try that near the end only for the rest of the team go "nope, you're not pulling that crap on our watch". 😄

Finished Planetarian: Snow Globe!

Planetarian is classic Key VN that I played a while back and enjoyed, and they recently released a physical version which I could not resist picking up for my collection.

Snow Globe is a very short (~1h) prequel story that comes bundled in the physical version, which shows a bit of Yumemi's life and coworkers in the past. An interesting read and a nice bonus, but not something I'd recommend as a standalone purchase.

Finished Harmonia!

Another short Key VN I had on my backlog, but this one was decidedly "mid". It has a similar structure to Lunaria with a boring start then getting a lot better when the "real" plot starts rolling halfway into the game.... but unfortunately I found the main "twist" in this one incredibly predictable and figured it out in the first 10min of the game. 😕

I'd say the best part of this one was the setting, there were some very interesting ideas there but sadly not enough time to explore them.

Playing Senren * Banka!

Resumed this one and reached Chapter 3, the foreigner Lena got introduced as the last main heroine. So far Mako is still my favorite, but now that Yoshino's getting more friendly I'm starting to like her a lot too.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

The manga for this one is surprisingly solid despite the overused premise. There's a lot of work involved into building Elma (and Luce) into powerhouses, so a lot of battles are very close with them barely scraping by due to good team work.

If the production is solid this will definitely be a fun watch.


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