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[–] Ooops 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Kendall und Kylie Jenner...

...was ich auch nur weiß, weil Abwandlungen davon in den letzten Jahren sicher schon 1000 Mal wiederholt wurden und die Frage dann immer wieder kommt.

Soll also niemand beaupten, dass man durch Memes nichts lernt... Okay, selten etwas sinnvolles doer nützliches aber irgendwas lernt man eben doch.

[–] Ooops 5 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Ich find an dem Artikel gar nicht so viel skurril. Außer natürlich, dass die Meisten immer noch nicht wahrhaben wollen, dass große Teile der Linken vom selben Abschaum unterwandert wurden, den man vormals eher mit rechts außen assoziiert hat.

Man muss sich diese angeblichen "Antiimperialisten" doch nur mal anschauen. 95% davon interessieren sich z.B. seit Jahren einen Dreck für irgendetwas anderes als Israel, tatsächlich linke politische Themen sowieso völlige Fehlanzeige. Wie viel davon einfach hirntoter Antiamerikanismus ist, der auf Israel übertragen wird, oder gleich Antisemitismus ist, ist da echt nicht mehr groß von Belang. Wenn das die Linken von heute sind (weil sich die echten Linken nicht von dem Dreck distanzieren können), können sie sich gar nicht oft genug spalten und untergehen. Die braucht nämlich dann wirklich niemand.

[–] Ooops 5 points 1 month ago

You could...

But then one is an open system where you can disable the UI put on top and have a working linux system, while the other is a closed blob destroying compatibility and trying hard to lock you out from accessing the underlying linux system.

[–] Ooops 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Tja, nur dass der Artikel das exakte Gegenteil beschreibt. Nämlich wie die inzwischen gängige Desinformation in Deutschland (z.B. ist Ausbau der Kohle in Deutschland nach Abschaltung des letzten Atomkraftwerks ist zwar nie passiert, aber trotzdem sowas wie Allgemeinwissen...) jetzt auch von Konservativen in anderen Ländern als "Begründung" genommen wird, warum Klimapolitik offensichtlich zum Scheitern verurteilter Irrsinn ist.

[–] Ooops 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Am I supposed to acually watch that video or can I just use the most basic common sense?

Separating car traffic from bike traffic from pedestrian traffic adds a lot of layers between cars and buildings, while measures to calm down traffic -to protect those bikers and pedestrians- also reduces severe crashes (and you would need a lot of force to actually damage a building).

[–] Ooops 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

In that fairy tale reality were European industry actually is lagging behind and needs protection you would be right. But that's a lie. Those chinese electric motors are European designs. Their battery design was (and still is) researched in European labs.

Also those cheap Chinese EVs aren't real. Prices are alwas adapted to market, its buying power and -more importantly- the bare bones versions will not be allowed on European streets anywhere. So in the end we get "cheap" cars for 10% less than domestic producers. When the fuck has 10% higher prices for solid quality ever been a problem. But instead we get flooded with stories of how European production can't compete anymore... as if wages, energy, raw materials hasn't been more expensive in Europe since basically forever. Really sad how our industry decayed nearly a century ago... oh, wait. It didn't because there is an actual global market for high quality production with high standards.

The only actual difference is that China is actually producing stuff on scale while European companies spend decades on rejecting any innovation because lobbying politicians was cheaper and brought more short-term gains for shareholders and CEOs.

And they do exactly the same thing now. Sure, protect them from competition for another few years so they can keep worshipping the allmighty diesel. If we are at let's scrap all environmental goals because they are obviously not doable with an industry refusing to even try. Then that industry will be soon dead indeed and rightfully so as they decided -totally voluntarily- to die off.

[–] Ooops 7 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

ARM is shit at hardware discovery in general. So no, chromebooks don't need a special distro. They however need a kernel adapted to the specific hardware, often down to the model (that's also the reason Android updates take so long on phones and there is very time limited support... there's always someone needed to adapt new updates to the specific hardware for each device, so they don't bother for anything but their latest products).

[–] Ooops 42 points 1 month ago (5 children)

So what humans have done for millenia in the form of furs, leather and bone?

[–] Ooops 11 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Yeah... another piece for the 24/7 stream of propaganda...

Actual reality: 59% answered in a survey that they are not generally opposed to buying a chinese car.

But let's keep talking about those cheap chinese fairy tale vehicles flooding the market that in reality will barely be cheaper here, so we have a "reason" to waste more public money.

We really, really need to "protect" European car makers from having to innovate at all, so they can keep falling behind while maximizing dividends for shareholders. Just like they did so successfully for decades already.

[–] Ooops 29 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Bigotry is illogical

Yet this isn't even bigotry. It's straight out xenophobia and hatred. The sanctimonious bullshit is just a fig leaf...

[–] Ooops 7 points 1 month ago

Wenn er das für gemäßigt hält, habe ich Angst zu fragen was für Gauland als “extremistisch” zählt.

Gestatten... Alexander Gauland und einige seiner völlig normalen Äußerungen:

"Hitler und die Nazis sind nur ein Vogelschiss in über 1000 Jahren erfolgreicher deutscher Geschichte."

"Wir haben das Recht, stolz zu sein auf die Leistungen deutscher Soldaten in zwei Weltkriegen."

"Wir werden sie [gemeint war hier Angela Merkel, die er an anderer Stelle auch als "Kanzeler-Diktatorin" bezeichnete] jagen und wir werden uns unser Land und unser Volk zurückholen!"

[–] Ooops 3 points 1 month ago

They could just say ‘screw it’ and decide on their own to only build BEV.

And then they would go bankrupt pretty fast. EVs are more expensive and don't have a massive infrastructure to refuel them, build over decades (also still heavily subsidised indirectly).

The company saying "screw it" today just cut their available market down to a fraction of its former size, down to the small amount of "we have money to spare anyway and already have our own home and garage to refuel"-people. The majority can't afford to buy a car for twice the price because it's better for the environment. And they don't even have a spot to park them other than on the side of the street (maybe some countries are better than others in that regard but here having to charge at the few publically available chargers doubles the cost compoared to just plugging it in over night at home).

So yes, the companies actually need guidelines. They are no startup that can produce a few EVs and then scale up over the next decade. They are full fledged businesses with massive production facilities and tens of thousands of workers. They indeed need to know when to reach 100% EV production as they are depending on gradually changing over production. We will kill our ICE production today and only produce EVs isn't an option when 80% of the people either can't afford one or have no valid charging option yet.

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