joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 9 minutes ago

If you find out what happened, let me know, because I think it's happening to me too.

[–] 2 points 11 minutes ago

I had a professor in college that said when an AI problem is solved, it is no longer AI.

Computers do all sorts of things today that 30 years ago were the stuff of science fiction. Back then many of those things were considered to be in the realm of AI. Now they're just tools we use without thinking about them.

I'm sitting here using gesture typing on my phone to enter these words. The computer is analyzing my motions and predicting what words I want to type based on a statistical likelihood of what comes next from the group of possible words that my gesture could be. This would have been the realm of AI once, but now it's just the keyboard app on my phone.

[–] 3 points 3 hours ago

Or you could launch him into the sun and burn him up like the trash he is but that would be more expensive

Make him pay for it

[–] 5 points 3 hours ago

Some of the longer lines in Disney World have bathrooms along the line.

[–] 6 points 3 hours ago

I think of it this way:

Imagine Hitler coming to power in Germany and preparing to conquer the world, only instead of starting with a crippled country struggling to survive, he's got the largest military in the world with as much military spending as the next nine countries combined.

[–] 9 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Except, the scum who are doing this will still do it because they won't pay the cost.

[–] 29 points 4 hours ago

Many, many years ago, the hospital where I work had a medical transcription company to transcribe dictated radiology results.

At the time, users would access the server via DEC terminals or a terminal application on their computer.

One radiologist set up a script in the terminal application to sign off all his reports with one click. Another radiologist liked it so the first let the second copy it.

Later, the second radiologist opened a ticket with IT because all his reports were being signed by the first radiologist. Yeah, because he didn't update the script to change the username and password being used to sign the reports.

That's an amusing anecdote, but the terror comes from the fact that NEITHER RADIOLOGIST WAS READING THEIR REPORTS. BEFORE SIGNING THEM.

The reason they are supposed to sign the report is to confirm that they reviewed the work of the transcriptionist and verified that the report was correct.

No matter what the tool is, doctors will assume the results are correct and sign off on them without checking.

[–] 5 points 5 hours ago

The rally wasn't for NY.

[–] 7 points 7 hours ago (2 children)

It feels like he's given up on winning the election and is hoping to win the civil war he wants to start.

[–] 20 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Then the cops should be arrested.

In my state, if someone is interfering with a poll worker, the police are required to arrest them when called on to do so. If the police don't, then they are subject to arrest themselves.

[–] 17 points 1 day ago (1 children)

It's not a stupid law. It exists to protect voters from intimidation.

If the law makes no provision for enforcement, then that is certainly stupid.

As I understand it, in my state not only is it illegal to interfere with a poll worker, it's also illegal for the police to not make an arrest when the poll worker demands it under the law.


I have no idea what a kangaroo has to do with my employer, but they brought in a baby kangaroo for an event, so I waited in line to hold it.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by to c/

We got Rose's test results back on Friday, and she's all better, so Rose and Daisy can be together again!

Edit: this is what things were like every day while they were separated:


We had to take Rose to the vet on Friday because she stopped eating hay and started having diarrhea.

Diagnosis: intestinal parasite and gas in her stomach.

She's on antiparasitic meds, antibiotics to prevent secondary infection, and a nutritional supplement to replace the hay she isn't eating.

She takes the tiny doses of the meds ok, but she's not a fan of the supplement.

We had a lot of trouble until we figured out how to get her burrito towel wrapped correctly.

She's starting to do better. More normal poops, started nibbling hay, and she stopped fighting the supplement.

Daisy and Rose are inconsolable because we had to separate them until Rose is all better.

The gateway between the pens is closed now and they keep pulling on it like they're trying to pull it open.

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