
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 week ago (4 children)

I can clarify some of the tech stuff.

A "disk" is a concept. It's an object which contains data.

"Hard" disks and "floppy" disks are always referring to the rigidity of the internal storage media. 7", 5.25", and 3.5" floppy disks have the same round magnetic storage material. The only difference with a 3.5" floppy disk is that they put a hard case over the floppy disk.

CD, DVD, Blu-ray, etc are both disks and discs, as their typically handled without a caddy/case. So technically both apply.

SSDs are still disks, just solid state, rather than floppy/hard spinning magnetic media.

Technically flash drives are also solid state disks, but we don't generally conflate the two terms for clarity.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

I would 100% do something like this.

I don't have enough money to buy the land to make it happen.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

I assume you have a doctorate in veterinary care on which you've based this statement?

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Somehow that doesn't surprise me in the least.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

$20 CAD each (ish) and they come with the heater?

That's actually pretty good for pricing. The ration heaters are not cheap.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Most MREs that I've looked at are a bit more elaborate than your average canned product.

But the idea is the same, yes. It's more interesting than your typical canned meal, and it's more expensive, but the quality of the food, if you can call it that, is not dissimilar.

MREs usually are a more "complete" meal with a variety of components, while canned meals are just a volume of a single component.

For me it's mainly that it adds variety.

And sure, there's MREs that are like, stew, or soup, that you would probably be better off just grabbing a can of ready to eat Campbell's or something.... But there's way interesting options than that too.

I once saw a "taco" MRE. It was little more than some "beef" (that you had to heat up) and "cheese" and some other fairly sad toppings on a small tortilla... But I would still take that over a can of chunky beef soup any day.

The nice thing is that MREs are shelf stable for a really long time, so you can get a box of them and shove them in your trunk, or into a desk drawer and then you don't have to worry about lunch for a month. Longer if you occasionally go out for lunch with coworkers to local food places near your workplace.

Presently, I don't work in an office (my job is 100% work from home), so I don't really need it. I can get the same variety from a frozen meal, which is arguably easier, and it's definitely cheaper than MREs.

I also have considered buying a few boxes as emergency food and throwing them in the trunk of my car. I live in Canada, and getting stranded in a blizzard isn't impossible. I have access to my trunk from the cabin of my car, so I shouldn't need to get out to get them and I could stay nourished while waiting for rescue. MREs are supposed to be paired with heating/cooking packs, which would help the car warm up when I'm having one, and with a decently sized container of drinking water, I could wait weeks for rescue, as long as I have adequate protection from the elements (jackets, blankets, etc), and some way to dispose of my bodily waste without contaminating my "living" area. I almost always travel with a radio (I'm a certified amateur operator, aka, ham radio), and a battery bank for my cellphone.

For a couple hundred dollars (maybe? Maybe more? IDK what the prices are for MREs right now), myself and a passenger could survive for a while being stranded in the white wasteland of Canada, without really having to do anything.... Just waiting for rescue.

With global warming, last year we barely got snow where I am, and I don't travel much, so the whole thing is on the back burner at best. The idea was to have it, and if I don't need it, a few months before everything expires, the MREs become my lunch, and I buy a fresh box for my vehicle.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

Yep. It happens a lot. Most of the time it's benign, fairly neutral websites.

As the other commenter mentioned, is another example.

I don't have a problem with people using TLDs for other countries or anything, my curiosity is whether Mali cares that it's essentially a site glorifying Marxism–Leninism owned and operated by people who don't live there, and apart from their glorified ideologies sharing an innitialism with the country code, the two don't necessarily have any overlap....

Just seems like a PR problem if people take to using your country code TLD to spread propaganda that you disagree with, because your country will be regularly mentioned when discussing the site.

I don't think anyone here will conflate with the people, beliefs or properties of the people of Mali, but all it takes is for one extremist tied to that site, to do something horrible, have a spotlight shined on, and one over-enthusiastic journalist to mention that .ml is the country specific domain for Mali, and all of a sudden, otherwise ignorant common folk are associating acts of terrorism and violence with your country.

The government of Mali and specifically the department that runs the TLD, has the power to revoke their domain registration... I'm just saying.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I'm not a monster.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Thanks for this. I like to be able to hop into games and save/quit at will. I have five minutes to play, I load the game, play for 4 minutes, save, quit, move on to whatever I have to get done next.

Works for single player stuff mostly, anything event/match based (TF2/CS2/fortnite/whatever) this doesn't work super good unless the match timer is less than the time I have free.

There's a good number of games that I have to intentionally make time to play, because I'm not waiting through 3-4 minutes of bullshit to play for 10 minutes. It's just not going to happen.

So by eliminating the title screen/splash screen garbage, I might be able to have a quick session of game between tasks.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago

Also, the TSA (or other country equivalent) is usually at the boundary between public areas and the boarding/departure area, each plane has airline employees making sure that each passenger that boards the plane has a valid ticket for the flight.

The TSA has little to do with what plane you actually board.

[–] 10 points 1 week ago (7 children)

I've seriously considered buying MREs because I can't be bothered to meal prep.

[–] 17 points 1 week ago (8 children)

So, I blocked the instance about a week ago, I don't feel like I'm missing anything.

I only wonder how the people/government of Mali feel about them using their country's top-level domain for.... Whatever it is they're using it for.

I dunno enough about Mali to really say, but I'm pretty sure that has nothing to do with that country... For them the ML means.... Something else entirely.

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