
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Play Deep Rock Galactic. If you want a Halloween hat from 4 years ago. This Halloween will have new hats, and all the previous hats. All the gear is like that.

Rock and Stone!!!!

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

No, I’ll be honest, I’m not a huge fan of ummmm Macs? Are all Apple computers Macs? I genuinely don’t know. I have used them, and they’re ok. But, for the same amount of money I can make a better PC. Since I’m a poor lad I was able to buy my pc one piece at a time.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (3 children)

I know right. I’ve been really thinking about going Samsung for my next phone. Honestly, I hate this iPhone so much.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (5 children)

Apple has gotten terrible. If i don’t proofread it will change words to what it thinks they should be without prompting me. Also, editing sentences on iOS sucks. They changed that too. That way after they fuck up my sentence it’s also way harder to go back and fix it.

I just finished my first play through. My friend hosted and I joined. He wanted to go “good” on tactician difficulty. So, we did. It took us 25 days. We got a lot of the more difficult achievements out of the way.

Next time I’m hosting and we’re doing an evil play through. Larian killed it. One of my better purchases this year.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I’ve been doing a lot of catch and release lately. I have a freezer full of bass, catfish, and panfish. I’m lucky that I live close to river with no restrictions on how much you can eat due to pollution. So, I save up and invite this couple over that I’m friends with and do a big fish fry every so often. Food has gotten so expensive that fishing really helped this past year.

Though I will say. The older I’ve gotten the harder it is to kill fish. I find myself throwing back a lot of fish that I would have kept on the past.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (3 children)

I live in the south and it’s fairly warm year round. We get like 3 months of kinda cold weather and that’s it. Summers are BRUTAL though.

Anyway, I got off methadone treatment almost 2 years ago, and have been in a depression funk ever since. But, I found something to keep me going. I go “fishing”.

I get my tackle, my rods, and my bait, and pack it all in my backpack. I grab a machete, and my Kelly kettle (if it’s cold) along with food and water. I then hike through the woods to a fishing spot and sit there. I catch some fish and spend some time alone with my thoughts. My situation allows me to do this 2 to 3 times a week.

Honestly, I don’t even care if I catch anything. I just really like being alone. It’s been so nice now that it’s kind of cold. I boil some water in my Kelly kettle and make herbal tea while I’m fishing. It’s the best.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (3 children)

It helps to paint a more complete picture of the situation. The color of the man’s skin says nothing more than the color of his skin. However, now I know that the man that came to him is black. Since people generally don’t mention the color of someone’s skin if they are the same color. I also can assume that OP is not black.

I was a very successful manager for a retail company at one point. I was so successful that I was flown to the company headquarters with a few other managers from all over the US for 2 weeks. I got a free hotel room, and per diem money. All I had to do was go to a couple of classes everyday.

The one class that has always stuck in my mind was a race relations class. The teacher was a very tall thin black man, and he started by calling on students and asking “what is one way that you and I are different?”.

This line of questioning went on for 7 or 8 students. He got answers like “You’re bald, and I have hair”, and “you wear glasses, and I don’t”. Finally someone said “you’re black and I’m white”. The teacher goes “AHHH HAAA! Finally! Now, why is that so hard to say? It shouldn’t be. After all I am black and you are white. We are different in this way, and as long as that difference isn’t being said as a negative then there isn’t a problem with it”.

Also, as someone who grew up in a city where the population majority is black, and currently lives in a city that is majority black. People have to make that distinction all the time, and it goes both ways.

TLDR it’s ok to describe someone using their skin color as long as it’s not being used to disparage someone. While I understand the context of where we are. I don’t find anything about OP’s post racist.

[–] 0 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Look, if the mercury eats your gold it’s no biggie. All you have to do is hit the amalgam with a blow torch. It’s hot enough to vaporize the mercury, but not the gold. Besides, a little mercury vapor never hurt anyone.

I feel the need to say this because some people may not know this. The above statement is true except mercury vapor being harmless. Mercury vapor does hurt people. Just listen to the S-Town podcast. It literally makes you insane.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

This reminds me of that old story. One, I have tried to live by.

There was an old man with a huge watermelon patch. Every day a group of kids would come over and steal a single watermelon. The old man was furious about the kids stealing his watermelons and devised a plan. He went out and posted a sign in his patch that said “One of these watermelons is poison. KEEP OUT!”

So, a day goes by, and no stolen watermelon. A week goes by no missing watermelons. The old man is just so pleased with himself and his success. But, then he wakes up after about a week and a half and goes to pick some watermelons, and notices that someone has put a smaller sign next to his. He walks over and the smaller sign simply says “Now there’s two”.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Hell, for that matter. I was going to let him borrow it. But my wife vetoed the idea. She was like “you aren’t giving away our copy of metamorphosis.

[–] 0 points 9 months ago (3 children)

Alas, I was late to the game. I got my copy, and only 2 or 3 weeks later I went to order a copy for a friend, and it was out of stock. Haven’t checked back since.


I wish I’d grabbed a photo when I saw this but I thought it might be bad so I threw it away. Hindsight maybe that also wasn’t the best course of action but here’s my story.

Since there are a few ways to make flash cotton. I’ll give the basic ingredients I used but not the instructions. I used ammonia nitrate, sulphuric acid, and 100% cotton balls. I have nitric acid but it’s a pain in the ass to get, and expensive. So, I didn’t want to use it.

Anyway, I made this flash cotton like 3 years ago. I stuffed it all into a glass jar with a metal lid. I mean let’s face it. After you set a couple of pieces on fire, and show your 2 friends. What else can you do with it?

So, I stuffed it all into a glass jar with a metal lid, and forgot about it. Occasionally I’d see it in the kitchen drawer when I was looking for something and think yep there’s that flash cotton I made. I should burn it sometime.

Fast forward to the other day roughly 3 years from when I made it. I was looking for catfish skinning pliers when I found the jar. Only now that metal lid was half dissolved. The cotton was also gone. In its place was a yellow sludge that was growing little yellow crystals.

My initial thought was “hmmmmmmm that don’t look so good. Into the trash with you”. But now I’m curious what the hell happened? Also, maybe the trash wasn’t the best place for that?

I guess I’m just looking for insight.


Like can I just jump in my boat and go? Do I have to alert any authority about my trip? What are the chances the coast guard boards my boat to search it? How do you find a marina in Mexico? Do I have to alert the Mexican government of my trip? I assume I need a passport.

This is to settle a very polite heated discussion between my partner and I. Where neither of us know what we’re talking about.

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