
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Novelty blankets?

I've heard of people who made chainmail blankets not as a novelty but as essentially a weighted blanket for when it's warm. I don't know how well it would work in practice because I'd imagine it'd pinch hairs all over you body pretty often but it still seemed like a pretty neat idea.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

I think they're more taking issue with that some dictionaries have seen the figurative use of the word and added figurative as a definition for the word.

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Lol I think you meant $15/hr not $15/yr

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Where I'm at, the price for the boxes are minimum $8 or $9, most of the combos are $11-$15 before tax, and they change their menu so often that I can't be bothered going there. 3 years ago the prices were a lot closer to what you're seeing.

I used to go there pretty often, but with the prices going up particularly in the last few years and with the additional inconvenience of having to learn what their new gimmick of the week item is and what box or combo items they've removed to make space for it, I just can't be bothered. Also because eventually I realized that there's a local Mexican restaurant that sells bigger, better burritos for cheaper in a gas station closer to my work than Taco Bell is. Only downside is them not having a drive through.

[–] 10 points 1 month ago

But 6002 isn't more than half of 14000. The original line implies he wants something around 14000-16000 ish, but the meme changes that to mean he wants almost exactly 12002.

[–] 19 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Tbh I also completely missed it. This post was the first I heard about it. How long was it going on?

[–] 4 points 2 months ago

I was part of a campaign that was running for a few years that unfortunately ended abruptly before I could ever naturally reveal the several puns and references I packed into my character from the outset. The set up for the ones I remember are my character was a large, friendly paladin whose highest stat was in Charisma, who largely wanted a group of friends and his highest goal was to be called their pal, who wanted to be called by his last name by his friends, who was half angelic/celestial (can't remember the name of the race), who had dark skin, a large muscular frame, bald head, and short facial hair, whose starting gift was his blessed chainmail, and whose name was Cronwier Aderb.

The references that I remember are that he was designed in the image of a meme with Terry Crews photoshopped as a paladin (stats also reflected this meme), his blessed chainmail was his Hole-y Armor, I remember there being something about his name reflecting a crown but I can't remember the pun or reference, and lastly he wanted his friends to say "this is our pal, Aderb." That last one I remember I specifically came up with after the DM asked if my character was going to be "like your dark souls character, another paladerp?"

[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Apparently "W" was originally written as "uu" as early as ~600AD, hence the name, however it still used Latin/Roman letters which hadn't yet distinguished between u and v as letters. For at least 700 years, u and v appear to have been considered the same and interchangeable (so "Double U " could look like "uu" or "vv") but it depends on your language whether it was verbally called a "U" or a "V" until the first recorded distinction between the two in a Gothic era alphabet written in 1386. The two apparently did still see some overlap in use until about the 1700s with the turning point appearing to be when the distinction between their capital forms was accepted by the French Academy in 1726.

tl;dr: "Double U" predates the distinction between "U" and "V" so it's up to chance which letter a language called it before it stuck.

[–] 0 points 7 months ago (1 children)

The Chicago area has more people of Polish descent than Poland.