
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 3 hours ago
[–] 2 points 9 hours ago

Yes you have a point with that but it really does help reduce friction and sensitivity in the area. I think I'd still wear one if I was more on the flat chested end just because of that reason. Everyone is different

[–] 47 points 18 hours ago (3 children)

Yes yes that's exactly it. You see nipples are sensitive and boobs tend to jiggle and sway around when one moves, it can get very uncomfortable. So a bra reduces friction and accidental brushing against objects and clothing, helps support the weight and yes also helps shape the bosom. All that.

The original purpose of the bra was to let women move freely without fearing their breasts might pop out of their dresses iirc. But I think women used to wrap their chests with a tight cloth if they had to heavy physical work before bras as we know them today. Take this with a grain of salt, I didn't fact check any.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

I know palmetto bugs are cockroaches and I believe they may have shortened your lifespan but they aren't the flying types, right?

[–] 11 points 2 days ago

I'm a 1, a woman if this weighs in your data collection, and the answer is, sometimes but not too often. It really depends on the mood.

It's the same with movies really, I can fantasize about a million stories in my mind, heck I can be the protagonist but I still enjoy being unable to predict what's going to happen even on just purely a visual level, not that porn has very intricate plots.

What puts me off most of the time is having to go through the search. I'm very picky and having to see the "wrong" type of content in order to find the "right" can really put me off or sometimes bore me.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I downloaded 27.1 some hours ago and most videos play now. But I still get a lot of crashes. The newpipe team is already on it though

[–] 15 points 3 days ago

I hope to see my own financial stability in the future. I hope things change for the better and there are lots and lots of job openings for people, no more recessions.

[–] 3 points 3 days ago

Eh not that it's crystal clear to me but the winner actually looks much more realistic in terms of what's achievable for real humans than the runner ups. I think there is some sort of merit in the clout category, all participants already have a media presence which for better or worse means they drive some engagement. I'm not saying it has virtue though.

I take it as a silly competition. A just because you can thing.

[–] 18 points 3 days ago

It's impossible to sterilize your mouth without causing some kind of damage to yourself. There will always be some organisms left behind somewhere in between your tongue papillae, or under your gums, on your tonsils or the back of your throat, and yes they will multiply very quickly.

[–] 5 points 3 days ago

It's really good, very lean meat, slightly sweet and not too gamey. It's very expensive here in NSW at least, I've had better luck with prices in Victoria but haven't been there in ages so not sure of how it's priced in comparison to other meats atm.

[–] 18 points 3 days ago

This is too true and I wish my parents raised me under this motto :(

[–] 25 points 3 days ago

Worry more about your job than your grades. Create a stable source of income, your degree can wait especially if it's not a traditionally stable profession (medicine, accountant, lawyer, etc).

Exercise and maintain your strength and flexibility. This is super important, more so than the job. Staying healthy early on will save you a lot of money in doctors appointments by the time you hit your late 20s.


I'm not too tech savy. I've searched online and found two methods that use Google Play or my Google Account, but for the life of me I can't find the settings I'm supposed to find. And also, wouldn't this information just be stored on my device? Why do I need to ask Google about my phone ?

Another method is using an IMEI code, which I've found on my phone but the website I've tried said they have no information about me. I could try again on a different website but this feels dodgy to me. Maybe I'm wrong.

So, is there a simple way to access this information? Thanks.


Not that it personally affects me- I'm not in USA and it's one of the platforms I dislike the most. But I can't find a concise explanation for why.

I've searched for news articles and those I found either don't address the reason behind the ban and talk about US politics, or are vague about it, saying it would collect user sensitive data.

I've also found lists of countries banning TikTok from government devices, okay I understand that, and some countries banning it completely because of cultural sensitivities, which I doubt is US' case.

Fair enough. What kind of user sensitive data would it be collecting? Isn't this what most social media apps do already? What makes TikTok stand out in this regard?


I'm curious about the audience demographics of these videos.

I see these random videos with thousands and sometimes millions of views recommended on the trending section. These people are not famous stars of anything other than just being a regular family that decided to share their daily life on YouTube.

Sometimes they are very wealthy and I understand seeing snippets of the lavish lifestyle could be interesting to others. But most of the time these are average/medium-high income families. No mansion, no Bugatti.

Many of the trending videos have a reaction as bait ( ie. "Telling my partner I'm pregnant" etc) but when skimming through these channels most of their content is mundane stuff: "our breakfast routine", "last Friday at the park", " weekly update", etc.

What's so appealing about this? I couldn't care less but their following obviously says a lot of people do. Who watches this and why? I don't know anyone in my circles following this type of content, do you? Why would millions of people follow some random stranger online?


As the title says. I go for a 20 minute walk and when I stop moving, I'm not feeling tired or even agitated at all, yet my legs feel like they're pulsating in different areas, always near the skin. It's not synchronised with my heartbeat. It stops after a few minutes.

Chat GPT says these are just muscle twitches caused by dehydration or lack of electrolytes. I'm not convinced. Why does it feel almost on the skin and not deeper in the muscles? Why do I feel it after a 20 minute walk that doesn't make me sweat but I don't feel it after a 40 minute leg focused workout???? Wouldn't that be more strenuous on the legs?? Does this thing even have a name?



For example, buildings and houses more than a hundred years old keep getting more and more rare, and often have an aesthetic that stands out, more ornate or with a particular style that most people can't afford today or that is not financially convenient etc. But back in the day, that's how things were built and most people didn't put much thought into it.

Another example, illustrations for advertisements ( either billboards or magazines). Up until the 60s (declining from the 70s onwards) a lot of ads had hand drawn illustrations, which required a lot of skill and talent to make. Yet people took them for granted, it was the standard quality of illustration for ads.

So the question is, are we currently mass producing something that will be seen in a similar light in a couple of generations? Thoughts?


I'm starting to notice my hair is thinning a bit. Nothing drastic. Just natural aging. No, nothing unusual came up when I got my blood tests, my doctor didn't find anything wrong with me.

I'm just asking to see if any of you had good luck with any products. I know grafting is an option, and I also know that there are hair clinics which are very expensive etc. but I'm after an "at home" method.

Is there a product you would recommend?


Well I'm craving something in this genre but I'm a bit overwhelmed and underwhelmed at the same time. So many titles and yet I'm not sure what to read. Maybe you can help?

I'm looking for something in a high fantasy setting. I'm not too keen on heavy politics and war driven plots (though, I can read that ). What really gets me is interesting characters, good action and magical creatures.

I've loved anything Discworld and I've also enjoyed the First Law books by Abercrombie.

I'm finding that Tolkien, Sanderson and George RR Martin appear on every fantasy list I come across, so if you do recommend something I'd appreciate it be something other than that.


I keep seeing it on my random feed suggestions and this is using NewPipe, so it has nothing to do with my actual YouTube activity (I think. Nothing there is stuff I'm interested in, with very few exceptions). So I've ignored it first, then I watched like two and was super confused. Wtf. These videos have millions of views and I don't even understand the name or what's the appeal.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by to c/

Ahoy! I know this has been asked a lot already, I've been following up and doing some research online but I'm still confused. Sorry.

1-I'm not exactly tech savvy. (Ok. I'm thick as a brick) 2-I'm a very casual BitTorrent user. I'll go months without torrenting.

3-I do stream more frequently.

4-I travel often, meaning I don't often have admin access to the networks I connect to

I currently have Nord. I heard it's no longer as trusted as it used to, and since my subscription is ending I'm wondering if I should jump ship.

I read I should be using Port Forwarding, and I get the concept of it somewhat but I'm still not sure if I need it (considering my casual torrent use, so far... I've been ok?), and also, I have no idea how to set that up. (would #4 be a problem?).

Now, VPN: Mullvad, AirVPN, and Proton seem to be the most reliable ones. Is that right?

Air has good pricing atm, and port forwarding. I heard it's not too user friendly though? (#1)

Mullvad seems to have a solid rep. but no port forwarding (It used to? Their website doesn't say much unless I create an account?)

Proton: has PF, seems good too

Or should I just stick with Nord?

TLDR which VPN should I go for considering 1,2,3,4, and should I consider port forwarding in my decision?



TLDR: Can you recommend an addon/plugin that helps with FBX issues upon import and export? I found only which is a bit expensive for me, no guarantee it will work either.

Option 2: can you recommend a plugin or addon that recalculates the normals more effectively or that could somehow help with this? Or perhaps you know a workaround?

I've used Maya, Zbrush and other 3D software for roughly 5 years but I've only started learning Blender for about a month. So I'm not exactly sure which are the best resources or where to find them. From some basic researching, I see it's common for Blender to mess up FBX imports and exports. Because of that, I'm surprised I can't find more addons for these situations. I guess I could try importing and exporting an OBJ from Zbrush but this wouldn't be the ideal workflow.

I've followed this tutorial to the letter and even downloaded the same model used, , however, after setting up the shader, I found ugly seams when applying the normal map. I already tried selecting the model in edit mode and recalculating normals, setting normals from faces, averaging, flipping, etc. and no good results. I also tried marking all edges soft, no luck. I've selected the correct UV set as you can see in the shader.

I see the same problem in 3.5 and 3.6.


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