Incredible paintjob. Thank you for sharing. Where is the mini from?
Silksong confirmed.
These scores a killing me
These infografics are really cool. Thank you for sharing
Dafür hab ich mich zu wenig mit BSW auseinander gesetzt. Aber ja dieser Punkt scheint Ihnen besonders wichtig zu sein.
Vermutlich weil es auch andere Themen gibt in denen die Partei gut zu den Einstellungen des Freundes passt.
Wenn ich pro politisches Problem eine neue Partei wählen könnte wäre das ganze ja sehr viel einfacher.
Yeah people don't like apple here, but there is nothing wrong with the article. Apple does develop towards a broader support for games.
Really liked the game. A simple idea but incredible execution. Also love how the game is essentially the free trial for more stories told in this way
- Ein geeignetes Fahndungsfoto falls mal alles schief läuft.
There are also a lot of high quality games coming out from Japanese devs. Something about the culture and pc games has changed am I'm happy for it.
I loved Subnauticas Time capsules, but there hardly a permanent mechanic, and more of a single time experience per playtrough.
Thank you. I'm still in awe of the blue-green color transitions. Great color composition