Du meinst Kebab ist keine?
Ich hätte es witzig gefunden hätten sie mur die Chrisstollen gehabt. Die Bananen sind mir auch zu ~~boomer~~Explodierer
Ich glaube das Zitat gänht mit Sie! Sie! An
Unless you really want to ;D
Solange der Tüv das abnickt
Sounds like the time Walmart tried to get a foothold in germany. Their american way of treating workers, but especially their way of treating customers (greeters at the door) crashed and burned hard here.
Yes! Back from Voyager again
What you don't talk like some PR person all the time? We at MaggiWuerze always try our best to write the most thought out and well prosed comments, offering the highest quality in written commentary on the market.
Also Grenzen zu Ungarn schließen.
Vergiss nicht Flüssigkeiten köstlicher Würze